Sunday, August 31, 2014

Pool Party At Our Place!

Finally, a Libyan militia that knows what it's doing! That looks like the most fun you can have without beer. Or female guests.


  1. TSB: So these guys now have a Green Zone? Also, they are better divers than I ever was considering it looks
    like the shallow end of the pool.gwb

  2. The diving was pretty impressive, especially considering it was head-first. There was no lifeguard on duty, I guess. That greenish color must be due to a lack of pool maintanence ever since we left.

  3. Oh, one more thing about that pool party. As a Foreign Service Officer pointed out, because the Libyans were jumping off a roof - a totally unsafe practice which American safety regulations would never allow - we have the moral high ground over them.

  4. TSB: Yes,thanks for pointing out the moral high ground. I think it's comical that the Co-Chairs of the 911 commission are calling for the declassification of their report in 2014. (sounds like something the Saudi's weren't happy with).

    And yesterday when a C-Span caller
    asked if we hadn't played a big role in the Ukraine mess the guest was briefly at a loss for the correct words:"An absolutely ridiculous conspiracy theory!" That was good enough for me so I will be voting a straight NATO ticket this time and we are already setting up a neighborhood watch for ISIS sympathizers. gwb

  5. James:

    It's all part of the strategy! gwb

  6. The kiteboarding is obviously a pitch for the admiration of Joe Sixpack. It's well known that The Common Man is impressed by the watersports of the rich. Kayaking, etc., gives Kerry big Regular Guy points.

  7. TSB: Now with the benefit of so much
    hindsight in how the US develops foreign policy some skepticism has crept in to try to prevent Europe from going up in flames. It makes you wonder why Obama seems to have never had any control over the hawks. gwb

  8. James: Check out my new therapist!

    And have a great day!!

  9. TSB: That's not good! I'm calling for an investigation!! Don't forget 9/11 gwb

  10. TSB: Your tax dollars at work! gwb

    President Hollande: France suspends plans to deliver warship to Russia amid Ukraine tensions

    (Because US has offered to lease the two ships but half the construction will have to be torn up because it was done by the Russians. It will be fun to go visit these hulks in Bremerton after we pay Billions for them.)

  11. TSB: I'm no naval expert but isn't that bad luck to be messing around with a warship after you've already named it? What say we call it the USS Popeye? gwb

  12. TSB: I have an update on the 'missing' Libyan Airliners. I think they are probably still at the airport and none of those guys standing on them look like Mohammed Atta. I can't reveal the source on this because I dreamed it up. gwb


    TSB: Cameron says: You don't play golf? Me neither! Kerry rolls his eyes during big war council. gwb


  15. TSB: I love these re-gifted tweets! It would be interesting to see a defense analysis of how you would protect the Mistral from destruction in combat. And now on to the real news: Did George Clooney's phone get hacked?gwb

  16. James! I remember that party! 9th grade
    at Heather Blume's house on 21st. Everybody was there and flip floppin all night to those 45's. Way to go Maestro! gwb

  17. TSB: Time for another Headline of the Week! gwb

  18. TSB: Here's one! gwb
    Ex-MI6 chief: encourage UK jihadis to return home
    Counter-terrorism expert Richard Barrett says repentant jihadis 'can expose true nature of Islamic State'

    Or, The perils of bow hunting 10 miles from my house!

  19. TSB: Glycosphate is the main offending ingredient in Roundup.
    -GMO crops are able to resist roundup which kills competing weeds and organisms = higher yeilds
    -Roundup production was up 153% in the last year.
    -Glycophophate is a chelating agent.It binds up minerals and essential nutrients in the soil so they are not available to growing plants= not good for developing bodies.
    -the skyrocketing rate of autism, diabetes, ADD etc correlates perfectly with skyrocketing use of glycophosphates in farm soils/urine samples. gwb
    Then there is the issue of human response to foreign proteins: (genetically modified) ... and once ebola becomes easily transmitted sexually watch out!!
