Monday, March 1, 2010

Did the Hawaiian Islands Merge With the Galápagos?

Even better question: when did schools stop requiring Geography?


  1. We homeschool, so

    I will not comment on this post...
    I will not comment on this post...
    (repeat to self, until urge to comment passes...)

  2. Caarreeefulll...

    Homeschooling is great, if that's for you, but please don't
    A. think 'we' don't teach Geography anymore ('we' meaning the collective public & private school system implied); I, for one, do teach Geography, but not all my students manage to *learn* Geography, and
    B. make judgments about all who might have gone through such a public or private system based on one talking-knuckle-head.

    My 2-cents...

  3. I'm glad to hear kids are still taking Geography. It's a much under-appreciated discipline.

    Not casting any judgments on schools here (my wife and many of my relatives teach in them), I just want to cast aspersions on TV news talking heads and their expert guests.

  4. I am terrible at math, so I should not pick on the geography skills of others.. but I am a firm believer in the "If you don't know, fess up and ASK" philosophy ... preferably before you make a fool of yourself!

  5. TSB: I was only reacting to the implication from A Daring Adventure that homeschooling is somehow be better and would prevent such failings. Homeschooling is great for some, but others, not so much. Further, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink, even if the water comes from the kitchen sink. I've had too many former homeschooled students that were homeschooled for the all the wrong reasons, and who wind up in my classes knowing about what that CNN talking-knucklehead knows...
