Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline Of The Week

"Pakistan struggles to attract tourists amid violence"


  1. http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/iaf-commander-israel-s-aerial-superiority-is-in-danger-1.409889
    TSB: How about this one?
    I didn't realize that Syria was becoming an air superiority threat to Isreal? Tourism is way down there too! gwb

  2. I see the Syrians are getting tons of new Russian weapons, so the Israels have cause to be concerned.

    But then, I remember how Russia sold two GPS jammers to Iraq during Desert Storm (to block our new GPS-guided bombs), and we destroyed them both with GPS-guided bombs. Maybe the Syrians should go to the Chinese if they want stuff they can rely on.

  3. Just imagining the Fodor's...

    "Try Akbar's Kabob House... the noise of the bombs is deafening but the service is spot on"

  4. (World’s Longest Official Title: Special Coordinator for Regional Affairs at the Office of the Special Envoy for Middle East Peace) TSB: Can you name that man?

    Yes! It's Fred Hof! (according to P.Van Buren) I bet the committee that comes up with those names plays "words with friends a lot". gwb

  5. Fred must be very special indeed.
