Friday, January 16, 2015

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

"Mother reports her son missing 20 YEARS after he left to follow the Grateful Dead" - UK Daily Mail


  1. That's a good one TSB but I would like to nominate this one: ‘Boy Who Came Back From Heaven’ actually didn’t; books recalled.
    To think that 2 guys named Malarkey would sell a million books to people who are dying to get to heaven is a hoot! gwb

  2. You know GWB, there just tons of people who are certain they know what's on the other side. I think there's going to be a whole lot of very surprised people.

  3. TSB: Houthis take Yemen presidential palace: witnesses, sources... I guess now we need to decide between siding with the Houthi's or getting out of Yemen?? gwb

  4. Until the dust settles, we won't really know what's going on. For instance, the press is confusing the Presidential Palace (an office complex) with the President's residence, which is in a different place. The Houthis have said they want a coalition government, so I'll assume that's their goal until they say something else.
