Saturday, July 6, 2013

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline Of The Week

 "Fans kill and quarter football referee in Brazil" (AP)


  1. TSB,James: This anti-ergo movement is not going away, but I think Ergo will be gone as a result of it. And those Brazilian soccer refs need Glocks, not red cards. gwb

  2. They takes their soccer/football way too seriously down there. Maybe they ought to save some of the passion for politics?

  3. TSB: I woke up this am to Fareed Zakaria telling me that unless Egypt does what the US wants it to do we will decide that this was a military coup. The assumption of course is that we have the job of deciding what is best for everyone...including the Brazilians! gwb

  4. GWB: I always thought that because we know what's best for us, then, by extension, we know what's best for everybody in the world. [See Francis Fukuyama, the End of History, 1992]

    Do you suppose foreigners might have their own ideas about what's best? That's pretty presumptuous of them!

  5. GWB: Ergo etiam non arbitror quamdiu in mundo tempus.

  6. TSB: "Do you suppose foreigners might have their own ideas about what's best? That's pretty presumptuous of them!"
    Why yes TSB, and they can get rather excitable about them too!

  7. "Ergo etiam non arbitror quamdiu in mundo tempus" = We've never witnessed such a time in world affairs (??)

  8. TSB: It was supposed to be a devastatingly witty word play on cogito ergo sum as a reply to GWB's question on Ergo. It went horribly wrong which suggests I have a future with the State Dept. or South American football officiating.

  9. TSB,James: That sounds like 'a tempus in a teapot' but I think we can all agree we are sorry Mrs Kerry is in the hospital. gwb

  10. TSB: Good summary of 'Egyptian affairs' by Ron Paul. I think it's time to put a sign on our Cairo embassy: WE'VE MOVED, YOU'RE WELCOME EGYPT! gwb

  11. Look TSB! Now our government can kill you by hacking your car and make it drive off the road at full speed. gwb

  12. TSB: Best way to get Snowden to Venezuela?? Here is Pepe Escobar's idea: "But is he prepared to authorize the smuggling of Snowden to South America in a Russian strategic bomber (or, better yet, a nuclear submarine)? And still there's no guarantee Our Man in Caracas would not be whacked, sooner or later, by a CIA contractor. Thiswillbefun! gwb

  13. GWB: It has come to this, after Hillary's near death experiences surrounding her Ben Ghazi congressional appearance, I wonder about Ms. Heinz's actual condition. If it's true why she's in hospital of course I wish her the best, but I have difficulty believing anything these people say.

  14. TSB: It is too bad the media has so many restrictions in place now that some of the NSA capabilities have been made public. That ability to hack into and control a late model Mercedes would make for some great journalism. I think pretty soon people will start wondering if regular crooks can acquire and sell this 'asassin capability' for profit.

  15. TSB: Your tax dollars at work! The best line of this story is the last line: Based on his conversations with military officials, he said one of the options now seems to be gaining traction: “The building will probably be demolished.” gwb

  16. TSB: Exclusive! What did Obama say? We don't favor one side or the other?
    If that guy is talking he's lying.gwb

  17. TSB: She's (sob) gone! Was it something I said? .. or the triple in salary? gwb

  18. TSB: Here is your unbelievable headline: Epic KTVU Fail: Anchor Reports Pilot Names Including ‘Sum Ting Wong’ and ‘Wi Tu Lo’

  19. GWB: It's all coming too fast for me to absorb - Snowden, Napolitano, Egyptians, Ms. Heinz, and on and on.

    One thing I do know is that DOD will be able to employ a good many Afghans in a civil works project when they demolish that new headquarters we just finished building. Maybe we can build it again and then pay more Afghans to demolish it again, and repeat that process until everybody over there is happy and loves us?

  20. TSB: This morning I had breakfast with this guy and spent 4 hrs with him on/around the boat.. a lot of it talking about our great cats! Quite a character! gwb
    Portland-area man gets divorce and quits job for a life on the high seas

  21. I looked up the article about that sailor. Wow.

    His plan is a whole lot better than what a former co-worker of mine did: divorce, pack all the belongings he wanted to keep into six suitcases, then move to China and get a job teaching English. I'd way rather be on the sailboat.

  22. LOL TSB! Steve is a real ball of fire alright. He attributes it all to the natural oils he uses/sells instead of prescription drugs. My wife is a big fan of those too. This guy's experiences are substantial.. like fly fishing, forestry, bar fight peacemaker.. you don't have to ask him any questions.. he could never be a secret agent. That boat (he stole it) is worth about $370,000 because of what it's built of. gwb

  23. TSB: Here is your weekend chuckle!
    I think this is what happens when you watch too many movies and smoke too much weed.

  24. TSB: This is kind of like WWII war reporting where you don't find out about a battle until a couple weeks later and even then it's largely propaganda. (movietone news) Of course in our present state the msm mostly ignores the whole thing. gwb

  25. TSB: It just occurred to me that if Obama wanted to help his sagging ratings with millions of formerly employed Americans he should just show up at a public course with about 4 CIA guys and tell everyone he's looking for a 4some. He would get wall to wall tv coverage for a week and his approval would jump 12 points. gwb


    TSB: Did you see this 'artistry' on our German emabarrasy? I think it is very 'apros po'. Has there been any response from State? gwb

  27. TSB: This is funny because it's where my daughter lives. The story, of course, leaves out the main point: Why did the Army have to deny that they did it in the first place? (I guess they think this is Iraq now?) gwb

  28. The "United Stasi" thing was clever, and I like the idea of light projection graffiti so much more than the paint-based kind. Our NSA's capability must make the old Stasi vets insanely jealous!

  29. TSB: Thanks to Snowden all the big liberal organization lawsuits are being filed against NSA. I think the Supremes are pro-stasi but the good news is this will be a big election issue next year. gwb

  30. Yes TSB: When you are caught in bed with the Chi-coms you might even catch some heat from the US Justice Dept..probably not from the politicians though. gwb
    Big Pharma’s Lurid Tactics Under Fire In China – With Consequences In The US:

  31. TSB: Di Fi is gonna get those guns one way or another! My .22 rifle is safely hidden in my 79 yo neighbor's basement. (along with the gold bullion) gwb

  32. Oh Man TSB! Nothing like some Italiano Justice for our CIA! gwb

  33. TSB: There is some 'baffling BS' in this article about the Ft. Lewis
    soldier who killed 19? villagers in Afghanistan. Nobody just discovered this problem with Lariam. In 2008-9 at Ft. Hood we would give a 180 day supply to soldiers who had no PTSD,TBI or psych problems. What they are covering up here is that this guy had a known prior head injury and was given the stuff anyway. By w/h
    the records the army avoids admitting this might have been their mistake.. and the guy gets life! gwb

  34. Ooops! State was able to get Seldon
    Lady back from Panama. He was quoted as telling Il Giornale newspaper in 2009 that he was not guilty and was carrying out orders from his superiors. gwb

  35. TSB: Listening to Samantha Powers' confirmation hearing the big message seems to be that foreign policy is decided daily at the WH to minimize mistakes and misunderstandings. She plans to be extremely aggressive in protesting human rights abuses but no, she does not feel 'equipped' to tell us whether it was a coup. Nobody brought up the July 8th massacre in Cairo (51 dead, 400 wounded) but then praying demonstrators are the worst kind of threat. gwb

  36. My tribute to Helen Thomas: The first woman WH correspondent and THE BEST ONE EVER! For that reason she will be forgotten as soon as possible. and who will attend the funeral? gwb

  37. TSB: According to Guardian and Der Speigel new NSA docs will be released in the next day or so that will rock the German citizenry. It sounds like Stasi like the idea of spying a lot more than we've been told so far. I hope it was all approved by Frau Merkel! gwb

  38. TSB: I love it when Fisk unloads on what passes for a middle east policy. gwb

  39. TSB: Speaking of security that was quite the jail break they had in Iraq this weekend. gwb (Aljazeera moneyquote)
    "The number of escaped inmates has reached 500, most of them were convicted senior members of al-Qaeda and had received death sentences," Hakim al-Zamili, a senior member of the security and defence committee in parliament, told Reuters.

    Al Jazeera's Jane Arraf, reporting from Baghdad, said that this was the most serious challenge from al-Qaeda the government has faced in years.

    "This is a group they thought they had dismantled," our correspondent said.

  40. TSB: Snowden has his working papers! I love the CNN/Fox/MSNBC time delay in reporting this while they wait for their White House talking points. Sen. Wyden gave a great speech yesterday outlining the 'secret interpretations' of public laws which are basically: We do whatever we want and we want all of your 'private info'. The House has a vote on this today.gwb

  41. Ooops! Snowden asylum still under review, stays in airport for now

    Get short URL
    Published time: July 24, 2013 11:42

  42. TSB: The Ammash amendment was defeated by 218..then 217 votes. That took some heavy arm twisting because clearly the tide is turning in favor of the 4th amemdment. gwb

  43. TSB: It really steams me that my representative didn't even have the guts to vote on the NSA. I think she will regret that. gwb

  44. TSB: Looks like our foreign policy has managed to bring the Egyptian people together. They should have this 24/7 on Cnn. gwb“Obama-Out-Putin-in-”

  45. GWB: We're bringing Egyptians together like never before! They blame our Ambassador for pretty much everything that happens over there.

  46. TSB: I have a prediction. That Rep. Jaffetz guy will be the next (R) candidate for VP. He has a hearing scheduled for Greenwald and also about the Chinook helicopter shot down by Taliban killing 30 Seal team guys. They seem to have evidence the Afghan Army knew all about it in advance.
    (Fox News TV this am) gwb

  47. TSB: Great interview! It has been non-stop lying by Clapper, NSA chief and DiFi.. watch for fireworks at this week's NSA hearing. Also, R.Fisk was in the treatment area Saturday when they were bringing in all the massacre victims in Cairo. gwb

  48. TSB: 'When Luck Was A Lady' by Tom Engelhardt details poetically how the US media disappears really interesting stories. gwb

    ps: I think all it takes is a phone call from the WH.

  49. TSB: St. Elizabeth's Hospital in DC is getting a BIG upgrade! Maybe 'Big Sis' didn't want to be associated with anything mental? (my sources say the place is haunted) gwb

  50. Check out the architecture TSB: Is that based on Queen Elizabeth's palace or what? And with all that original equipment and a wildlife refuge. gwb

  51. That is one grand HQ that DHS wants to build on the old St. E's campus. It's probably the worst possible location in Washington to place an office complex, though (except for the Coast Guard), so I have doubts they will ever finish the whole project.

    But it makes a great local joke that they're putting DHS in the old insane asylum.

  52. TSB: Still BS about this soldier. Of course he doesn't remember what he was prescribed. What does the pharmacy at McChord say they gave him when he deployed? All his stateside records at that time were computerized. Nobody lost those. (He's getting the shaft.)gwb

  53. TSB: With the Bradley Manning verdict due today it's a perfect time to make a few changes of the Presidential website: like erasing that promise to protect whistleblowers! gwb + George Orwell

    TSB: PJ used to really bug me for refusing to answer important questions and spouting propaganda but when the WH 'wacked him' for
    daring to speak his conscience about the treatment of Manning the 'Stasi State of Propaganda' was proclaimed and the media and politicians applauded. Hats off to PJ!! gwb
