Monday, September 30, 2024

Hillary Is No Stranger To Paranoid Conspiracy Mongering

It's no surprise, but Hillary Diane Rodham (and sometimes) Clinton is again raging about mis-dis-and-mal information, all of it targeted on her personally.
“I anticipate there will be a full-court press in October,” she said. “The digital airwaves will be filled. And why does that matter? Because the press that is pro-Trump anyway — oftentimes stories are put on digitally that then are picked up by, let’s say, at Fox and others. And then those stories are stories, so the mainstream press reports on them, and so that story then takes on a life of its own.”
Readers who were around during the Clinton Administration may recall that Hillary was exactly as paranoid then about unseen media influencers as she is now. 

Don't take my word for that. Please see this 2014 article from the left-wing Mother Jones that served up a retrospective about Hillary's fabulistic exposure of the "communications stream of conspiracy commerce" that bedeviled her back then:
In a 1995 internal memo, President Bill Clinton’s White House Counsel’s Office offered an in-depth analysis of the right-wing media mill that Hillary Clinton had dubbed the “vast right-wing conspiracy.” Portions of the report, which was reported on by the Wall Street Journal and other outlets at the time, were included in a new trove of documents released to the public by the Clinton presidential library on Friday.
The report traced the evolution of various Clinton scandals, such as Whitewater and the Gennifer Flowers affair allegations, from their origins at conservative think tanks or in British tabloids, until the point in which they entered the mainstream news ecosystem. Making matters even more complicated was new technology, the report explained: “[E]vidence exists that Republican staffers surf the internet, interacting with extremists in order to exchange the ideas and information.” The administration even had a name for the process: “The Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce.”
You can read the whole crazy memo here

If Trump wins, I expect Hillary to go full Captain Queeg, complete with a strawberry statement: 

Ahh, but the stories! That’s – that’s where I had them. Fox laughed at me and made memes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with – digital logic – that Russians with a key to the Trump voters DID exist! And I’d have PRODUCED that key if they hadn’t’ve conceded the election on me! 

Really, that won't be far to fall from the state that she's in now.


James said...

They cannot help themselves.

TSB said...

She's been remarkably consistent about her persecution complex, I'll give her that. See saw hidden enemies conspiring against her even at the dawn of the internet age.

James said...

The situation needs a " concerned face" where's Blinken?

James said...

There shall be a veritable convention of " concerned faces" some even borrowed from the UN!

James said...

Do not, I say do not ask me what I think of NGO's.

TSB said...

A.Blinken is shaking hands at the UN General Assembly while dodging subpoenas from Congressional committees. That'll keep you busy. Anyway, he was Biden's staff guy and old faithful retainer, and he never made it into Hillary's magic circle.

James said...

I'm probably wrong, but I don't think this election is as close as they say it is.

TSB said...

It's hard to say, especially since Trump is a polling game-changer with his heavy use of social media and internet forums, none of which gets captured well by the conventional pollsters. But I'd still rather be in his place right now than in Que Mala's.

James said...

The evidence against the golf course assassin is too "complex" better delay the trial.

TSB said...

It's complex all right. Especially the way he literally duct-taped his scope to the barrel of his SKS; how was that supposed to work? And in addition to the physical evidence, there is the total likelihood that he's been talking his head off to the cops. The most junior prosecutor in Florida should be able to put that guy on Death Row.

James said...

Who puts a scope on a SKS? This guy is a loser, but I Bet he can't spell it. It's like Charles Barkley saying Manley couldn't spell cat if you spotted him the ca!

James said...

A lot of CYA going on.

TSB said...

It seems lots of Secret Service officials are running for cover and/or resigning. The eventual oversight hearings will be lit.

James said...

What is not understood by those in power is that nothing..... nothing lasts forever.

TSB said...

Those in power should read poetry.

"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
No thing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."

Percy Shelley, "Ozymandias"

— Percy Shelley, "Ozymandias

James said...

"Every dog has it's day and some days are longer than others" Winston Churchill

James said...

A last one from Winston: "If you find yourself going through hell, keep on going!"

TSB said...

Excellent advice. Thanks!

James said...

I wonder why she gets very public this close to the election, she has a history of that!

James said...

I had always assumed the Clinton's were ousted from party control by the Obamaites, who in their turn were overtaken by the Sanders people ( though there was a fig leaf of cooperation.)

TSB said...

That's right, the Bill Clinton took over the Democratic Party through the centrist (Bill actually WAS a centrist) Democratic Leadership Council, after which Hillary ruled as his enforcer. By the Obama era she reportedly had a spreadsheet of every local and national politician and fund raiser she had ever come in contact with, each one scored 1 through 7 according to whether they had ever crossed her. People feared her then, but no more.