Thursday, September 26, 2024

Feds Indict NYC Mayor Who Accepted Too Much Turkish Delight


After much leaking and teasing by the U.S. Attorney's office, the feds have finally indicted the Mayor of Fun City, as they semi-sarcastically called it when I was growing up, and some of the charges are no fun at all. You may read the details here

I especially recommend page 48, wherein after the FBI found out the Mayor's personal cell phone was locked, the cyber-conscious Mayor explained that he had installed a new and more complex password on the phone just as soon as he learned the FBI wanted to seize it. You see, he wanted to make sure any evidence on the phone was preserved against accidental or deliberate deletion. He's a responsible citizen, you understand.

But then, despite his good intentions, wouldn't you know it but he forgot the new password! Well, he's a very busy man with a lot on his mind.    

The role played by Turkey in the Mayor's downfall is rather a surprise, especially since the Turks began lavishing gifts on him back when he was a lowly Borough President. They must be good judges of rising talent. 

And what did Turkey get back in exchange for all those gifts, bennies, and cash they passed to Mayor Adams? Mainly, it seems, they got to take some shortcuts on the new Consulate General they were building in Manhattan. For instance, they got to skip a final fire inspection. 

You know, I wonder if someone on the Turkish CG's staff shouldn't do some time in one of their Midnight Express prisons for that. Public corruption is all good clean fun between friends until you let it interfere with life safety. 



James said...

There's something not right here.

TSB said...

To the extent the charges rely on defining airline upgrades as cash-equivalent bribes, the prosecutors have a hard row to hoe. There are also some other crimes involved, though, so the Mayor might go down in the end. Who knows but maybe Trump will pardon him?

James said...

Biden is going to call Netanyahu and straighten everything out!

TSB said...

I'm sure Bibi will be happy to get sage advice from our leading statesman and expert on the middle-east conflict. Whew! At last the Israelis will be able to stop the amateur hour blundering around and get serious!

James said...

He might be a very naughty person, but I think going after him is a huge mistake.

TSB said...

The U.S. Attorney seems to have set the bar for prosecution very low in the Mayor's case. Politically unwise, too, if His Honor casts himself as the victim of retaliation for his resistance to the illegal alien invasion of NYC.