Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Two Presidents, 15 Questions, You Decide

Foreign Policy magazine's favorite new game: Who Said it - Bush or Obama?

Take the quiz here.

"When it comes to their rhetoric on Iran, there's less distance between the cowboy and the community organizer than you might think."


  1. TSB:I was getting frustrated until I nailed #10. Then I got #14! That's it. How did you do? gwb

  2. I was completely lost! When I was right, I was only guessing.

  3. TSB: You could do the same quiz on who pushed the TSA/Homeland Security boondoggle. http://bit.ly/w57u3z

    How to get ANYTHING through TSA nude body scanners: Blogger exposes loophole in $1billion fleetJonathan Corbett claims he could easily smuggle explosives onto a plane

    I love how much "unprintable" US news shows up at The Daily Mail. gwb

  4. That's a slick idea, blending the object into the scanner's background view. I don't know, but I doubt that DHS was aware of that problem when they mandated those scanners.

    There's a practical limitation on how much mass and weight you could smuggle through an inspection that way, so in the end it might not be a critical vulnerability. Passengers are already free to smuggle anything onto an airplane so long as it will fit inside their rectums; can you carry much more than that in one of this guy's pockets? Maybe not. Still, I'll look forward to TSA's reply, if there is one.

  5. TSB: I'm sure going to miss Dennis.
    That little commie made some great speaches against the war and the democrats who supported it so reluctantly for 8 years! He bankrupted Cleveland before it was even fashionable. Great debater!


  6. Did I mention he's an archer? .. I mean a vegetarian! gwb

  7. That was one very ungracious concession speech Kucinich gave. You might think he would just be happy to go home to his supermodel wife, but evidently he's bitter about the loss.

  8. Marci Kaptur (also sounds russian to me) is always more diplomatic and focused on the folks back home.
    I think that supermodel wife might be a "Putin Plant" who ended up with Kucinich because she refused to eat British food. gwb

  9. Reagan,Reagan,Reagan,Reagan, Reagan
    All Rep. politicians have been mantraing that word since they dropped Bush.
    David Stockman has had enough with these fairy tales:

    You won't see this on TV but this is the laid bare truth that should sink Obama in the coming months. Bernanke is just a "Patsy" for the bankers and Wall St." gwb

  10. Marcy Kaptur is famously Polish-American, the foundation of her political appeal to the Toledo area. I always liked what I've seen of her, basically a VFW Hall-Democrat.
