Monday, June 18, 2012

Every Leak Has A Purpose

I was proud to be exposed
by Your Excellency,
I just wish, wish you gave me
time to flee

Yeah, it's too bad about that Pakistani doctor who helped us find bin Laden. I hope those 33 years in prison will go by fast.

Same with the Saudi-British agent inside al Qaeda in Yemen. I mean, the one who used to be inside. Oops, we did it again!

And then there is the NYT story about cyber attacks on Iran's nuclear program, the one that refers to interviews with three dozen White House and administration sources.

You know, if Senator Dianne Feinstein is really as mad about these leaks as she says she is, then she will put some White House officials under oath before her Senate Intelligence Committee and ask them questions. Why wait for Attorney General Holder's criminal investigations to proceed at their customary glacial pace when you have your own subpoena power?

Here's an idea: why doesn't Feinstein publicly ask President Obama to order any of his staffers with knowledge of these leaks to testify before her committee? Since, he has said he has zero tolerance for these leaks and is deeply offended by the suggestion that he might have tolerated them.

Why, I'll bet Feinstein and Obama together could get to the bottom of this mystery in no time. Because, after all, they say that's what they want.


  1. A great "To Those So Concerned" post TSB! Also, That was a very good piece on Drudge yesterday by one of Obama's law prof's at Harvard blasting him for betraying the progressive tradition in favor of the moneyed elite. I love it that his core support is starting to "express themselves" as they done the life jackets! gwb

  2. GWB: I saw that guy's comments about Obama, and I'm sure lots of the left-fringe shares them. Not enough to matter electorally, of course. I also see the most amazing pieces by liberal WaPo columnists (Dana Milbank, for instance) who are getting downright angry and impolite with Obama, whereas a couple years ago they would only worship silently in his presence.

  3. TSB: I agree that an ex-Brazilian politician's words (seen only in "The Express") will have no electoral impact but I see Obama's campaigning efforts (speeches) falling on deaf and unenthusiastic ears while Romney seems to understand that being boring is a winning strategy when the electorate is so negative. Did you see that 21 of 25 Iowa delegates are Paul supporters? I've been watching an old video of "Meerkat Manor": Those kats look like they were reading from a telepromter! gwb

  4. GWB: Obama does seem very dispirited and off his game these days. He was pathetic at the Los Cabos summit. I can't listen to Romney for more than a few seconds; there's more salesman than politician there. This is going to be a very long campaign season.

  5. Yes TSB, I'd say he's off his game alright! gwb

  6. That is hilarious. His campaign is like a charitable cause now? Please make donations to Obama in lieu of flowers at funerals? I guess I should see a financial planner about leaving my estate to Obama as well?

  7. TSB: Question: Who is the most famous Australian in history? What is he famous for? What will PM Julia Guillard be know for?

    Ans: Julian Assange
    Telling the truth.
    Refusing to protect him and
    being Obama's poodle.
    It's Ecuador or Guantanamo
    By Pepe Escobar gwb

  8. Assange is such a drama queen. There are no U.S. charges against him (no basis for any, either) and Sweden is probably the last country that would extradite him if there were. His new Ecuadorian refuge is a strange deal, too. According to the WaPo, the President of Ecuador is the polar opposite of a free press kind of guy.

  9. Hi drama it is! What do they do when he heads for the airport? gwb

  10. Assange can't leave the embassy; he's put himself under a stricter house arrest than the British did.

    The drama ends if he ever goes back to Sweden, since all they want to do is question him about two women who said they didn't quite completely consent to having unprotected sex with him two years ago. There aren't even any charges filed against him, and reportedly one of the women has since left Sweden.

  11. TSB: I have finally figured out my own "read NYT for free scam" and here is what it amounts to: If you use on 4 different browsers to search for and then read it you will get 10 stories/month on each browser. I'm down to my last story for the month and apologize for my delusions of grandeur. Next month I'll have to pace myself or come up with a 5th browser. gwb

  12. I'm amazed the NYT is still keeping up that pay wall. I haven't seen other papers going that way yet, but they might if the NYTs makes it work. I know I don't read the NYT half as much as I used to.
