Friday, November 14, 2014

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

"Toes Go Missing As Man Naps, Family Pet Suspected" -


  1. TSB: A job well done by the pooch! A lot of people have $5000 deductible health insurance these days so need can't afford toe amputations. It looks like times are tuff in the news business:

    600 papers a week is way more than I used to deliver. I always wondered why nobody ever trained a dog to run the papers up to the porch? That would be a "Golden Deliverer". gwb

  2. Yes, why not trĂ in Delivery Dogs? If St. Bernards can be trained to bring kegs of brandy to lost skiers, surely putting a newspaper on a porch would be easy.

  3. TSB: This 5:45 second discussion with Joshua Landis is the best thinking I've seen on a constructive US role in Syria. gwb

  4. You mean Operation Infinite Sand Trap isn't constructive? Okay, but a big effort like that can't turn around on a dime, you know. Our role in Syria might not change anytime soon.

  5. TSB: IST is here to stay but it is a bit underfunded. Patrick Coburn in today's Independent says ISIS has around 200,000 fighters rather tnan the 30,000 we've been told. Also, China quit buying US debt months ago because they realize we are broke. Hillary better have a plan for way less spending and Financial Crisis II. gwb

  6. It's impossible to tell how much of our debt China buys or sells, since transactions occur through middlemen and the Chinese national bank doesn't report on this, but even if they aren't buying, lots of others are. With split government returning to the U.S., maybe we won't have so much gov't spending to deficit-finance in the future.

  7. James! That's what I love about the TSB....forever skeptical! gwb

  8. TSB: If you thought the worst drought in history was bad how bout we dumped 70,000 barrels of toxic waste water in your fresh water aquifer? gwb
    Thallium is a radioactive poison Putin is suspected of using on a couple of his critics.
