Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Who is Wounded Now?

So, General McChrystal has been called to the Principal's office tomorrow to explain his ill-considered remarks in the Rolling Stone article that will be released Friday.

How ironic that one of the senior officials McChrystal dissed in that interview was Richard Holbrooke, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan:

Some of the strongest criticism, however, was reserved for Richard Holbrooke, Obama's special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"The boss says he's like a wounded animal," one of the general's aides was quoted as saying. "Holbrooke keeps hearing rumors that he's going to get fired, so that makes him dangerous."

If those general's aides are betting men, I'd lay odds with them that SRAP Holbrooke will be around to see General McChrystal's departure.



And another thing - what is up with McChrystal and his aides giving their overly-candid remarks to Rolling Stone in the first place? What does that tell you about the quality of McChrystal's staff, much less about the great man himself?

As Victor Davis Hanson just remarked:

If an officer cannot figure out Rolling Stone, how can he understand the Taliban?

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