Monday, December 19, 2011

In The Spirit Of Juche, Dance Your Troubles Away

Here's a little something to cheer up the grieving masses in North Korea today, a dance remix of a Kim Jong-il birthday extravaganza.

Let's remember him in happier times, as the great (North Korean People's) party animal he was.  



  1. Great post TSB..That was some party! This new kid has no chance of bringing back that "Dear Leader"
    feeling. He will probably just issue an ultimatum and and then attack Seoul. The poor S. Koreans have been depending on the US military waaaay too long to be ready to fight. Call McArthur! gwb

  2. TSB: With Kirkuk and Basra consulates taking rocket fire, Anbar Province declaring its independance and Maliki screaming:
    "Give me back my VP Barzani Hats off to the diplomats in Iraq!gwb

  3. Huntsman did a great boogie woogie with Paul and the Band on Letterman
    I would go for him as Veep with the invisible guy. We're all going to have to learn Chinese anyway!

  4. The Defense Dept has some big numbers! (from rethink Afghanistan)
    The number of returning servicemen and women officially diagnosed with traumatic brain injury has leaped to an average of 647 new cases a month, up from a monthly average of 621 cases in 2010 and 482 a month in 2009, according to Defense Department data. Over the past decade, the Defense Department has diagnosed 229,106 service members with traumatic brain injury. gwb

  5. TSB: Why not try "Happy Talk"? That's the US Army way! gwb

  6. Happy Talk? I think the Generals are all at Happy Hour right now, and might stay there until they can forget all about that recent talk about a secure, stable, and sustainable Iraq.

    Dec 22, 2011 1:26p TSB:
    "Mr.Butters" has gone into hiding saying he thinks Newt Inc. is trying to hunt him down. Ron Paul told Mr. B: "Don't worry, nothing will humanize that guy." gwb

  8. Pets and music are always assets on the campaign trail. Now add some little kids, put out big flags, and get Lee Greenwood to sing I'm Proud To Be An American, and Newt is as good as elected.
