Saturday, October 20, 2012

So True

Technical countermeasures have their place, but, as The Covert Comic's Executive Intelligence Summary reminds us, "the true SCIF is your soul."


  1. Here's an October surprise TSB:

    Obama makes good on campaign promise. Iran says only if he can win the election. So what do you people want. Nuclear war or 4 more years? (What do you say Jimmy Carter?) gwb

  2. Carter is available if Obama needs an experienced negotiator.

  3. TSB: Here is one election coming up soon that interests me. Michelle
    O'Bachman is running neck and neck with her moderate Dem opponent despite raising $20 million to beat him.She's afraid to debate but if she loses I'm thinking she might get her own show on Glen Beck TV or start her own line of cosmetics. gwb

  4. TSB: In an ideal world someone would be talking about who's job it is to protect CIA assets in a place like Libya. I would think that would be Gen. Petreaus. Anyone heard from him lately? gwb

  5. General Petraeus might have taken a couple years off work to do another PhD program, for all I can tell.

  6. TSB: The appropriate questions for the candidates re: Afghanistan are pretty straightforward. In any other era they would have been of great interest to the audience of a debate. For the past 10 years it seems to me nobody's interested. gwb

  7. That is a good post from FP: Just trying to remember the last time someone who fostered cronyism, cliques and bad manners and lived in a bubble turned into Captain Courageous. Besides, didn't Obama say he had pretty much accomplished everything he wanted to do? (see his laundry list) I'm putting my pesos (but not my vote) on the "My Three Sons" guy! gwb

  8. TSB: This is a lawyer question. If we divorce Pakistan how much would we have to pay her and do we still have to keep visiting the kids? gwb

  9. TSB: Time to put the dog carrier on the roof and head for Texas! Here comes Sandy! The lights should be back on in a couple weeks. gwb

    O'Man! You hate to see that! gwb

  11. TSB: It's only a rumor; but it's a BIG RUMOR! gwb

  12. It's a big rumor, but was started by one guy ( Instapundit) with no substantiation, so I'm not expecting it to pan out. The last week in a close election gets the rumor mills working overtime.

  13. TSB: Ignatious' 2009 book about war with Iran is really prescient.
    (Failed former military commander running a totally CYA CIA and the Brits trying to save us from total disaster) has a good piece on this today. The Brits are going to stay out of this one! gwb

  14. The Brits sound wise. They've been there before, of course.


    TSB: Election day surprise! Your tax dollars at work! Why didn't the government think of this? Those who vote "ruling party" get a paid day off. gwb

  16. GENERALS!! GENERALS!! Come to order! It looks like there has been a meltdown at the upper levels of the military...and now the CIA? Who is this "femme fatale"? And will there be another closed door hearing? Carter Ham to CIA? (or do we need a "Clapper"?)

    And now that we have our 1st openly gay senator can someone start asking Lindsey Graham what he thinks about the new James Bond? gwb

  17. Well, it's a tawdry spectacle today in D.C. This resignation is embarrassing even by local standards. The woman was his biographer and biggest fan, and the relationship came to light due to a security investigation. I miss the days when congressmen would get drunk and go wading in the Reflecting Pool with strippers in the pre-dawn hours.

  18. TSB:Yeah for the Berlin wall! Today
    I put in a request at the library for Anne Appelbaum's new book: Iron
    Curtain ($27.00) and they say they will order it! I want to thank all the dead people who left them all that money and all our elderly librarians who treated them so well! (And, of course, the Russkies who released the documents!) gwb
