Check out this tweet:
We’ve always known that the good people of the 422nd Air Base Group at RAF Croughton have been on our side. The mast at the base lit up tonight in Kawasaki green in support of #justice4harry. Thank you so much guys from the bottom of our hearts for that lovely touch.What is this? Have those (previously) evil Americans at RAF Croughton flashed a coded signal in the night straight from the covert heart of the U.S. military-intelligence complex to the supporters of Harry Dunn's family?
Uh, not so fast. That lovely touch is, in fact, just RAF Croughton's annual star lighting. It is done every December, and it is in support of nothing except raising “holiday cheer for the community and local village.”
Come on, man!© Just go to RAF Croughton's Facebook page if you want to know why that star is there:
#Pathfinders Light the Way!
The 422nd Communications Squadron Cable and Antenna Systems, “CABLE DAWGZ,” prepare the 250 ft tower at RAF Croughton for the upcoming 422 ABG official Star Lighting ceremony.
“The lighting happens annually to raise holiday cheer for the community and local village." said Tech. Sgt. Donnie Parsons, 422nd Communications Squadron noncommissioned officer in charge of cable and antenna systems.
TSB: Crucial Logs Missing From Some Michigan Dominion Voting Machines: Forensics Report ... Assistant Michigan Atty General Erik Grill refused to make the audit public saying: (essentially) We have been cheating like this for years and Michigan voters must like it because they keep re-electing us. We have the full backing of the DNC and the PLA. So shut up, sit down and put your mask back on and take your vaccine! gwb
You'll still need the special decoder ring!
A decoder ring like the one Ralphie got in A Christmas Story? That would be perfect. Especially since the message here, like in that movie, would turn out to be "a lousy GoFundMe commercial."
TSB: With a Sunday government shutdown deadline, congressional leaders are still aiming to reach an agreement, teeing up a frenzied day of voting in both chambers on Sunday. Top lawmakers are planning to combine the relief package with a $1.4 trillion omnibus to fund the government. If a deal does come together, it'll only be at the very last minute.
(Sen PatToomey doesn't want to spend any more money at all. We've already spent
3 Trillion this month! People are dropping dead from the miracle vaccine and Tesla is now worth more than all the cars ever produced in the world.) Bananas are still cheap though!) gwb
TSB: "Reckless Betrayal Of Public Trust" - Birx Violated Own Travel Advisory During Thanksgiving ... "Another rules for thee but not for me! Tsk tsk."
Never trust an American Woman in charge of something really important like a Pandemic ! The scarf is the tipoff along with the constant nonsense. gwb
GWB: I've noticed that Dr. Birx has a seemingly endless supply of scarves. She ought to license and sell a signature collection of them.
Lol TSB: Dr. Birx resigned today. My guess is she won't be wearing those scarves for awhile except on her family's private island. I get a little squeamish about death threats too. Hamburger commercials put me in a tizzy!
TSB: It was fun watching the hastily constructed media narrative criticizing Trump's re-election team after he tossed a hand grenade into the largest appropriation bill(s) in US history... with a "POCKET ROCKET VETO"
Even the 900 Billion mostly goes to corporations, but the $$ for foreign "Democracy Operations" are in the hundreds of billions. But even better than all that is this itemized list of just the publicly listed US oligarchs who bought "No Malarky" Joe Biden! Bloomberg leads the way with 56 million...https://www.zerohedge.com/political/top-owners-americas-president-elect-joe-biden
I've got to say that "democracy operations" are the absolutely worst way to spend taxpayers money. Like gender-something programs for Pakistan, they are the progressive fig leaf that Congress puts on influence-buying $$$ sent to every government in the world we want something from. Honest bribery of those foreign kleptocrats would be cheaper and much less prone to failure.
TSB: BOJO DID IT!! " Watch Live: UK Announces Historic Brexit Trade Deal
Now if all the countries can agree to it it will be done. gwb
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