Friday, September 12, 2014

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

Pakistan's 'killer mountain' fails to draw tourists after attack - AFP news agency


  1. "Moderate" Syrian Rebels Sign Non-Aggression Pact With ISIS; Iraq Defies US
    TSB- This genius anti-ISIS strategy could turn out to be the most unbelievable headline of the year!

    And that Africa stuff is a close 2nd.

  2. "Moderate Syrian rebels" = rebels who are out of ammo?

  3. "Moderate Syrian rebels" = rebels who are out of ammo?
    I'm going to steal that and use it shamelessly.

  4. TSB: My CIA contacts say the most time consuming part of planning for this operation was naming it. The VP's office wanted 'Shotgun'. NSC wanted 'Long-Driver'. They finally settled on
    'Operation Snickers' suggested by the President's daughters in consultation with Lindsey Graham. (State suggested 'Long-Face' but reportedly someone was fired over that one.) gwb

  5. GWB: Operation Infinite Sand Trap has a nice sound.

  6. James: You are a shameless rascal! Infinite Sand Trap wins the day! gwb

  7. TSB: Re: Raymond Maxwell Thanks for the great Tweet! gwb

  8. TSB: Too bad Ray Rice's story will never make the MSM. I'm going to get some popcorn and Coke today to get ready for the hearing.. which I can't even find scheduled on C-Span. We may have to disappear another airliner to deflect attention? gwb

  9. GWB: On behalf of Mr. Maxwell, you are very welcome! However, I have to caution against unrealistic expectations for anything coming out of the Benghazi Special Committee; he's already talked to members of Congress, so there was no big revelation today.

    It might be bad news for Hillary, though.

  10. TSB: Oops!I keep getting Ray Rice mixed up with Ray Maxwell but the subject matter is the same: Making sure the facts don't get in the way of the marketing.

    Why can't we get some of the other officials involved to take 'Da Fif'? And find out who kept those security guys from going to the rescue? Also I want a report on how many weapons went to Turkey from Libya. Let's get that mythical moderate Isamist under oath! Also, did you notice Turkey has been buying that ISIS oil? gwb

  11. TSB: WWII trivia question. In the last 10 months before surrender more Germans died than in the whole rest of the war.

    Polling done at the time by the Nazi's showed that 48% of German citizens thought the reason for the relentless Allied bombing was what?

    Answer: Payback for how badly the Germans had treated the jews. This shows that most Germans knew all about the holocaust. gwb

  12. TSB: The Pope has just announced that WWIII is underway; Ebola is totally out of control and now Obama is threatening to destroy the Syrian military!

    But most worrying of all, Hillary has taken up YOGA! I just hope she didn't sign up James as an advisor. gwb

  13. GWB: I've been thinking about taking up yoga myself, so I'll have to watch for Hillary's before-and-after photos. If it works for that Baby Boomer, why not for me?

  14. I wish Nirvana for Hillary.
    Nirvana; noun; Explosion into nothingness. A sudden projection into non existence.

  15. TSB: That is a great story about how to get posted to Mogadishu while dealing with the FBO imperialists in the 80's.

    The Dem Benghazi 'presser' was fantastic! Evidently, after combing zillions of previously scrubbed documents the committee found nobody to blame for Benghazi. Just another phony scandal cooked up by the Republicans. I did notice they never mentioned the CIA. gwb

  16. TSB: James' band had it right in 1969. The war party is back in session and the stampede is on! gwb

    THE JAMES GANG - stop

  17. TSB: Is this the 1st US war declared thru an amendment to a continuing budget resolution? (General Dempsey gives me the impression he thinks he is running the country.) gwb

  18. GWB: We never declare war anymore, not since it was outlawed by international law (see Kellogg–Briand Pact, 1928). So an amendment might be the best we can do.

    IDK what Gen. Dempsey thinks, but I get an uneasy feeling whenever he testifies on the Hill.

  19. Thanks TSB for the update on tomorrows big hearing. I'm watching the AFLAC duck for signs of progress before considering yoga. He quacks me up! gwb

    PS: My neighborhood watch would like to know how to spot these ISIS guys. All we see at night is meth heads and little gwb has gone back to chasing underage felines. We need some guidelines here!

  20. GWB: Be on the lookout for guys - and some women - waving black flags with Arabic writing, wearing black ski masks, and carrying flex cuffs and large knives. Also rifles, which, interestingly, they carry in Patrol High Ready position, as if they were trained by somebody who was trained by somebody who was trained by the U.S. Army.

  21. Thanks TSB! I'll pass the word along.

    Meanwhile, in Jolly Old England the Scottish Separatists are getting rowdy!

  22. James! Looks like we will have to make up our own rumors for awhile. I think they were probably shut down by Mossad.


    DEBKAfile will be closed temporarily
    for maintenance work.
    The site will return to regular operation as usual
    on October 5, 2014.

  23. TSSB: Yeah, I've noticed the PHR position of the ISIS guys and a few other tell tales they are doing. It might be a case of monkey see monkey do.

    GWB: I saw the DEBKA notice, about 5 days ago. Awful long time for maintenance. Have been sniffing around for other clues. At the least 10/5/14 will be interesting.

  24. TSB: El-Sisi and Major Hasan could have teamed up to write that thesis in 2006.

    It would be fun to know his candid thoughts at the time about Bush, Cheney and the US public. My guess: Born again Phony; Arrogant Fascist; and "It's a shame to waste money educating sheep." gwb

  25. TSB: Big story of the day turns out to be 'Kerry addressing confused and concerned senators on the hill' James!
    This is a Kerry Classic!

    Of course, if they were serious they would call in the CIA director to opine
    on how training the moderates has been going the past 6 months. (and if he's still travelling incognito?)

  26. TSB: Best Kerry quote in awhile:

    "I umh, umh, I hate to do this but I can neither confirm or deny those published reports. I'm sorry."

    Regarding CIA training of FSA fighters over the past 2 years. (Probably cause those dogs ended up either walking on leashes or joining ISIS)

  27. TSB: Robert Ford was good. He was instrumental and courageous in getting this started..sort of reminds one of Bush I encouraging the Shiites and then abandoning them to Saddam. Also, Menendez implied today that the CIA has been giving them ZILCH behind closed doors. Senate Oversight= donate to the blind gwb

  28. TSB: I started Fisk's 'Pity The Country' this afternoon.. about the whole history of Lebanon. While reading
    outside I took some incoming semi-automatic fire from next door. One shot bounced off the roof and hit me on the head.

    Turns out it's the kid's 7th birthday. He's a Christian radical, so potentially on our side. I went over and offered to buy him some ammo if he would agree to shoot toward the neighbors on the other side. BINGO! I negotiate with terrorists!! gwb

  29. GWB: You can negotiate. The national policy is only against *making concessions* to terrorists.

  30. James: The DEBKA guys will be right back, I'm sure. Those two are probably getting their basement renovated, and all the wi-fi gear had to be cleared out temporarily.

  31. That's a good one James! Today the Honeymooners were starring at the Senate Hearing on ISIS. gwb

    msm didn't show this

  32. TSB: I'm sympathetic to young radicals everywhere. At least this kid didn't get kicked out of his first grade like I did. That shows promise! gwb
