Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

If it hadn't happened at Wal-Mart I wouldn't believe it

"Iowa man’s gun accidentally fires from pants pocket at Wal-Mart but he finishes shopping" (here)


  1. Happily it was just a gun and not some biologically active discharge requiring a full Hazmat team and stuff.

  2. Snoopy,

    Thanks for your comment. You're right; it could have been much, much, worse.


    TSB,James, The Chi-coms actually did a study to figure out which way to point solar panels to get the best results! Turns out it isn't south... it's WEST! gwb (So how come NSA didn't pick up on that?)

  4. They should have charged him with not paying for the beans too! gwb

  5. Here is my nomination TSB: George thinks that is cool but he's not signing up unless
    his catnip is covered. He also wants dog free vet clinics and neighborhoods! gwb (and don't mention death panels!)

  6. TSB: Two items that have shown incredible inflation the past few years are electricity and healthcare.
    I would like to know how much we are spending to pay the electic costs of being spyed on by our government?
    My rate has gone from 3.8 cents to 8.2
    cents since 2003. 25% of that increase was for a wind farm that went bust. gwb (then there is the cat blocking the heater)

    TSB: This is a great post by George Washington. In addition to being killed by 'Officer Friendly' you are more likely to die from meds prescribed by your doctor than anything else. Of course with Obamacare jacking up costs maybe lives will be saved by unfilled rx's? gwb


  8. US-Iran War Averted by Agreement to Negotiate on Nuclear Enrichment

    Posted on 11/24/2013 by Juan Cole

    The decade-long Neoconservative plot to take the United States to war against Iran appears to have been foiled. (Only in dumb USA does it take
    10 years to foil a neocon plot for war)gwb

  9. TSB: Some Egyptian Sunday humor! gwb


    TSB: Rice talks tough. Karzai sees BLUFF! I wonder if he mentioned that phony video thing? gwb6

  11. GWB: I hope Karzai doesn't think he's haggling with us in the Grand Bazaar, because he just might win that kind of negotiation. Rice and Obama might not be willing enough to walk away empty-handed.

  12. GWB: You have a really good question about the electricity costs for all this national security state monitoring. The power needs of computer processing alone must be huge, but the costs to air condition the larger processing centers is probably even greater.

    There is a counterterrorism center in suburban McLean VA that emits a constant low-frequency hum that's driving it's neighbors crazy. The neighbors were told the sound is coming from the enormous array of HVAC equipment needed to cool the facility. Like they say when residents around military airbases complain jet noise, it's "the sound of freedom."

  13. TSB: I think Karzai has always known what he's doing re: the occupying forces. He can now say: "Thanks for all the $$$ and firepower but we prefer to be free of you now."

    I think he's looking to come out of this in better shape than Iraq did.

    I also love all the MSNBC women pundits say we can't let this happen because we have to save the legacy of our Afghan war. gwb

  14. I'd give him less than a year to be either dead or out of country after we're gone.

  15. The MSNBC women ought to be saying that we can't let the Afghan women go back to living in Afghanistan without us, or something like that. There's nothing we can do about it, but they're about to re-experience traditional Afghan culture without foreign interference.

  16. TSB: Last night I was listening to an
    AEI round table on the Middle East. Did you know that Marie Louise Slaughter (very revealing name there) can talk at machine gun speed for 7 minutes on the need for projecting force everywhere in order for diplomacy to succeed? .. except, of course for Syria which she describes as 'our Rwanda'. They should rename it American Empireprize Institute.gwb

  17. Happy Thanksgiving Skep and GWB! I'll be back in fine blathering form in a couple of days.

  18. Happy Thanksgiving TSB! This is really great...

    Japan passes new 'State Secrets Law'
    in hopes US will then share more secrets with them. What does the law cover? They aren't saying. gwb

  19. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, James and GWB. Enjoy the day off. We'll be back to blatherin' and bloggin' away soon enough!

  20. GWB: Was that Anne-Marie Slaughter at AEI? She's the big-time academic star who did two years at the State Department before going back to Princeton (where they only give professors two years of leave before yanking their tenure).

    I don't follow her papers or speeches closely, but yeah, I get the impression of another 'endless war for endless peace' type of deep thinker. Policy intellectuals like her don't personally slaughter anybody, of course, and maybe that's why they never hesitate to call for (other people) to project force everywhere.

  21. Yes TSB I screwed up the name.It was great to get into some family blather for a couple days! I have begun collecting links to Glen Greenwald interviews because he is so great at KO'ing media stalwart lackeys. My favorite so far is this guy from BBC who goes 20 minutes with him and can't land a punch. gwb
