Just to be clear now Ms Psaki; You do realize you are being totally hypocritical? gwb (Jen tries 'slow dancing' then the 'justice handoff' with persistent reporter)gwb
James: This looks like 3 of those really bad Ukranian guys you were talking about. 1 is a Lt.Col in the Ukrainian SBU. The boys were trying to kidnap the local police chief when the local volunteers kicked.. I mean picked them up and checked their ID and weapons. gwb
TSB: It seems to me that besides being separated at birth these guys have something in common. They both made it big by working for for ruthless oligarchs. gwb
http://binged.it/S2JoID Yatsenyuck (democrat)
http://binged.it/1k5Gwky NBA Commish Nate Silver I love it when the media gets permission to be outraged at hypocrisy..and when the NAACP discovers their humanitarian of the year is a racist donor.
GWB: Kerry learned to backpedal on his $10,000 mountain bike, so don't even try to keep up with him.
The Israeli left uses the term "Apartheid state" a lot, but I think it's highly incorrect. About 21 percent of Israel's citizens are Arabs, and they have the same rights as the others. They vote, get elected to the legislature, serve in the military, buy land, etc. It's the Arab states that don't allow Jews to become citizens, vote, own land, etc. Even Jordan doesn't treat Jews equally under its laws, despite signing a peace treaty with Israel in 1995.
For Kerry, "apartheid" is probably a standard term of denunciation in his political circles. No one even remembers what the word means or where it came from, so I shouldn't be surprised that it isn't used accurately.
TSB: $10,000 mountain bike! Wow.That would look good on top of my Corolla.
I read a pretty good article on what the Ukraine military has been doing the past 10 years. They sold everything and pocketed the cash because why fight the neighbors? gwb
TSB:Kerry has used the'L' word. This is a serious breach of protocol! (shouldn't he have said 'snookered'?) gwb
Kerry expressed anger and despair at Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The Secretary of State accused his Russian counterpart of lying to him about Russia’s willingness to abide by an international agreement to de-escalate the Ukraine crisis.
TSB: Disappointing to see Robert L ovell testify that the Marines sent to Tripoli had to waste an hour there changing uniforms for civilian clothes by order of the State Dept because it wouldn't look good.
Might be the 1st case of plain clothes Marines sent to evacuate an embassy? gwb
GWB: You made me waste almost three hours watching the video of the Lovell testimony before I got to the part where Chaffetz repeated the story about the FAST Marines putting on civilian clothes. I think Lovell said his knowledge of the matter "was not directly related" (?) but he talked about it anyway.
That story was reported by Fox TV in January 2013 (FAST Marines were sent to Tripoli on September 12, 2012) but not by any other news media. No FAST Marine or DOD spokesman ever confirmed that story, so far as I know. No one ever alleges that the FAST team sent to Sanaa on the same day had to change to civilian clothes. Is the story even true? I don't know, but I've never heard of FAST Marines in civilian clothes before.
Watching Chaffetz at work, I cringed whenever he thanked Gen. Lovell "for your service." It makes me suspicious about how much he really values military service when I see that he, personally, chose not serve. He values it in others, but not for himself, apparently.
James: Don't fear the Hillary. This is the second time she's been the inevitable next POTUS, and it might not work out any better for her this time than it did before.
TSB: Sorry for the wasted 3 hrs researching the Marines thing but good work anyway. I've wasted a lot more time on the wild musical chases James sends me on but it's all just in fun. Speaking of 'This is a great book idea'.. 'The Oligarchs' is a great book idea. It's about the 6 guys that became the 1st Russian oligarchs starting in 1985. I bought it used after reading Ch 1. Fun to see how this guys got where the are 20 yrs later. Really interesting reading. gwb
http://defence.pk/threads/interesting-u-s-state-departments-report-about-american-muslims.312189/ Exactly TSB! And JR Cole is a great example. Naturally he has been removed from the national discussion because telling the truth became a punishable offense during the Clinton administration. gwb
James: Call me cluless but when you add the Nuland intercepted phone call with the 'clandestine' CIA chief's trip to Kiev with the IMF money pledge with 'conditions' for the new Kiev government with the latest battles between armed people (thugs) and unarmed people doesn't this look like a classic CIA destabilization operation?
TSB: On being uncomfortable with Chaffetz: If you look at his bio it's easy to understand. Born 67, close ties to Dukakis family and the all time record holder for extra points kicking at BYU. Pretty good for a Jewish kid from Los Gatos,Ca. gwb http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Chaffetz
TSB: Which reminds me. Effram Zimbalist jr. died at 95 this weekend. If I didn't have to go to work this morning I'd be Utubing for a 77 Sunset Strip episode. gwb
TSB: I am glad there will be a special comittee on Benghazi not because of the stupid talking points but because I want to know if Carter Ham was let go (retired) and given a cushy position at a 'Tinktank' because he refused to go along with the Panetta political plan on 9/11. So far he has not been asked about that. gwb
TSB: I was watching a little C-span think tank on Ukraine this morning. The experts were giving their views on how to help the neo-nazis beat back the russkies and start WWIII. One guy suggested we send them stinger missiles like we did for Afghanistan. These guys sure get excited about proxy wars don't they? I think sending Nuland and more cupcakes would do the trick. gwb
TSB: The Ukraine referendum is on the 11th. When the results are in then E Ukraine becomes the new Crimea and will invite the Russian troops to come in. Then I guess it will be time for Lavrov and Kerry to get together again for some negotiations?? gwb
TSB: Thanks to your inspiring post about your phone dying and dealing with up to 100 messages a day I decided to be a true radical and ditch my phone entirely. It's taken a couple months but now I have everyone in my life trained that I only use Skype or email. I love the looks when people ask me for my phone number. gwb
James: The secret to why I don't need a phone is that I can't keep a secret so I never have a clue about what's going on. What I really need is one of those panic buttons you hang around your neck. I'm just waiting for the price to come down. gwb
James: I listened to about 5 minutes of Nuland trying to explain our policy on Ukraine to the Senate. I guess Pepe listened too... I don't know where he gets the patience. But he saves his best for Kerry. gwb
LAHORE: The Lahore High Court on Friday issued a notice to the federal government and at least 64 politicians on a petition seeking directions for the politicians to bring their foreign assets back to Pakistan.
GWB: Good luck to the Lahore High Court. According to World Bank reporting, only about 15% of Pakistanis pay income taxes. I suspect those 64 politicians will figure 'what goes on in my Dubai bank account stays in Dubai.'
Let's see TSB; that was Sept 2013 so what is our FP towards Syria? Something about chemical weapons? So now the rebels have TOW missiles. Anyone who has no clue about our policy in Libya, Syria or Ukraine certainly has a right because you sure won't hear it from any of the politicians or news sources. gwb
TSB;James: So far jury duty is all clear til at least Friday. Perfect weather and all the lawyers are on Spring Break! Good thing I didn't spring for a costume... I think I'll just go with that 'Burger King is reading my emails' gambit. gwb
James: I have a simple test to tell whether I am smarter than someone I'm talking to. I just ask them if they have ever heard of the skeptical bureaucrat. So far, I am in the top 1%. gwb
TSB: Listening to the 'so concerned' senators questioning the clueless and compliant Sec. Shinseki it seems apparent that none of them realize that disabled veterans are being told to get over to Social Security Disability because they can help you a lot faster. Business is way up! gwb
TSB: With all this trouble in the provinces it looks like the Marines will be wearing their uniforms this time if they have to go back to Tripoli. We were doing so much better when Gadhaffi was there maybe we should go in and put his sons back in power...at least til they clean out the terrorists. gwb (or at least ask Joe Lieberman..see last paragraph)
GWB: I agree we were better off with the late-stage Col Gadhafi. That guy now seems like a model of stability, tolerance, and progress. Plus, he was fun with those quirky touches, like his all-Amazon bodyguard corps.
TSB: Sure! and the young guys could split the duties. One for Egypt style repression, torture and military contracts and the other for oil contracts, fast cars,villas women and mafia deals with Berlesconi. gwb
James; TSB: I called in as instructed and there was no jury duty message from the court clerk. "Due to budget difficulties/short staffing we will be closed til next week." It sounds like they spent so much buying and gassing that Mine Resistant Assault Vehicle and training the SWAT TEAM that they don't have any funds left to prosecute the scofflaws!! gwb
AND...If you haven't seen it yet, this interviewer with GWU students who are madly in love with Hillary turns on them and asks the one question nobody (including Hillary) can answer. gwb (talk about Rush Limbaugh's 'skulls full of mush')
TSB: Yesterday we had Shinseki deferring to Dr. Petzel and today Dr. Pretzel is GONE! Looks to me like Shinseki's defense is going to be that he choked (or relied) on a Pretzil !gwb (I'm no juror but that Petzil guy looked guilty to me!)gwb
TSB;James: There sure is a lot of news that is 'not to be mentioned' these days. Here's proof that the 'recovering economy' is not quite what you see on tv. One of these amazing car lots is right down the road from you TSB! gwb
TSB: That Vet Affairs hearing was so surreal I had to review the first hour and 15 minutes. Sen Murray has been asking about gaming the appt system since 2011 and was told by an asst Sec. VA in 2012 it was rampant. Shinseki just found out about it last Friday! (except for a couple isolated instances) The 'mad as hell' Secy can't identify anything he ever did or asked to get to the bottom of this. I think I would have asked him to take a drug test. (for valium,'dupify' and 'stupify') At any rate we can now be certain that the Secy was just following orders like: stay cluless! gwb
TSB: Back when I wasn't paying any attention (95,96) Bob Dole was trying to make the case that Clinton was a wimp. Clinton's answer was NATO expansion. That horse has been running wild ever since and spreading you know what all over!gwb
GWB: "Pavlo Gubarev: TSB; James: He's not a household word yet but check out the duds on this guy! gwb" Its...It's El Supremo!
TSB: "GWB: I agree we were better off with the late-stage Col Gadhafi. That guy now seems like a model of stability, tolerance, and progress. Plus, he was fun with those quirky touches, like his all-Amazon bodyguard corps."
And the most stylish cross dresser of the North Sahara!
TSB; James: I figured a kid who could manage to get himself thrown out of catholic kindergarten permanently by questioning catechism should be able to get the cute young prosecutor to fire me. Question: "Ok now, any more suggestions why you might not believe dna evidence? Anyone?
Answer: "Crooked prosecutors witholding evidence!" (we just had such a case here recently.)
Prosecutor: "GASP!" Defense atty: sly smile Judge: face palm I couldn't believe they didn't want me since I was just being honest. DISMISSED!
It's morning in AMERICA! (where we build submarines (for Spain) that only go down; build fast trains and bridges to nowhere and have a government car company that leads the world in recalls. But we can still laugh at the French! gwb
TSB: That 'Arab Spring' thing almost killed Hosni in 2011 but he tells me that he's got 'happy feet' now and hopes to campaign with Hillary in 2016 after he gets Egypt back on track. gwb
James: Thanks! I decided to be gung ho for participating fully especially once I realized how spaced out a number of the jury pool were from working graveyard or this being their 4th opportunity to be on a jury. In the process I also discovered that my bias is against prosecutors (Thanks Lincoln Lawyer!)so I thought I might as well put it out there. gwb
TSB: A Canadian high school student decided to test seafood from China sold at her local supermarket with a geiger counter. Results: not the least bit safe to eat! The Canadian government responded by eliminating radiation monitoring of food imports! Fukishima is already destroying the ocean; Next will be all the crops and livestock. gwb
GWB: I have a strict policy of not ingesting anything that came from China, nor eating or drinking from anything that was made there (my coffee thermos is a Zojirushi made in Thailand).
Re Fukishima, have Japanese Sci-Fi monster movies come back in fashion? A new Godzilla rising from the Sea of Japan, etc?
James! You made my day!! How long is your sentence???I mean term. It used to be 2 months here but 2 weeks felt like forever. I do sincerely apologize. Please administer an appropriate penance whilst I attempt to conjur a remedy. gwb
James: You remind me of that Simpsons episode where The Comic Book Guy re-wrote jury duty notices to say "you are invited to join the Springfield League of Justice; be at the Municipal Fortress of Vengence 8AM Monday." That would make you feel honored.
GWB: I found Zojirushi Tuff Mugs after a lot of searching for a replacement for my (very) old Nissan 'Silver Bullet' briefcase thermos. The old Nissan still works, but I like the Z better. If you want a steel vacuum bottle that is not made in China, your options are almost non-existent.
James: This 'black magic' kit I got is really powerful. Anyway, to make up for your jury duty I just put a hex on the stock market. It is 16,606 now.. if it closes below 15,505 sell! and look for a big multi-month decline. These are dangerous times! gwb
TSB: Juan Cole has concluded this country is now more Stalinist than democratic saying... 'look what they did to me and I'm not even important'. It makes that Greenwald list of Americans all the more interesting. I'm looking forward to the Supreme Court ruling that says the security state can ruin anyone for any reason. gwb
TSB: Of course I couldn't imagine being in charge of the VA. I'm not a banker! Sloan Gibson is the new guy in charge and he is a banker. I don't even know what an S-Loan is or where to get one. gwb
I admit I've been lazy on the posting, and I'm traveling again today, so work gets in the way. But I wil post something new before summer is over, I promise.
GWB: I'm indoors at an unadventurous German airport waiting for a connecting flight right now, but they have great free macchiatos from a machine, so I can't complain. Next week should be fairly relaxing, so I hope to post something new.
TSB: While you were travelling to faraway places Pepe was visiting St. Petersberg and the Institute of Oriental Studies on the banks of the Neva River.. which he knows all about.. and I have been reading "Peter The Great" (1980)sort of my intro to European history. That Peter guy really was sumpthin!! gwb
GWB: Don't believe him! He's probably fly fishing in a stream somewhere in the Alps, wearing unmatched lederhosen and yodeling a bad english version of "Fraulein".
LOL!! TSB: You are probably right about Pepe. Switzerland would be a good stopoff on the way to Paris where Putin,Obama and Francois will meet later this week to discuss the future of French shipbuilding. gwb
TSB: Re passports for dead people. So far I have had 2 people I suspected of not being who they said they were applying for disability. Both were from Central America originally. All you need is a driver's license and a worn out 50 yr old body and you could get accepted 3 or 4 times a year with our system. They probably have 6 fraud detectives sitting in an office in DC. gwb
@SkyNews In Blair Nebraska USA today @WoodhouseAuto, had 4500 vehicles damaged by hail. Est damage cost $152million TSB: Blair Nebraska auto dealer with 4500 vehicles? gwb
TSB: According to the law re: Gitmo, when hostilities end (Iraq is an example.) all prisoners must be freed. That means the 'fearsome five' would have to be released at the end of 2016 anyway. Nobody mentions this. (Yes DiFi, I'm talking about you!) Obama did the right thing. gwb
GWB: POTUS badly misplayed this Taliban release (inevitable though it may have been). He's laid his political genitalia on a table and handed his enemies a hammer.
TSB: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned Wednesday that Republican lawmakers would call for President Obama’s impeachment if he released more prisoners from Guantanamo Bay without congressional approval. I guess he can't use a hammer but he knows some people on Angie's List. gwb
TSB: Watching 4 senators quizzing Jane Harmon on Ukraine. Jeanne Shaheen wonders if pumping massive amounts of USAID and IMF $$ in will end corruption there. Evidently the oligarchs have promised not to steal the money so it's a go!!(smiley face). I was waiting for her to mention Afghanistan,but no. gwb
TSB: I was thinking about D-day and the value of disinformation. It occurred to me that Fl-370 was a story that had the characteristics of a totally pre-planned disinformation campaign filled with all the usual "expert" disinformers. gwb
TSB: In light of Maureen Dowd's latest 'TRIP' in Colorado where she spent a day hallucinating on marijuana I found this local story really interesting. Now we are curing brain cancer with that shit!! gwb http://tdn.com/news/local/winlock-student-with-brain-tumor-credits-cannabis-for-recent-recovery/article_b2b20ea8-ed02-11e3-8a23-0019bb2963f4.html
Well fellows, in the department of if you live long enough. Part of todays commemoration at Sword Beach was an interpretive dance routine to describe the days events of 70yrs ago. From the Daily Mail I give you........ http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/06/06/video-undefined-1E8A382100000578-664_636x358.jpg
Thanks James! I would like to see the video but I guess I would have to search thru hours of C-span for that. I wasn't born until 9 mo's after D-day but I'm still upset about the break-up of Martin and Lewis. I always blamed Lewis but I should give that up. The old coot is still going strong! gwb http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/race/jerry-lewis-opens-up-sons-709775
James! That was really good! (as I'm watching at 2 am) I think they should have had the Queen give a speech. That would have brought the house down. gwb
TSB:MoDo reminds me a little of Pepe Escobar. She looks at important issues from all angles and paints a picture that is a lot more like the real thing than most of us get. And it's always a bit of a surprise. gwb
TSB: I remember when you predicted that Assange would never get out of the Ecuadorian Embassy. Three cheers for the UK taxpayers for footing the $11 million bill for guarding the place and putting up with a total security state they wouldn't even know about without Snowden and Greenwald. gwb
TSB: Presidente Obama's open borders plan seems to be really picking up speed. I wonder what McCain thinks about sending them all to the Phoenix Bus Station? gwb
TSB: Wed at 5:45 pm I spent 20 min in a 5 to 7 person line at my nearby Walmart Super Center waiting for the only cashier.(that's how slow business is) Talk centered on how pissed off everyone is getting with homeless panhandlers. 10 yrs ago that store was bustling. gwb http://rt.com/news/164524-spikes-homeless-london-outrage/
GWB: Assange will get out of that embassy someday. The government in Ecuador might change its mind and throw him out, or Swenden might drop the charges against him, or the British might just lose all interest in him. He has.been eclipsed by Snowden in the public mind, after all.
TSB: Sen Wyden is one of my favorites for his patient and successful unmasking of James Clapper as a bald faced liar. In the process he revealed his colleagues to be, let's say, 'cowed'. I would like to see him resign from the oversight committee and proclaim that their is no oversight; Just a herd of closely watched cattle munching away. gwb
TSB: According to sources Otis was enrolled for Yoga training at the famous 'James Studio For The Performing Arts'. Under 'type of horse' the owner described Otis as a stud. He failed miserably and James had to refund all fees. gwb
TSB: I have just received footage,said to be of
ReplyDeleteJames taming wild horses with yoga.He says it also is a great help for your performance art. gwb
GWB: Yoga is good for horses, but I think police dogs prefer Tai Chi.
ReplyDeleteGWB: Yoga is good for horses, but I think police dogs prefer Tai Chi.
ReplyDeleteAnd with some ball balancing and water training...water polo! ? gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: Once you get past the smell, it's not too bad!
ReplyDeleteJust to be clear now Ms Psaki; You do realize you are being totally hypocritical? gwb (Jen tries 'slow dancing' then the 'justice handoff' with persistent reporter)gwb
ReplyDeleteSo that really was you!!
Great accent by the way. gwb
TSB: George 'W' was turned down for that drug job partly due to
ReplyDelete'priors' in Montgomery County. gwb
James: This looks like 3 of those really bad Ukranian guys you were talking about. 1 is a Lt.Col in the
ReplyDeleteUkrainian SBU. The boys were trying to kidnap the local police chief when the local volunteers kicked.. I mean picked them up and checked their ID and weapons. gwb
Well the good may have won this one, but there's alot more to come, if there are any good guys.
ReplyDeleteTSB: It seems to me that besides being separated at birth these guys have something in common. They both
ReplyDeletemade it big by working for for ruthless oligarchs. gwb
http://binged.it/S2JoID Yatsenyuck (democrat)
http://binged.it/1k5Gwky NBA Commish Nate Silver
I love it when the media gets permission to be outraged at hypocrisy..and when the NAACP discovers their humanitarian of the year is a racist donor.
TSB: I was glad to see that John Kerry told the truth about Isreal the other day. (apartheid state)
ReplyDeleteOf course now he says he never said it but at least he said it before he didn't, if you know what I mean. gwb
GWB: Kerry learned to backpedal on his $10,000 mountain bike, so don't even try to keep up with him.
ReplyDeleteThe Israeli left uses the term "Apartheid state" a lot, but I think it's highly incorrect. About 21 percent of Israel's citizens are Arabs, and they have the same rights as the others. They vote, get elected to the legislature, serve in the military, buy land, etc. It's the Arab states that don't allow Jews to become citizens, vote, own land, etc. Even Jordan doesn't treat Jews equally under its laws, despite signing a peace treaty with Israel in 1995.
For Kerry, "apartheid" is probably a standard term of denunciation in his political circles. No one even remembers what the word means or where it came from, so I shouldn't be surprised that it isn't used accurately.
TSB: $10,000 mountain bike! Wow.That would look good on top of my Corolla.
ReplyDeleteI read a pretty good article on what the Ukraine military has been doing the past 10 years. They sold everything and pocketed the cash because why fight the neighbors? gwb
TSB:Kerry has used the'L' word. This is a serious breach of protocol! (shouldn't he have said 'snookered'?) gwb
ReplyDeleteKerry expressed anger and despair at Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The Secretary of State accused his Russian counterpart of lying to him about Russia’s willingness to abide by an international agreement to de-escalate the Ukraine crisis.
$10,000 bike and he still can't pedal a good story.
ReplyDeleteThat's funny James! And I dare you to name a funnier US war hero. gwb
ReplyDelete(and Sgt. Bilko doesn't count)
the caption should say: Kerry falls off bike, gets 2 more purple hearts
TSB: Disappointing to see Robert L
ReplyDeleteovell testify that the Marines sent to Tripoli had to waste an hour there changing uniforms for civilian clothes by order of the State Dept because it wouldn't look good.
Might be the 1st case of plain clothes Marines sent to evacuate an embassy? gwb
ReplyDeleteI dedicate this to Hillary.
GWB: You made me waste almost three hours watching the video of the Lovell testimony before I got to the part where Chaffetz repeated the story about the FAST Marines putting on civilian clothes. I think Lovell said his knowledge of the matter "was not directly related" (?) but he talked about it anyway.
ReplyDeleteThat story was reported by Fox TV in January 2013 (FAST Marines were sent to Tripoli on September 12, 2012) but not by any other news media. No FAST Marine or DOD spokesman ever confirmed that story, so far as I know. No one ever alleges that the FAST team sent to Sanaa on the same day had to change to civilian clothes. Is the story even true? I don't know, but I've never heard of FAST Marines in civilian clothes before.
Watching Chaffetz at work, I cringed whenever he thanked Gen. Lovell "for your service." It makes me suspicious about how much he really values military service when I see that he, personally, chose not serve. He values it in others, but not for himself, apparently.
James: Don't fear the Hillary. This is the second time she's been the inevitable next POTUS, and it might not work out any better for her this time than it did before.
ReplyDeleteTSB: Sorry for the wasted 3 hrs researching the Marines thing but good work anyway. I've wasted a lot more time on the wild musical chases James sends me on but it's all just in fun. Speaking of 'This is a great book idea'.. 'The Oligarchs' is a great book idea. It's about the 6 guys that became the 1st Russian oligarchs starting in 1985. I bought it used after reading Ch 1. Fun to see how this guys got where the are 20 yrs later. Really interesting reading.
TSB: Yeah I know that, but these people are like poor production horror movies, they never go away.
ReplyDeleteTSB: Add Malaysian Fl 370 to the list of 'Official Investigations'meant to show that "There's nothing to see here folks."
ReplyDeleteExactly TSB! And JR Cole is a great example. Naturally he has been removed from the national discussion
because telling the truth became a punishable offense during the Clinton administration. gwb
James: Call me cluless but when you
ReplyDeleteadd the Nuland intercepted phone call with the 'clandestine' CIA chief's trip to Kiev with the IMF money pledge with 'conditions' for the new Kiev government with the latest battles between armed people (thugs) and unarmed people doesn't this look like a classic CIA destabilization operation?
TSB: On being uncomfortable with Chaffetz: If you look at his bio it's easy to understand. Born 67,
ReplyDeleteclose ties to Dukakis family and the
all time record holder for extra points kicking at BYU. Pretty good for a Jewish kid from Los Gatos,Ca.
TSB: Which reminds me. Effram Zimbalist jr. died at 95 this weekend. If I didn't have to go to work this morning I'd be Utubing for a 77 Sunset Strip episode. gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: I am glad there will be a special comittee on Benghazi not because of the stupid talking points
ReplyDeletebut because I want to know if Carter Ham was let go (retired) and given a cushy position at a 'Tinktank' because he refused to go along with the Panetta political plan on 9/11. So far he has not been asked about that. gwb
TSB: I was watching a little C-span think tank on Ukraine this morning. The experts were giving their views on how to help the neo-nazis beat back the russkies and start WWIII.
ReplyDeleteOne guy suggested we send them stinger missiles like we did for Afghanistan. These guys sure get excited about proxy wars don't they? I think sending Nuland and more cupcakes would do the trick.
TSB:James; Anti-corruption training requires a special breed!gwb
ps: It looks like cooperation is still a little shaky between us an the Pakistanis.. I mean Pockistanis!
TSB: The Ukraine referendum is on the 11th. When the results are in then E Ukraine becomes the new Crimea and will invite the Russian troops to come in. Then I guess it will be time for Lavrov and Kerry to get together again for some negotiations?? gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: Thanks to your inspiring post about your phone dying and dealing with up to 100 messages a day I decided to be a true radical and ditch my phone entirely. It's taken a couple months but now I have everyone in my life trained that I only use Skype or email. I love the looks when people ask me for my phone number. gwb
ReplyDeleteYou're getting the hang of it GWB! Been away for awhile.
ReplyDeleteGWB: You are my role model!
ReplyDeleteTSB: James; Pro-Russian Separatists in Ukraine Reject Putin's Call to Delay Vote (WSJ)
ReplyDeleteHere comes 'self-determination' weekend! gwb
GWB: I need to call you and get your secret.
ReplyDeleteJames: The secret to why I don't need a phone is that I can't keep a secret so I never have a clue about what's going on. What I really need is one of those panic buttons you hang around your neck. I'm just waiting for the price to come down.
James: I listened to about 5 minutes of Nuland trying to explain our policy on Ukraine to the Senate. I guess Pepe listened too... I don't know where he gets the patience. But he saves his best for Kerry. gwb
TSB: TDY accomplished! gwb
ReplyDeleteLAHORE: The Lahore High Court on Friday issued a notice to the federal government and at least 64 politicians on a petition seeking directions for the politicians to bring their foreign assets back to Pakistan.
GWB: Good luck to the Lahore High Court. According to World Bank reporting, only about 15% of Pakistanis pay income taxes. I suspect those 64 politicians will figure 'what goes on in my Dubai bank account stays in Dubai.'
ReplyDeleteThat's good TSB! Wait! I hear music!
ReplyDeleteLet's get out of here! gwb
ReplyDeleteLet's see TSB; that was Sept 2013
so what is our FP towards Syria? Something about chemical weapons?
So now the rebels have TOW missiles.
Anyone who has no clue about our policy in Libya, Syria or Ukraine certainly has a right because you sure won't hear it from any of the politicians or news sources. gwb
TSB;James: So far jury duty is all clear til at least Friday. Perfect weather and all the lawyers are on Spring Break! Good thing I didn't spring for a costume... I think I'll just go with that 'Burger King is reading my emails' gambit. gwb
ReplyDeleteJames; TSB: Do you guys know anything about black magic? I'm a big believer but need to start practicing before Friday. gwb
James: I have a simple test to tell whether I am smarter than someone I'm talking to. I just ask them if they have ever heard of the skeptical bureaucrat. So far, I am in the top 1%. gwb
This should put a stop to the latest
ReplyDeleteState tweeters for awhile. gwb
(but don't expect anyone to ask AMH
if she has anything on that)
TSB: Listening to the 'so concerned'
ReplyDeletesenators questioning the clueless and compliant Sec. Shinseki it seems apparent that none of them realize that disabled veterans are being told to get over to Social Security Disability because they can help you a lot faster. Business is way up!
TSB: With all this trouble in the provinces it looks like the Marines will be wearing their uniforms this time if they have to go back to Tripoli. We were doing so much better when Gadhaffi was there maybe we should go in and put his sons back in power...at least til they clean out the terrorists. gwb (or at least ask Joe Lieberman..see last paragraph)
GWB: I agree we were better off with the late-stage Col Gadhafi. That guy now seems like a model of stability, tolerance, and progress. Plus, he was fun with those quirky touches, like his all-Amazon bodyguard corps.
ReplyDeleteTSB: Sure! and the young guys could split the duties. One for Egypt style repression, torture and military contracts and the other for
ReplyDeleteoil contracts, fast cars,villas women and mafia deals with Berlesconi. gwb
James; TSB: I called in as instructed and there was no jury duty message from the court clerk.
ReplyDelete"Due to budget difficulties/short staffing we will be closed til next week." It sounds like they spent so much buying and gassing that Mine Resistant Assault Vehicle and training the SWAT TEAM that they don't have any funds left to prosecute the scofflaws!! gwb
Pavlo Gubarev: TSB; James: He's not a household word yet but check out the duds on this guy! gwb
AND...If you haven't seen it yet, this interviewer with GWU students who are madly in love with Hillary
ReplyDeleteturns on them and asks the one question nobody (including Hillary) can answer. gwb (talk about Rush Limbaugh's 'skulls full of mush')
TSB: Yesterday we had Shinseki deferring to Dr. Petzel and today Dr. Pretzel is GONE! Looks to me like Shinseki's defense is going to be that he choked (or relied) on a Pretzil !gwb (I'm no juror but that Petzil guy looked guilty to me!)gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB;James: There sure is a lot of news that is 'not to be mentioned' these days. Here's proof that the 'recovering economy' is not quite what you see on tv. One of these amazing car lots is right down the road from you TSB! gwb
TSB: That Vet Affairs hearing was so surreal I had to review the first hour and 15 minutes. Sen Murray has been asking about gaming the appt system since 2011 and was told by an asst Sec. VA in 2012 it was rampant.
ReplyDeleteShinseki just found out about it last Friday! (except for a couple isolated instances) The 'mad as hell' Secy can't identify anything he ever did or asked to get to the bottom of this. I think I would have asked him to take a drug test. (for valium,'dupify' and 'stupify') At any rate we can now be certain that the Secy was just following orders like: stay cluless! gwb
TSB: James has supplied me with secret video of Sec. Shinseki being briefed at a staff meeting just before this weeks testimony. gwb
TSB: Back when I wasn't paying any attention (95,96) Bob Dole was trying to make the case that Clinton was a wimp. Clinton's answer was NATO expansion. That horse has been running wild ever since and spreading you know what all over!gwb
ReplyDelete"Pavlo Gubarev: TSB; James: He's not a household word yet but check out the duds on this guy! gwb"
Its...It's El Supremo!
"GWB: I agree we were better off with the late-stage Col Gadhafi. That guy now seems like a model of stability, tolerance, and progress. Plus, he was fun with those quirky touches, like his all-Amazon bodyguard corps."
And the most stylish cross dresser of the North Sahara!
TSB: I nominate this piece from a victim of the health care industry for 'Rant of the Week'!! (It's really about phones.) gwb
GWB: I empathize since I also hate to answer the office phone. No good thing ever came out of answering the phone.
ReplyDeleteTSB;James: I'm going in! 8am. gwb
TSB; James: I figured a kid who could manage to get himself thrown out of catholic kindergarten permanently by questioning catechism should be able to get the cute young prosecutor to fire me.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: "Ok now, any more suggestions why you might not believe dna evidence? Anyone?
Answer: "Crooked prosecutors witholding evidence!" (we just had such a case here recently.)
Prosecutor: "GASP!" Defense atty: sly smile Judge: face palm
I couldn't believe they didn't want me since I was just being honest. DISMISSED!
ReplyDeleteIt's morning in AMERICA! (where we build submarines (for Spain) that only go down; build fast trains and bridges to nowhere and have a government car company that leads the world in recalls. But we can still laugh at the French! gwb
TSB: That 'Arab Spring' thing almost killed Hosni in 2011 but he tells me that he's got 'happy feet' now and hopes to campaign with Hillary in 2016 after he gets Egypt back on track. gwb
GWB: Well done!
ReplyDeleteJames: Thanks! I decided to be gung ho for participating fully especially once I realized how spaced out a number of the jury pool
ReplyDeletewere from working graveyard or this being their 4th opportunity to be on a jury. In the process I also discovered that my bias is against prosecutors (Thanks Lincoln Lawyer!)so I thought I might as well put it out there. gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: A Canadian high school student decided to test seafood from China sold at her local supermarket with a geiger counter. Results: not the least bit safe to eat! The Canadian government responded by eliminating radiation monitoring of food imports! Fukishima is already destroying the ocean; Next will be all the crops and livestock. gwb
GWB: I have a strict policy of not ingesting anything that came from China, nor eating or drinking from anything that was made there (my coffee thermos is a Zojirushi made in Thailand).
ReplyDeleteRe Fukishima, have Japanese Sci-Fi monster movies come back in fashion? A new Godzilla rising from the Sea of Japan, etc?
TSB: Those Zojirushi's really stand out for style. gwb
ReplyDeleteRe: Fukishima, well this makes night fishing a lot easier.
ReplyDeleteGWB: Thou hast cursed me! I have received a summons from the High Sheriff for jury duty!
ReplyDeleteTSB: I was trying to imagine if I was in charge of the VA. I can't!
James! You made my day!! How long is your sentence???I mean term. It used to be 2 months here but 2 weeks felt like forever. I do sincerely apologize. Please administer an appropriate penance whilst I attempt to conjur a remedy. gwb
ReplyDeleteJames: You remind me of that Simpsons episode where The Comic Book Guy re-wrote jury duty notices to say "you are invited to join the Springfield League of Justice; be at the Municipal Fortress of Vengence 8AM Monday." That would make you feel honored.
ReplyDeleteGWB: I found Zojirushi Tuff Mugs after a lot of searching for a replacement for my (very) old Nissan 'Silver Bullet' briefcase thermos. The old Nissan still works, but I like the Z better. If you want a steel vacuum bottle that is not made in China, your options are almost non-existent.
ReplyDeleteJames: This 'black magic' kit I got is really powerful. Anyway, to make up for your jury duty I just put a hex on the stock market. It is 16,606 now.. if it closes below 15,505 sell! and look for a big multi-month decline. These are dangerous times! gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: Can you link up with Charles Crawford again? I was just getting to enjoy him and he went Pffft!
ReplyDeleteThanks! gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: Juan Cole has concluded this country is now more Stalinist than democratic saying... 'look what they did to me and I'm not even important'. It makes that Greenwald list of Americans all the more interesting. I'm looking forward to the Supreme Court ruling that says the security state can ruin anyone for any reason. gwb
GWB: It's http://charlescrawford.biz/
ReplyDeleteThanks, I've updated the link.
ReplyDeleteThanks guys! At this rate we will hit 100 comments by summer unless TSB comes up with another post or James gets sequestered. gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: Of course I couldn't imagine being in charge of the VA. I'm not a banker! Sloan Gibson is the new guy in charge and he is a banker. I don't even know what an S-Loan is or where to get one. gwb
I admit I've been lazy on the posting, and I'm traveling again today, so work gets in the way. But I wil post something new before summer is over, I promise.
ReplyDeleteThat will be great TSB! You work hard and have a real job. Hope you get some great outdoor adventures!
GWB: I'm indoors at an unadventurous German airport waiting for a connecting flight right now, but they have great free macchiatos from a machine, so I can't complain. Next week should be fairly relaxing, so I hope to post something new.
ReplyDeleteTSB: While you were travelling to faraway places Pepe was visiting St. Petersberg and the Institute of Oriental Studies on the banks of the Neva River.. which he knows all about.. and I have been reading "Peter The Great" (1980)sort of my intro to European history. That Peter guy really was sumpthin!! gwb
GWB: Don't believe him! He's probably fly fishing in a stream somewhere in the Alps, wearing unmatched lederhosen and yodeling a bad english version of "Fraulein".
ReplyDeleteLOL!! TSB: You are probably right about Pepe. Switzerland would be a good stopoff on the way to Paris where Putin,Obama and Francois will meet later this week to discuss the future of French shipbuilding. gwb
TSB: Re passports for dead people. So far I have had 2 people I suspected of not being who they said they were applying for disability. Both were from Central America originally. All you need is a driver's license and a worn out 50 yr old body and you could get accepted 3 or 4 times a year with our system. They probably have 6 fraud detectives sitting in an office in DC. gwb
ReplyDelete@SkyNews In Blair Nebraska USA today @WoodhouseAuto, had 4500 vehicles damaged by hail. Est damage cost $152million
ReplyDeleteTSB: Blair Nebraska auto dealer with
4500 vehicles? gwb
James: Did you see that? I tweeted without using a phone! gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: According to the law re: Gitmo,
ReplyDeletewhen hostilities end (Iraq is an example.) all prisoners must be freed. That means the 'fearsome five' would have to be released at the end of 2016 anyway. Nobody mentions this. (Yes DiFi, I'm talking about you!) Obama did the right thing. gwb
James: I got the check today for jury duty: $12.65 I thought they said $10 an hour but I guess it was $10 a day. Thomas Jefferson is smiling! gwb
ReplyDeleteGWB: POTUS badly misplayed this Taliban release (inevitable though it may have been). He's laid his political genitalia on a table and handed his enemies a hammer.
ReplyDeleteLOL TSB: And which of his enemies know how to use a hammer? gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: Did you see the picture of Obama exercising with a dumbell? gwb
TSB: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned Wednesday that Republican lawmakers would call for President Obama’s impeachment if he released more prisoners from Guantanamo Bay without congressional approval. I guess he can't use a hammer but he knows some people on Angie's List.
TSB: Watching 4 senators quizzing Jane Harmon on Ukraine. Jeanne Shaheen wonders if pumping massive amounts of USAID and IMF $$ in will end corruption there. Evidently the oligarchs have promised not to steal the money so it's a go!!(smiley face). I was waiting for her to mention Afghanistan,but no. gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: I was thinking about D-day and the value of disinformation. It occurred to me that Fl-370 was a story that had the characteristics of a totally pre-planned disinformation campaign filled with all the usual "expert" disinformers.
TSB: In light of Maureen Dowd's latest 'TRIP' in Colorado where she spent a day hallucinating on marijuana I found this local story really interesting. Now we are curing brain cancer with that shit!!
MoDo was tripping on Colorado weed? I get a mental image of her putting on some Jimi Henndrix and reminiscing about the '60s. Not a pretty scene.
ReplyDeleteWell fellows, in the department of if you live long enough. Part of todays commemoration at Sword Beach was an interpretive dance routine to describe the days events of 70yrs ago. From the Daily Mail I give you........
Thanks James! I would like to see the video but I guess I would have to search thru hours of C-span for that.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't born until 9 mo's after D-day but I'm still upset about the break-up of Martin and Lewis. I always blamed Lewis but I should give that up. The old coot is still going strong! gwb
James! That was really good! (as I'm watching at 2 am) I think they should have had the Queen give a speech. That would have brought the house down. gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB:MoDo reminds me a little of Pepe Escobar. She looks at important issues from all angles and paints a picture that is a lot more like the real thing than most of us get. And it's always a bit of a surprise. gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: I remember when you predicted that Assange would never get out of the Ecuadorian Embassy. Three cheers for the UK taxpayers for footing the
ReplyDelete$11 million bill for guarding the place and putting up with a total security state they wouldn't even know about without Snowden and Greenwald. gwb
TSB: Presidente Obama's open borders plan seems to be really picking up speed. I wonder what McCain thinks about sending them all to the Phoenix Bus Station? gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: Wed at 5:45 pm I spent 20 min in a 5 to 7 person line at my nearby Walmart Super Center waiting for the only cashier.(that's how slow business is) Talk centered on how pissed off everyone is getting with homeless panhandlers. 10 yrs ago that store was bustling. gwb
TSB: http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2014-06-08/nsa-whistleblower-snowden-never-had-access-juiciest-documents
GWB: Assange will get out of that embassy someday. The government in Ecuador might change its mind and throw him out, or Swenden might drop the charges against him, or the British might just lose all interest in him. He has.been eclipsed by Snowden in the public mind, after all.
ReplyDeleteTSB: The statute of limitations on forgetting to use a condom in Sweden shouldn't be this long. Don't they have an 'Alien and Seduction Act'??
TSB: Sen Wyden is one of my favorites for his patient and successful unmasking of James Clapper as a bald faced liar. In the process he revealed his colleagues to be, let's say, 'cowed'. I would like to see him resign from the oversight committee and proclaim that their is no oversight; Just a herd of closely watched cattle munching away. gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: According to sources Otis was enrolled for Yoga training at the famous 'James Studio For The Performing Arts'. Under 'type of horse' the owner described Otis as a stud. He failed miserably and James had to refund all fees. gwb
TSB: Re: MoDo's big trip on the little Colorado Bill Maher said:
ReplyDelete"Nothing destroys a good party like someone who is paranoid and delusional...LIKE THE REPUBLICANS!"