Sunday, February 2, 2025

About Those "Military Aged Males" Who Crossed Our Border: Hell No, They Won't Go! Or Will They?

Hey, Tom Homan, you're missing a good one here. It appears there is a new and very large group of alien criminal offenders who are prime for your attention.  

This story may have been lost amid all the other news about immigration enforcement lately, but it points out a surprising deportation predicate that's gone ignored, and, for those of us of a certain age, it's also a blast from the past. 

To wit, the fearsome draft card.
A top government accountability group will send a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the U.S. Selective Service System (SSS) for data on illegal immigrants who did not register for the draft and therefore committed a felony.
By law, all U.S. males aged 18-26 must register with the SSS under penalty of felony conviction and $250,000 fine under the Military Selective Service Act of 1917, Howell’s group noted in their filing.
Additionally, the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952 makes failure to register with the SSS a deportable offense, and the SSS website clearly states undocumented aliens are required to sign up for the draft, Howell noted.
-- snip --
In a Thursday interview, Howell and attorney Kyle Brosnan said SSS registration has been flat during the Biden administration as far as it relates to the obvious uptick in "military-aged males" crossing the border and being "caught-and-released" by federal immigration authorities.
"The absence of such a surge indicates that there is widespread criminal non-compliance by such aliens," they wrote in their FOIA request. "There should be a large increase in [SSS registration] with 10 million illegals that have come over the border in the last four years."
Well, well, well. When the Biden administration was processing and releasing all those male border crossers over the last four years, did it register them with Selective Service?
Rhetorical question, of course.
But if it did not, then what is there to stop the new administration from charging them with a serious crime and expediting their deportation?


James said...

The Democrats up north want to be their saviors.

James said...

It seemed a long time elapsed before the sex of the pilot was revealed.

TSB said...

It was. Her family got a few days grace before she was named but her name would inevitably have come out during the NTSB investigation.