Sunday, August 25, 2013

WTB: Yellowcake Uranium Ore For Iran

The New York Times has posted a criminal complaint that was filed yesterday in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida against Patrick Campbell, a citizen of Sierra Leone who is accused of engaging with a buyer in the United States to send 1,000 tons of yellowcake uranium to Iran. Campbell was arrested on arrival at JFK airport, en route to meet his buyer in Miami.

Read it here: Criminal Complaint Against Patrick Campbell.

I'm astonished that this story has gotten no interest so far from the Washington DC media. At least, as of mid-afternoon on August 23, it hasn't been reported in the WaPo or any other newspaper that I checked. Are they too preoccupied with Syria and Egypt to notice an arrest involving nuclear weapon precursor material and Iran?

Or maybe they don't think this Patrick Campbell fellow is all that impressive as an International Man of Mystery. Consider these gems from the criminal complaint:

  • Campbell was dealing with an undercover U.S. law enforcement agent - of course - when he offered to sell uranium ore to Iran. 

  • Campbell apparently hasn't followed the news about Edward Snowden, NSA, and all that, because he responded to a solicitation on the internet seeking a seller of yellowcake uranium ore, and he used telephones and Skype to negotiate with the buyer. 

  • Campbell agreed to come to the United States to pitch the deal to the buyer, and even to bring samples of Uranium 308 with him. My favorite part of the compliant is in paragraph 28, where the undercover agent insisted "it was up to Campbell to prove that this was not a scam" by flying over to the U.S. with his criminal wares. I mean, really, who falls for that? 

Campbell even brought his sales pitch with him. On PowerPoint slides, naturally, loaded on a thumb drive. That, and the Skype conversations, will make wonderful exhibits for the prosecution. The Skype convos must have been priceless.

"Yeah, I know this is illegal ... no problem, I'll disguise the yellowcake as chomite ... believe me, I can get anything out of the port of Sierra Leone using my mineral export company ... hey, I've done this kind of deal before with China and Ecuador ... of course I'm for real - I'll come over there right now and prove it to you!" 

He faces up to 20 years in prison, which might be long enough to get over the embarrassment of such amateurishness.


Anonymous said...

Funny post TSB: I think WAPO is afraid the Cheney's will come out of their cage screaming at the mention of the word 'plame-yellowcake'. Also they are now owned by some tycoon so it pays to be careful.


TSB said...

You know, I wondered whether post-Bezos regime change at the WaPo might lead to a change of editorial focus. Probably not in this case, but, something will change somewhere.

James said...

These characters don't seem to have much fear of our enforcement deterrent do they! And yes, it does shed a light on the Plame affair that would be inconvenient to many people.

Anonymous said...

TSB: Obama tells Kerry: "You were military; GO TAKE THAT HILL!" (the moral high ground in Syria)

The Hill responds: "Don't forget us. We want to be relevant too after Labor Day!" gwb

James said...

GWB: There are few things in the world that get me mad in a heart beat. Just saying the word Kerry gets the job done wonderfully. To see him lecturing on morality is one of those truly "if I lived to a hundred" moments.

Anonymous said...

TSB: I've been seeing some say this Syria move is brilliant and others say it is bone-headed. (I'm inclined to that view.) But when I saw Samantha Power returning from her travels with 'no comment' and then saw this it all came together! gwb
By Pepe Escobar

The ''responsibility to protect'' (R2P) doctrine invoked to legitimize the 2011 war on Libya has just transmogrified into ''responsibility to attack'' (R2A) Syria. Just because the Obama administration says so.

Anonymous said...

James: I notice the NYT website has been down for many hours. How can we launch a moral crusade without them?

TSB said...

James / GWB: Kerry referred to a universal doctrine of morality as the cause for attacking Syria. (I'm not sure where that doctrine is written down.) Evidently it can tolerate the killing of around 100,000 people in Syria through civil war, but it gets triggered by any use of chemical weapons.

Powers is all about the "responsibility to protect." But that is applied only very spottily (never to any atrocity happening in the Western Hemisphere, for example). It really seems like an excuse for neo-colonialism - a new name for the French mission civillisatrice or the English White Man's Burden.

More and more, I appreciate the old - and written down - doctrine of Just War (Augustine, Aquinas, and some others): war must be the last resort, must occur for a good and just purpose, must have serious prospect for success, must not cause greater evil than the evil it is meant to eliminate, and so on. It's hard to improve on that as a doctrine. The ancient Roman and Christian philosophers were really, well, wise. If we could check all those boxes over Syria, then I'd fire the missiles myself.

Anonymous said...

TSB: I've been reading my 1st book by Max Boot: Invisible Armies It is a history of all insurgencies ever. His purpose: to show how common they are and why they succeed or fail.
One of the best examples was the one in Jamestown (3/22/1622). After 'peace talks' where Capt. Smith killed the leaders with poisoned wine. The Directors called this 'perpetual war without peace or truce'.. sort of like what we have now but it went on 300 yrs. great book! gwb

Anonymous said...

James: Could you give us your reaction to Kerry's speech today? I couldn't make heads or tails of it.

Then Obama gave a speech to 'BALTIC LEADERS' ?? no cameras allowed. Was that in Baltimore? gwb lol

TSB said...

GWB: According to the White House schedule for today, Obama met with Baltic leaders (of Estonia and Lithuania) in the Oval Ofice. I don't know why they were visiting - some conference, I assume - but a White House drop-in would be obligatory.

James: My take on Kerry's speech is that it was the White House putting some distance between Obama and the action he plans to take in Syria, whatever that will be.

Kerry seems to be actually passionate about this, and he keeps citing universal principles instead of U.S. interests as the cause for a punitive raid. The only U.S. interest I can see is that we now have to bomb somebody in order to keep Obama from looking ridiculous. As the big-shot movie producer in The Godfather said, "a man in my position can not afford to look ridiculous!"

Anonymous said...

Thank you TSB. That 'universal doctrine of morality' is called the 'Obama Doctrine'. (I saw that on the internet.)
I didn't know before now that 60 yrs ago when the French had all of Vietnam 60% of their casualties were from road mines. Then they came up with this genius idea to lure the Viet Minh into attacking them in Dien
Bien Phu.. a flat open valley. It worked! Sounds a lot like Afghanistan doesn't it? The proud survivors moved on to Algeria and Benghazi? and Suez? gwb

James said...

"As if by magic, and to make the outcome even better in key respects, the French have popp'd up saying that THEY will stick by Obama on this one. If we needed any proof that the whole planned military intervention against Assad was more about showing-off than substance, this is it."
H/T Charles Crawford
I think Kerry is one of those special fools and his speech backs it up. He wants so badly to be remembered as that man of universal values who really really means it. He comes off tinny self serving and vacuous, but he is a perfect instrument for his master.
Honestly guys this whole thing is so bizarre in so many ways I'm just not my scintillating self. If O involved there has to be a grubby unseemly side to it all, I just haven't stumbled on it.
Gwb: The Grey Lady down, but the nation survives.

Anonymous said...


James said...

"WHY?? IS BCOS THEY ARE SUPERIOR OR WHAT." at least in grammar, coherent thought, and exposition, yes!

TSB said...


Thanks for your comment. (By the way, did you know your Caps Lock button is stuck down?)

I see your point about the law enforcement tactic that was employed here. U.S. agents went trolling for someone willing to conspire to violate U.S. law. They weren't really Iranians, so, yes, they were falsely advertizing.

That's a legitimate tactic in the U.S. legal system. Police here are allowed to lie to suspects and entrap people who are trying to commit crimes but haven't actually committed them yet. It's a preventative strategy. I realize that strategy is not common in other legal systems around the world.

The target of this Yellowcake investigation made a big mistake when he entered U.S. territory carrying U-308 samples with the clear intention to violate U.S. law. If he had stayed home, he'd still be free. Do you know the old expression "when in Rome, do as the Romans do?" It's still good advice.

Anonymous said...

TSB, James: My confidence in our President and elected representatives is restored. I can't wait for the great debate! This is a great opportunity for all members of congress to raise twice as much money for 2014. See you September 9th! Now,back to the golf course! gwb

TSB said...

Speaking of golf, Obama was on the course at Ft. Belvoir by 3PM today, according to the WH press pool. He didn't let this Syria business keep him in the office on a three-day weekend.

I see the French parliament might take a vote on Syria now, keeping up with the Anglo-Saxons. Democracy is on a roll!

Anonymous said...

TSB: It looks like Putin vs Puttin today and do we know what the Sec State will be wearing at the G-20 this year? gwb

TSB said...

GWB: Putin is In the driver's seat for so many things in the Mediterranean region now. He would make any Czar proud. I'm got to admit a sneaking respect for how he's been handling himself lately. He leads, and not from behind.

I don't know specifically what SecState Kerry will be wearing, but I am certain he will set the standard for G-20 haute couture, as is his custom.

Anonymous said...

TSB: I really enjoyed Nick Gillespie of ReasonTV in a 45 minute segment on C-span this morning regarding our 'war is the answer' mentality. One woman calling in said frantically: "But if we don't strike (Syria) how will we be safe?" gwb

TSB said...

GWB: It's sad but understandable. We've had a decade+ of multiple overseas wars, plus a domestic security state such as we haven't had since the 1910s, if ever. At this point, the common man thinks that we don't dare stop whacking down Arabs - Muslims - foreigners in general - whenever they pop up, or else they'll come at us with their nukes and chem-bio weapons.

It will take political leadership to stand the nation down to normal times again, if only we can find some politicians who reject the advantages of the security state.

Anonymous said...

TSB: The mid-career militarists have a lot of hubris and love to boast. Toward the lower end of this story is a long list of Colonels who may have egg on their resumes. gwb

Anonymous said...

TSB: Lindsey, John and 'Old Droopy Dog' seem to be leading the media blitz for the rush to war for the middle east. Wolf Blitzer really loves this stuff. He worked all weekend and drove the ratings thru the roof with breaking news and special reports. Nobody knows Scuds like Wolf! gwb

Anonymous said...

TSB: The 'anti-war' lobby is pretty slow getting out of the gate! Oh.. I forgot.. there is no anti-war lobby.

TSB said...

The pro- war lobby is beating the antis for now, but the public seems solidly opposed to helping the rebels (polls are 60 percent against bombing). There is real suspense about how this will end. A big problem for the administration is that it has no strategy or goals.

Anonymous said...

TSB: Who needs a strategy when you have the passion and diplomatique' of John and Tereza Kerry? (plus I think the goals and strategy are classified?) gwb

James said...

TSB: Yep! I want a roll call vote on this. I want everyone of these characters on record, especially the democrats.

Anonymous said...

TSB: The Presidente made it clear to the Swedes this morning that we are not reading your emails!! We are reading your leader's emails,texts, phone calls etc... but everybody does that. We are just better at it then most. (The Mexicans and Brazilians seem to have a problem with that.) gwb

Anonymous said...

TSB: Duncan (SC) asks Kerry 'were arms transferred from Libya to Syrian rebels?' Kerry outraged: "You want to talk about Benghazi and Fast and Furious. We are not here to talk about Benghazi." That sounds like an artful admission to me. gwb

Anonymous said...

TSB: Standing here on my 'moral mountain' I'm thinking about napalm.
Is it outlawed by intl norms?
Who manufactures it? (Dow)
Who do they sell it to?
Where was it used? Tokyo, Korea, Viet Nam, Damascua, Iraq, Germany.

I notice Kerry mentioned it once and nobody has mentioned it since. Maybe that's because we have used so much more of it than Assad. (I mean Hitler) It was a favorite of the French too! gwb

James said...

GWB: Whether in olive drab or striped pants, it's still Kerry and he's still a stiff, wooden, mendacious, pompous, arrogant, self regarding fool. But his "hair was perfect" aaawoooha!

Anonymous said...

TSB: Have you seen the vid of the Syrian rebels learning to use the sarin gas supplied them thru Turkey?

Right after all that evidence went public the US media launched the national obsession with Trayvon Martin... and now they seem to have forgotten about it. Also, DiFi says her emails are mostly against war "but they don't know what I know".
(whatever that means) gwb
Here is the video:

Anonymous said...

James: I was looking for Kerry as they showed the G-20rs arriving in all there finery but I don't think he was able to make it due to the beating he's been taking from everyone...especially you! Keep it up. gwb

Anonymous said...

TSB: Things must be unraveling fast. Acting President Biden is giving free tours of the situation
room plus his own collected wisdom of 40 years in the Senate. We could have a 'never mind' by the weekend. gwb

Anonymous said...


TSB: The Emir is at it again! gwb

Anonymous said...

James: Prediction: This weekend Obama gets all his supporters together for golf. That should make a 4some? Also, Joe Biden will go public predicting a Redskins win
but not go near a golf course. gwb

James said...

"This weekend Obama gets all his supporters together for golf" it would definitely be a "scramble".

James said...

GWB: Because of O's policies we will have war regardless if he bombs now or not. And I don't mean small low level conflicts. With all that's happened there many things now possible that I would have said no way only a few years ago. A taste: Iran may feel they can close Homuz straits now, with us stretched thin and with Russia's backing. Lebanon will officially disintegrate. Saudi's will nuke up. Oh there is so much happening.

TSB said...

James: It might be hard for POTUS to put together a foursome of supporters anymore. He's driving people away the more he talks about Syria.

Mother Jones and The Nation are both just ripping him a new one; they reflect what the hard-core Left is thinking, and that's his most loyal base. Black Congressmen are reporting 90% of constituents opposed to any strikes on Syria, so even his other loyal base might not vote for Obama this time.

Obama bet big on this Syria resolution, and if it fails he'll become a lame duck for the rest of his term.

Maybe Samantha Powers plays golf? But then, Obama never hangs out with girls.

TSB said...

GWB, James: On the subject of the G-20 and men's fashion, I see that SecState Kerry is in Lithuania this weekend, so Putin will miss the chance to admire Kerry's impeccable suits and French cuffs.

Anonymous said...

TSB,James: They are bringing in the spearhead of the Ivy League generals!
If they can just get this guy in front of a committee the humanitarian bombing can begin! gwb
(of course Holly will have to be there too!)

Anonymous said...

TSB: Obama has no chance for that war. His best chance now would be to announce a postponement of the 2014 elections until the nuclear threat from Syria is removed. You didn't know about the Syrian nukes?

First though he should replace Hagel with Lindsey Graham who said today: If we don't get this right, we could be nuked... Maybe even put 'old droopy dog' in to replace Dempsey. I would cap it all off with a bunch of big terror alerts for 9/11 and maybe kidnap Bibi or something. I'll keep working on this stuff but you see there is a lot more Obama could do. gwb

Anonymous said...

TSB, James: I really enjoy re- reading all these comments of ours. I'm expecting a call from Face The Nation any minute. gwb

Anonymous said...

James: Are you starting to feel a little empathy for Secy Kerry?

I'm starting to think Obama has been the reason state never has a strategy all along. Poor Kerry has been hung out to dry so many times lately nobody can keep track.