Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Christmas Decoration From Your Government

You might have to squint a bit to make it out, but those star-gazing romantics at NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission see a Cosmic Wreath 1,000 light-years from Earth in this mass of warm dust and metallic particles that was blown about by stellar winds and is softly lighted green and red by varying wavelengths of infrared energy.

NASA published the photo three days before Christmas, thereby coming perilously close to committing a government-subsidized expression of a religiously themed sentiment.

Wow, it's beautiful and slightly scandalous. My favorite sort of thing.

Merry Christmas to all my fellow Americans and other readers, wherever in the galaxy you may be.


  1. I see the red nose but is that Rudolph or a wolf? Merry Christmas
    TSB from all your fellow Americans!

  2. TSB: Isn't that a riot about Newt not getting the signatures in Virginia? What did he do? Hire illegals to collect the signatures? gwb

  3. Practically every candidate except Romney failed to get on the ballot, which is so suspicious that I think it will have to be revisited.

    Newt is leading Romney in the latest polls here. Like Stalin said - the people who vote decide nothing; the people who count the vote decide everything.

  4. : That arbitrary detention of political enemies bothers no other candidate will be a big issue for many politicians in 2012. gwb
    Rep. Paul says defense bill assures ‘descent into totalitarianism’

    The Defense Auth. Act goes much farther than the Patriot Act.

  5. TSB: 4-5 yrs ago Biden was for partitioning Iraq. That ended the day he accepted the VP slot. Now he will be remembered for failing to keep it together! gwb

  6. GWB, that defense detention act is up there with the Supreme Court decision in Kelo v. City of New London. If the Founding Fathers could see either one, they would think that King George had taken over again.

    Joe "stopped clock" Biden was right about Iraq back then. He'll be looking good if the place splits up into its constituent (pre-1928) parts in another year or two.

  7. Yes TSB: Property right have been deemed "Quaint" by the Supremes.
    I was attemping a post re:partition
    wisdom if done in 2009 or even earlier. It would have been difficult to pull off after Sistani and muq-sadr had made their strong moves. Starting 2007 I think it might have worked but now all I see is a civil war. The Sunnis could destroy the oil business and the economy. It will be interesting to see what "BS" Joe tries to do. He's always good for a laugh. gwb

  8. TSB: I've been reading "The Occupation of Iraq" by the former finance minister Ali Allawi. He gives the best narrative I've seen of what a disaster the reconstruction efforts were: Natios of AID said the US made things impossible for him to do anything well. gwb

  9. TSB: Peter Van Buren celebrates State Dept. efforts in Iraq and also the "Joe"'s upcoming visit to Iraq by showing a previous photo
    of him meeting the King of Burger
    at Camp Liberty! gwb

  10. Joe Biden was showing great diplomatic style in that photo op with the King. Not pictured was Joe's military aide, Colonel Sanders.

  11. Si! We are boycotting the Colonel.
    Los pollos es inferioramente for some time now. (Tyson me thinks)

  12. You will love this TSB! The "Rickster" doesn't believe in state's rights or Republican party rights! I hope the coyotes have him for brunch! gwb

  13. TSB: In a dramatic announcement today on CNN...Newt announced that one last minute hire "created" 1500
    fake voters in Virginia. Off the record Newt stated that he suspects "Mr Butters" was behind it but he can't prove it and would be too embarrassed to try. Donald Trump said he's going have a "talk" with this "Mr Butters". gwb

  14. Gingrich sees Sarah Palin as vice president, Cabinet secretary

    By Justin Sink - 12/30/11 02:26 PM ET
    TSB: Did you put Newt up to this? gwb

  15. It's not my idea. I'd like to see Palin as a Senator from Alaska. She isn't a member of the club, and would not hesitate to throw a wrench into most of the Big Government stuff that I distrust.

  16. Why not a Senator from Arizona? I know an old cranky one I'd like to see replaced.. but I suppose that would be impolite. gwb

  17. Good Call on Virginia ballot access TSB! gwb

  18. HAPPY NEW YEAR TSB! Thank God Bernanke has inflation under control! gwb

    Mt. Washington Parking Space Assessed At Nearly $300,000
