Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Holiday Is "Washington's Birthday"

Monday is not / not 'President's Day'

It's my pet peeve.

As we approach the Federal holiday that we will celebrate on Monday, the History News Network asks the timely question, Is It Presidents Day or President's Day or Presidents' Day?

Of course, it is none of those.
According to some of the calendars and appointment books floating around the Internet, Monday, February 18, is Presidents’ Day. Others say it’s President’ Day. Still others opt for Presidents Day. Which is it?

-- snip --

Trick question. The answer, strictly speaking, is none of the above. Ever since 1968, when, in one of the last gasps of Great Society reformism, holidays were rejiggered to create more three-day weekends, federal law has decreed the third Monday in February to be Washington’s Birthday. And Presidents Day? According to Prologue, the magazine of the National Archives, it was a local department-store promotion that's responsible. Retailers discovered that a generic Presidents Day cleared more inventory than a holiday celebrating a particular one, even the Father of His Country. Now everybody thinks it’s official, but it’s not.

That Prologue article tells us how and why Washington's Birthday was established as a Federal holiday, and explains why most people think there is such as thing as Presidents Day:
Local advertisers morphed both "Abraham Lincoln's Birthday" and "George Washington's Birthday" into the sales sound bite "President's Day," expanding the traditional three-day sales to begin before Lincoln's birth date and end after Washington's February 22 birth. In some instances, advertisers promoted the sales campaign through the entire month of February. To the unsuspecting public, the term linking both presidential birthdays seemed to explain the repositioning of the holiday between two high-profile presidential birthdays.

So we see that Washington's Birthday, an observance begun for the purpose of fighting the erosion of historical memory, was twisted into an excuse to advertise department store sales during February.

And, it turns out the main culprit in this misinforming of the American public for commercial purposes was none other than the Washington Post:
By the mid-1980s, the term was appearing in a few Washington Post holiday advertisements and an occasional newspaper editorial. Three "spellings" of the advertising holiday ensued—one without an apostrophe and two promoting a floating apostrophe. The Associated Press stylebook placed the apostrophe between the "t" and "s" ("President's Day"), while grammatical purists positioned the apostrophe after the "s" believing Presidents' deferred the day to the "many" rather than one singular "President."

Well, there you have it. Believe the WaPo at your own risk.


  1. That is great TSB! Earlier I saw on cnn that it is in honor of Washington, Lincoln, Madison and Adams.

    JAMES: My latest favorite Sarducci clip is about the meaning of life... which you don't find
    out til you die. Then God tells you life was a job and your pay was $14.50 a day.. which he gives you. Then you have to pay for your sins.. IN CASH!
    CAN'T PAY? BACK YOU GO TO TRY IT AGAIN! gwb but actually, the slide show is even funnier! gwb

  2. Seen it. Don't forget nuns are former mafioso.

  3. Sure James, but what are we doing arguing over $10.50 an hour when we knew in the 70's that God set it at $14.50? And don't you wonder how the oldest Cardinal is doing? gwb

  4. TSB:Here is a great idea to save tax dollars! gwb

  5. GWB: Switzerland is an orderly place where they expect overtime work to be scheduled and approved in advance. Ethiopians just don't understand that. And there you have in a nutshell the profound difference between those two societies.

  6. Relying on the French for a main defense area, whoa now!

    Many, many, many years ago, I was walking in a major Swiss city very late at night. I came to an intersection where you could see for hundreds of yards in each direction. There were no cars to be seen at all so I decided to cross, but was stopped by an old Swiss man who pointed at the do not walk lights flashing. So I had to wait until the lights changed. Yes, orderly is way to put it.

  7. TSB: In line with your Presidents day, Presidents' day, President's day a little tidbit;
    "Groupon issued an advertisement honoring Hamilton for President's day, and when someone wrote to say Hamilton wasn't, in fact, ever a president (or even a candidate for the office), Groupon responded:

    We respect everyone's beliefs. You're certainly entitled to your opinion."
    H/T Ace of Spades

  8. James: I glad Groupon is so open minded. No one would want to get into a disagreeable argument over whether Hamilton was or wasn't ever President. I mean, he was a Founding Father and one of the guys who wrote The Federalist Papers. Surely that ought to be close enough!

  9. TSB; James: I think Canada is 'close enough' when it comes to being 'orderly like the Swiss' so surely we should be able to contract out our northern air defense to them and concentrate on defending the east coast. Mexico, naturally isn't ready but their navy is promising. gwb
    ps: looks like Ukraine couldn't wait til after the Olympics to set of the war?

  10. GWB: The poster's comment is important.

  11. You're good James, but nobody skewers the the hubristic 'great gamers' like Pepe Escobar. gwb

  12. GWB: Pepe is pretty good. I think what everyone is either missing or just not saying is that Obama has committed the classic mistake of making it personal with his foreign policy.

  13. James: 'his foreign policy'?? I think Obama tries to stay as far away from foreign policy as he can. Of course, with new disasters cropping up weekly he has to say something like "any more bloodshed and there will be consequences." What's he gonna do? Send Angela Merkel over there to ring some necks? Obama is just a reactionary. (It takes one to know one!) Mitt would have said: If he's gonna steal $11 billion he could at least pay 13% taxes like I do. gwb

  14. GWB: As an example of what I mean. The Ukraine situation could a case of the classic "OK you (Putin) got one on me, so I'll stir up a sh-t storm in your back yard (Kiev). This is a diplomatic goldie oldie used many times, but if this is the case, Obama by involving the Ukraine is raising chances of something very big and very bad happening to a very high degree. To a degree I don't believe O and his circle really understands. I'm still not convinced that this is the case, but I wouldn't be surprised at all.
    Latest news (rumors) of the Ukraine I have heard. Key elements of the security forces have declared in Parliament for the opposition. So far though nothing from the main conventional military forces. The president has left Kiev whereabouts unknown and the truce has broken down. Timoshenko's whereabouts also unknown after order issued for immediate release. The Chief Rabbi of Kiev is urging all Jews to leave Kiev and the country if possible at once. He has also rumored to have been contact with the Israeli FM for help in securing his community. Sochi is wrapping up. As I have said elsewhere the curtain is well ascended and the main act is upon us. The ball is in Putin's court.

  15. James: It's been a very fast turn of events, hasn't it? The next development might be a Russian annexation of (pro-Russian) eastern Ukraine.

  16. Yes it has been. I think you're probably right on a de facto partition. The question to me is, if the Russians intervene will they enter Kiev?

  17. Good points James and TSB: I saw in the Guardian that Obama swung into crisis mode which mean't: Biden-call the Vicewhatever; Kerry: call the FM; I'll call Putin and find out what's going on. And tell those State and Defense people to keep their heads down and the Ambassador to be very congenial. TSB once again has the top (logical) idea of what might happen next. gwb

  18. TSB, James: In a parallel event did you see that the Mexicans are about to retake 'Southern California'?gwb

  19. TSB: Even Al Gore is quoting Pete Seeger these days! (In KC today)
    later invoking Seeger’s memory, Gore urged those in attendance to write songs and spread a renewable energy message “all over this land.”

    But you have to remember we live in a country where the troglodytes still think evolution is just a gravity! gwb


    TSB:JAMES; Did you guys see this coming? Saudi Prince Bandar inks a self defense pact with Pakistan! gwb

  21. " Saudi Prince Bandar inks a self defense pact with Pakistan"
    Nice spot there GWB. I had been wondering about Mr. Bandar. He has not been seen in around a month and his place at certain talks had been taken by a person considered "more friendly" to the Obama Administration. This had been touted as a victory for O's boys in foreign policy. Signed a defense pact with Pakistan, well that spells nukes for the Sauds. Another "victory"!

  22. TSB: It looks like 'Ukranian guy' has flown the coop! Reminds me of Mubarek's billions... don't they realize that times are going to be really tough unless they get his money back and all the billions he paid others to get it? gwb

  23. James: Susan Rice was on STATETV/NBC
    to explain our foreign policy after all the the fast moving events of the new year. Our policy is 'PEACE'!

    Yes.. we are promoting peace everywhere and with everyone that will work with us. The IMF will be in Ukraine soon and before you know it the place will look like Ecuador or Honduras and everyone will be working building roads and bridges. gwb

  24. James: Susan Rice was on STATETV/NBC
    to explain our foreign policy after all the the fast moving events of the new year. Our policy is 'PEACE'!

    Yes.. we are promoting peace everywhere and with everyone that will work with us. The IMF will be in Ukraine soon and before you know it the place will look like Ecuador or Honduras and everyone will be working building roads and bridges. gwb

  25. GWB: Have you seen the pics of the ex-Prez's country bungalow! When toiling for the masses one must have a little get away to recharge oneself you know. Oddly enough it bears some resemblance to TSB's humble abode.

  26. Sure James, It looks like the Pakistani's have finally realized those nukes aren't of much use to them with the country burning down. Might as well have a fire sale to some even crazier people. I liked the part at the end where Pepe says Obama will be called on the carpet soon and forced to support the overthrow of Assad..Look for those soviet tanks to roll toward Kiev on April 20th!

  27. TSB: It will be interesting if Mexico sends Chapo here. My wife got to know a guy who was a young prison guard when Chapo escaped. He knew nothing about it and was never anywhere near that part of the prison. But he was paid $3 million pesos just the same. That was plenty enough to start a new career. gwb

  28. TSB: I'll bet you knew this: In 1775 there was a smallpox epidemic in the
    US that killed over 7,000 as it swept from New England to Mexico.
    (From 'An Empire of Necessity')gwb

  29. TSB: Spengler weighs in with some 'history facts' on Ukraine'. The summary is: Ukraine belongs to whoever has the greatest pain tolerance.. and it's not Victoria Nuland!, the EU or the IMF. gwb

  30. Thanks James for all the pictures. I hope TSB will give us an architect's critique but it just doesn't seem very 'cozy' to me. I wonder if the IMF will hold their planning meetings there? Wouldn't it be great to see Christine La Guarde at the head of one of those big tables? gwb


    Ok TSB: As long as Krauthammer says it I agree with you on the climate change thing. gwb

  32. James, GWB: Regarding the Ukrainian presidential style, I thought the cedar dacha on the Black Sea was great - got to check my savings to see if I can afford one of those - but the rest of it should have gone on an island fortress shaped liked a skull.

  33. GWB: Regarding smallpox in the colonial era, Thomas Jefferson was an early proponent of vaccination (the vaccine was related to cowpox and its survivors, IIRC). However, public fear was so great and the contagion process so little understood, the Virginia legislature passed a law requiring all neighbors within 20 miles to give their approval before anyone could be vaccinated.

  34. TSB, GWB: I don't know about some of these little get aways. The interior decor reminds me a lot of funeral homes or the Jim and Tammy Fae Baker's set on their tv show carried on the old PTL channel.
    TSB: Savings? Come on, I hear they're going for a song and a Kalashnikov these days. But you'd better clear title with Mr. Putin.

  35. TSB: I'll check that Dacha out later. Meanwhile, just when the Prez is cozying up to Erdogan (90 min phone call on Monday) the wiretaps show Erdogan is making the 'Kiev Chicken' look like a piker when it comes to real estate deals. Maybe Erdo will loan Ukraine a billion to match Kerry's offer? gwb

  36. TSB: Not trusting a radical new approach in smallpox sounds like common sense. 7000+ dead in one year sounds like a total catastrophe in an agrarian society. Did you see that Egyptian Army medicine has invented a machine that cures Aids and Hep-C? It's called the CCD. (Complete Cure Device) and as you can see from the photo the Army general who announced it looks suspiciously like a charlaten! gwb


    TSB;James: It is really nice that nerve gas supplies are being destroyed but aren't these people more important than that? 2 years ago I proposed risking a few pilots and planes to stop Assad from doing this to civilians. I would have been dropping food to these people long before now and Assad wouldn't have artillery or an air force. gwb

  38. TSB: 'US can't be at war with an ideology.' ? The 'deep state' can be at war with anything that suits it's needs. Boeing,Chevron, BP, JP Morgan et al have clearly been telling the government what do for a long time. Jonathan Turley's tipping point is way past tipping and Ike's warning was uttered at a point in time where I think he was already pretty sure nothing could be done about it. The US is a lot like the Vatican (so corrupt it's time to start over) and 'Sins of the Vatican' was one of the best documentaries ever! You can't put it down! gwb

  39. James:
    "There will be consequences!" potus

    Here is the image. Where is the accent?

    Is this the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? Or is this Grenada with dachas? gwb (anybody know where Obama can play golf this weekend?)

  40. GWB: When you're the President, there is always some place to play golf. Relaxing like hat probably helps him figure out what those consequences will be.

    BTW, Obama ended his official day today at a DNC fundraiser. According to the WaPo, his opening remarks were: "Well, it's Friday. It's after 5:00. So this is now officially happy hour with the Democratic Party." Let the weekend begin!

  41. TSB: Thanks TSB for that update on our 'pre-emptive diplomacy'. I'm sure James is working with his sources to get more intel. gwb

  42. "Well, it's Friday. It's after 5:00. So this is now officially happy hour with the Democratic Party."
    Party like there's no tomorrow, because there might not be.

  43. TSB: One small price that would cause Russian alarm bells would be to send James and A Daring Adventure to Kiev let her start blogging again. Also,just wait til Monday when all the heavyweights from the EU and IMF arrive in Kiev to figure out how to plug all those financial holes. (hide the grandkids! this is gonna be a big one.) gwb

  44. TSB: I don't spose there are any wives or kids at US Fortress Kiev now but it would be great to see A Daring Adventure in a flak vest and helmet with her security detail reporting from the vegetable stand in liberated Kiev. gwb

  45. GWB: Embassy families are still in Kviy, although there has been some scaling back. Some of them are bloggers, too.

    There are always exciting times going on somewhere in the world, and most of those places have USG employes and dependents in residence.

  46. GWB: I would love to go, but unfortunately I am deep into my Performance Art Installation "The Angry Golfer". With shows on the next four weekends I just don't have the time.

  47. James: I meant the 'Daring Adventure
    James' who protects our diplomats in Japan from radioactive sushi and has to keep a low profile. You are needed here, protecting the Homeland
    links and hopefully providing intel from the 19th hole. 'Godspeed!'gwb

  48. GWB: "You are needed here, protecting the Homeland
    links and hopefully providing intel from the 19th hole". That is most kind of you. But a few years ago I made up my mind to prove you could become a scratch or better golfer from the tournament tees after the age of 60. To do this I gave up the sauce. I am close to my goal. Though being Irish my abstinence has been a thoroughly unreligious experience.

  49. 'You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text,'(Kerry)

    That's great James! As you can see we now have the moral high ground.

    I've been reading a biography of Simon Bolivar. One of his greatest lieutenants was an Irishman, Dan O'Reilly who was drunk much of the time while they brought down the Spanish Empire in 19th century fashion. gwb

  50. GWB: Well it just shows that when we weren't writing poetry, singing, dancing, etc, we'd drop an odd empire every once in awhile.
