Friday, August 8, 2014

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

"South African Giraffe Dies After Hitting Bridge" (BBC News Africa)

Eyewitnesses say the giraffe, one of two on a truck, hit its head on a bridge on Johannesburg's N1 motorway.


  1. TSB: I blame cell phones. Same thing
    causing parents to leave their toddlers locked in cars while they get their nails done. I'm pretty sure cell phones is one of the 7 deadly sins. Of course, he might have been listening to Glen Beck.gwb

  2. PS: Did you know the ancestors of giraffes were in the US midwest plains thousands of years ago and about the size of a miniature pony?
    They migrated to Asia and ultimately to Africa. gwb

  3. GWB:
    This was an evolutionary change to allow them to cross the Siberia-Alaskan land bridge that was still under water, though shallow.
    Perusing the plethora of theories about said land bridge, it was apparently a very busy place. But since everyone had learned to keep right by then traffic wasn't that big of a problem and it explains why the English and Japanese never colonized Washington, Oregon, or California.

  4. GWB: They could feed Africa with GM crops, but that would cause disquiet among the (well-fed) donor nations and NGOs.

    Which is the higher value: growing drought-resistant maize in Africa, or politically attacking those corporate villains at Monsanto? I say it's maximizing crop yields, but opinions differ.

  5. TSB: This year they had perfect growing conditions in Sudan and plenty of seed. Just no farmers left to plant, tend and harvest because of the war. Yes, Monsanto is great for many. Yucatan farmers last week won a court ruling banning the stuff to protect the honey farmers.. 2nd biggest honey exporters in the world. gwb (Monsanto grains kill off the bees.)

  6. James: This Yazidi thing reminds me of hustling all those west coast Japanese off to barbed wire enclosures with whatever they could carry to the train. What was it?? 400,000? Might have been better
    to use their help in the war effort. gwb

  7. GWB: If Maliki has any sense of self-preservation, he'll exile himself. If he hangs in there and survives, then I suppose the Iraq project that was begun after WWI will come to a natural end, as has already happened to so many other imposed synthetic states. I don't think anyone will mourn it.

  8. GWB: I just don't know what to thing on MH-17.
    The Yazdi's, nobody cares for those poor people, especially in DC where they looked upon only as a possible political liability.

  9. Good idea TSB! Biden has that guest house out back with built in Secret Service protection. gwb

  10. James: Look,Obama playing golf with the 'Members Only Crowd'! What is that thing on his cap? A laser sight device? gwb Also, sounds like the soup nazi is part of his security team.

  11. Sorry TSB: I forgot to paste the link on the golf. Now can't find it.
    but I heard Maliki ordered $380 million to be sent 'somewhere' from the Iraq Central Bank so he looks to be taking your advice and getting his bags packed. gwb

  12. TSB,James: Looks like we got to him about the 'tin ear' thing.

    MYSTERY: Obama returning to Washington this weekend...

  13. GWB:
    That was a CDD. Clinton detection device. Usually only worn in trailer parks.

  14. TSB: Re: St.Louis racial tensions. I love Claire McKaskell. She tweets that as a grandmother she is heartbroken. Leaving out that she's a Senator because she can sit on a fence and seem human compared to the knuckle draggers who run against her. I think this shooting might be a turning point (in a bad way). It amazes me that no politician can condemn it. I'm pretty sure that cop won't be going back to work though. (He's too traumatized.) gwb

  15. TSB: My sources are that the Russians shifted their humanitarian aid to military vehicles and took them across the E. Ukraine border tonite. I tend to believe it because
    US media silent about it. Reported by Guardian. If so, Obama and CIA punked again by Putin. gwb

  16. That's great James! A CDD!

  17. GWB: The Captain was having a " controlled nap" after a heavy lunch of airline biryani. Okay. But what was the copilot doing, her nails? This will set back female acceptance in aviation by ten years.


    TSB:That does look heavy and delicious! I would love to have seen the expression on her face when the old rascal started snoring. gwb

  19. Sometimes GWB and TSB, you gotta just holler Hey Bo Diddley!

  20. James: It appears the investigation into the airliner shootdown over Ukraine has uncovered enough evidence to end the investigation and play 'HEY BO DIDLEY' instead!gwb

  21. James: You're right. Bo Diddley is exactly what we need. I just looked up some of his music, and what impresses me was how he did not pander to teenage audiences or pop themes even when he was a mass market figure, but always picked music with serious adult meaning.

    I once saw a documentary about him and learned that after he was refused entrance to some restaurants when on tour in the 50s, he did not demand the government do anything about it, but instead got a charcoal grill and cooked his own food while on the road from then on. Late in his life he served as a deputy sheriff volunteer for several years, helped to built his own home, and was a solid self-reliant citizen.

    A mensch, quite unlike most musical stars.

  22. GWB: Perry should use that mugshot as the launching pad for another Presidential run. Free media. That drunk driving DA who had to be tied to a chair for her own good is the best symbol I can imagine for out-of-control government.

  23. TSB: lol on the DA! Here is how long it takes to read a black box recording: Black box has no record of Brazil's Campos fatal flight
    The black box from Wednesday's plane crash that killed Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos did not record his flight, Brazilian Air Force (FAB) announced, but recorded something else. "The two hours of audio, the maximum recording capacity of the equipment, which were received and validated by certified technicians, were not of the flight of 13 August," air force spokesman Pedro Luis Farcic said. FAB is trying to determine what the recording is. Campos and six other people died when a private jet crashed near Sao

  24. TSB: I just watched the 'state of emergency' press conference. I need to get a nap so I can be up for the riot on CNN tonite when the sun goes down. Sounded like every lynch mob I've ever been in. gwb

  25. James! Take a rabies shot before turning on your tv today. Somebody said Kerry is hitting all the talk shows today. gwb

  26. Kerry is doing the Full Ginsburg today? I'll have to catch the post-show highlights.


    TSB: In the old days it just took a couple Tommies with a gun to calm down 'the folks'. Now whitey
    can't even deal with a shoplifter.gwb

  28. Ah Kerry, sorry GWB, the guy just really rubs me raw.
    TSB: when I was young I swore that I'd never be like those old guys who said "things were better in our day" which of course I have become. Those guys Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Bo Diddley, and Jerry Lee Lewis could put on a show.

  29. James: That Kerry rumor turned out to be false. I've been reading a 1962 book about the British guy who
    eliminated the Mau Maus in Kenyala. Those guys were real terrorists with a charismatic leader who combined Christianity, old tribal superstitions. A lot like our religious right. Racism adds a lot.


    TSB: I agree with Kareem. The status quo (call them Coca Cola)have pitted the rest of us against each other ever since those
    Colonial Virginia lawyers cme up with their prwperty laws. (me computer needs a rabies shot!)gwb

  31. TSB: Potus announcing that our constitutional right to peacefully assemble and protest must be protected. This right after CNN announced that you can no longer congregate or stand still in Ferguson. 2 men arrested for standing on sidewalk with their grandmother. I don't know why they didn't teargas her for not moving but evidently that recalls
    Seattle memories. gwb

  32. TSB: This just in! gwb

  33. TSB: Potus only called on 4 of his 'Press Poodles' today, confident none of them would ask him about our full support for this. gwb

  34. James: My suggested music for tomorrow night's peaceful protest in Ferguson. gwb

  35. TSB: As of last nite it has now been established that the press has no right to cover anything where the police say a public safety risk exists. Next step will be not to allow them to publish anything that might create a public safety risk. Support for this is currently strong
    with the majority. 40,000 Muslim brothers currently in jail is nothing. We just established military rule with just 31 arrests. gwb

  36. TSB: This just in (NPR). Egypt urging US to use restraint in
    Ferguson! gwb (my sources say
    they are also willing to send
    military and diplomatic advisors
    to help Obama.)

  37. TSB: Hat's off to Ron Johnson for a successful police campaign against the hoodlums of Ferguson, Missouri!
    And hats off to Jake Tapper for the best reporting in a very thin field where a lot of the old agit puppets
    (Matthews, Jesse J, Up front with Erin, the reverand Al Sharpton) showed their uselessness) and speaking of useless and speaking of useless and irrelevant, hats off to 'POTUS' and his minions! gwb

  38. TSB: Just like 'Sully Sullinger' the media now has a bona fide
    'Good Guy' to support the status quo
    next time a real race riot breaks out, or we disappear another Malaysian airliner. Also, I promise to quit complaining about no reporting on ISIS! Anyone who reports in Syria, Iraq,Ukraine or the other 120 places we are fighting for world domination is nuts! gwb2274

  39. James: There is a real shortage of golf pro's in Iraq and lots of money sloshing around. (Like an MP slot going for $5 million). I could get you a one year contract at this great course for almost 500k at this place:

    That one is near the northern oil country and crawling with oil execs
    who love to play for $$. Besides beheadings and kidnapping the biggest threat would be somebody cutting the water supply.My sources also say lots of US soldiers will be coming soon! gwb

  40. TSB: I have obtained footage of a youthful James who was late for his tee time. Just kidding but this is why I spend most of my time behind a big slow moving truck in the right lane. gwb

  41. TSB must be quietly chuckling to know that Jimmie Obama mounted a rescue mission in Syria but they saw us coming and moved the hostages. After that I guess ransom wasn't an option like for all those other hostages. gwb

  42. GWB: The failed rescue is another Carter similarity, but then there have been other failed rescues, including one in North Vietnam (Son Tay prison camp, 1971?). I give them points for trying.

  43. Aye Aye Captain! And points for getting out of there alive too. gwb

  44. TSB: Well that didn't take long. It's now illegal in the UK to watch
    or share a terrorist video. I couldn't even watch the Berghdal one so I am still not a terrorist unless
    you count 'thinking like and Egyptian despot. gwb

  45. TSB GWB: Yeah, I remember Son Tay and the Carter attempt. I think in this case it was a set up. ISIS fed some funky intel to our guys knowing it would be lapped up providing another Bin Laden was killed moment. Instead they flew into an ambush. A key is reports that ops guys started receiving fire before touching down, which means they were waiting for them.

  46. ok TSB: $130 million would have had
    Foley released with the other ransomed hostages and our rescue mission was based on "Intel" from the other hostages.

    So we were betting that the terrorists were stupid enough to keep the Americans in the same place. Would have been smarter to hit up Time and that other Globe outfit for the tab than to go in on that basis. gwb

  47. Good point James! It seems
    our big 7 year push to rely
    on special forces has run
    into an 'intelligence problem'
    since the jihadi's learned
    about NSA. Time to withdraw
    all reporters and photographers
    and start pouring $$$
    into Sunni tribal chiefs!(on the QT of course) gwb

  48. TSB, GWB,
    A little music that's my mood right now.

  49. Diplopundit saves the day for me with a great post! gwb

    for the most part, our foreign policy is crafted, led, and executed by ambitious amateurs – ideologues, the paladins of special interests, securocrats playing games of musical sinecures,

  50. TSB: Re: Saudi foreign minister: we must denounce our hatred toward #Israel and begin normalize ties with Jewish nation.

    What's the matter big guy? ISIS got you spooked? They even spooked Obama when they claimed to have guys who could blow up Chicago. So, is this part of 'Assad Must Go' or just 'Pin Prick'? And thanks for the 'Blues' James!! gwb

  51. Let's see TSB. Maliki decided to step down with his $380 million dollar parachute but Iraq PM's can't form a government so he's still caretaking everything while the country burns down.

    We suspect, in some dark corner of Washington, Hillary is grinning from ear to ear. gwb

  52. James! Maureen Dowd wrote a great column just for you! No Kerry in it at all.. just pure performance art.

    You should come up with and appropriate SCORE for this one! gwb

  53. GWB: I think the Saudi FM sounded exasperated with HAMAS more than anything else. Maybe their best friends are staging an intervention - "put the missiles down and go into rehab if you want another dollar from us."

  54. TSB: Looks like the battle for Tripoli Airport is over and the Zintan guys have given up. In Benghazi.. I mean the new'Emirate of Benghazi' the Islamists have taken over and will probably be announcing
    their alliance with the ISIS Caliphate soon. I'm sure Al Sisi can handle it with all those tanks and F-16's we gave him. gwb

  55. How about this one GWB:

  56. TSB: The bigger they are the harder they fall? Sounds like big trouble for the Kiev military. gwb
    “DNR’s army has surrounded the staff headquarters of the 8th army corps, 28th and 30th mechanized brigades, 95th air mobile brigade of the army of Ukraine, and also punitive battalions ‘Aidar’, ‘Donbass’ and ‘Shakhtersk’,” the document claims.

  57. TSB: The way things are going in the world I don't think job security will be an issue for you, personal safety maybe, job no.

  58. James: That's an eleven-minute track. My attention span isn't that long!

    I agree, job security is probably not going to be a concern for the rest of my career. There was a scary moment just after the end of the Cold War, when Peace was supposed to break out forever, but I kept my head about me and rode that out.

  59. "That's an eleven-minute track. My attention span isn't that long!"
    Yeah I know, but it does kinda fit though.

  60. GWB: It's bad enough that Ukraine and Russia are fighting again, Tripoli's airport is in flames, HAMAS and Israel are still trading blows, and Boko Haram has declared its own Caliphate. But now ISIS - according to a leading Member of Congress - is inventing a way to blow up entire U.S. cities, as incredibly unlikely as that seems.

    I only barely survived last year's Global Extinction Threats of Iranian nuclear bombs and Chinese EMP. Now, I'm all crisis-ed out again.

  61. James: This 'High Spark of High Heeled Boys' is really great stuff if thinking of the 'Donbass Rebels' turning the tables on 7000 Kiev fascists and their artillery,tanks and APC's while the Russkies deliver
    water, beans,flour and sleeping bags
    to the elderly and children and Obama parties. Too bad there was no fiddle. Nice putt maestro! gwb

  62. TSB: The Lithuanian Consul in Luhansk was killed over the weekend.
    (by the rebels)
    I think he was involuntarily stranded there from the beginning but it was very un-diplomatic for his government to be leading the cheerleading for the Kiev offensive.

  63. TSB: 'Leading From Behind' has morphed into 'finding out your girl friend is dating someone else!' gwb

  64. James: Lyle was once married (?) to Julia Roberts, wasn't he? That should give hope to all men of, ah, less-than-classic good looks.

  65. TSB: (eye roll and guffaws)
    Let's just say 'mistakes were made'.
    Lyle is way to down to earth for her
    but that boy can ride!

  66. TSB: I wonder what the US will do when the Chi-Coms force one of those shiny new Orions to land and charge the crew with espionage? That would be a challenge for our Ambassador. gwb

  67. The Chi-Coms did force one to land, after a slight mid-air collision with an interceptor, back in the first few months of the GW Bush administration. They were very nice about it afterwards.

  68. But TSB, these new ones have Harp anti-ship missiles, depth charges and other anti-sub stuff.. everything but a way to protect themselves and they just went into service last year. Chicoms could say they were just taking it for a 'test drive'. gwb

  69. I would put nothing past those wily Chinese commies!

  70. TSB: Congress is ready to pass a bill that will require all cars be 'hequipped' with data transmitters for gps location,speed, distance traveled, vehicle ID.(Imagine the taxes!)

    Too bad they didn't put that in all those ISIS humvees. When my Corolla wears out I'm getting a pony. gwb

  71. TSB: The Russkies are making their move on Donetsk! Have to clear the way for that next humanitarian convoy. Kerry studying the situation from his sail boat? gwb

  72. GWB: From his sailboat, or one of his houses, or wherever it is that the wealthy go for the last week of summer. Kerry does seem to have fallen off the radar screen the past few days.

  73. TSB: Prez. Obama tells NSC he wants plan to deal with ISIS pronto! Hilarity ensues. gwb (My sources say someone quipped: "Look how long it took to come up with our genius plan for Ukraine!") Ike had 347 NSC meetings and still found time for golf and heart attacks.

  74. Ike was modest, too. He never claimed to be able to cause the oceans to recede and the earth to heal itself. (Not that I doubt he COULD have done that, just that he never bragged about it.) So, I guess it's possible to both golf and govern.

    Latest joke from @iowahawk: empty suits now available in Khaki.

  75. "Latest joke from @iowahawk: empty suits now available in Khaki."

    "I would put nothing past those wily Chinese commies!"
    And they are quite inscrutable too you know.

  76. James: Another good suit joke is "The Audacity of Taupe." That suit is liable to become for Obama what the sweater was so for Jimmy Carter. Same thing for the message: "I have no strategy" was a jumping-the-shark moment.

  77. TSB,James: My vote is for taupe. But has anyone noticed that since Putin released that F### the EU recording which was spun as 'bad manners' on his part, there has been no substantial discussion at all by anyone about what our policy is in Ukraine? Just White hats and Black Hats. Even Pat Buchanan can write a great piece criticizing an empty suit like HRC but he can't utter the truth about
    Ukraine. Who decides these places where no blogger or broadcaster dares venture? gwb

  78. UK Raises Terror Threat Level To Severe (From Substantial)

    TSB: Where's Tom Ridge and Condoleza? Looks like Orange Jumpsuits are the new Orange Alert Level. And don't forget 9/11 gwb

  79. TSB: It has taken awhile, but the results are in: Fukushima Increased Cesium Levels 100 to 1,000 Times Worldwide ... and 1,000,000 to 10,000,000 Times On the U.S. West Coast
    That is according to The Journal Environmental Science & Technology last year. So keep contributing to those 'Find The Cure' charities and buying pink T-shirts cause we are screwed! gwb

  80. GWB: On the disappearance of Ukraine from the news, I think there is just too much happening at the same time elsewhere in the world for the punditocracy to absorb Ukraine again. Ukraine was in the news a few months ago, then it was out, and now it will have to go back to the end of the line and wait its turn for the media's limited attention.

  81. TSB: Your right about Ukraine needing to wait in line. This NATO summit should be interesting now that Ukraine wants immediate admission. I would love to see congress squabble about that one!
