Saturday, November 9, 2019

Most Head Shakingly Bad Thing of the Week

Hilton Head McDonald’s served man sweet tea with a side of weed - Hilton Head Island Packet

He had hope for the sweet tea and kept thinking “maybe this will get better, maybe it’s just me,” as he fidgeted with his straw and poked around the inside of his cup ... Finally, when Brown realized he was “high as a kite,” he opened up the lid only to find something he wasn’t expecting: three bags of marijuana.

“I kept being like ‘I swear, there is weed in my sweet tea!’” he said. “The officer asked me why I drank it and I was like, ‘Well, I was thirsty!’”


Anonymous said...

Hey Skep I've been away for awhile. Everythings good, hope so with you too. This guy seems eminently practical.

TSB said...

Good to hear from you. All's well. Regarding that man with the weed-infused sweet tea, I have my doubts about how water-soluble cannabis is, really. There might be more to that story.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Skep and TSB!