Saturday, February 7, 2015

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

"How a McDonald's Sausage Burrito contains more than 100 ingredients - including one chemical used in FIREWORKS" - UK Daily Mail

"Among the scrambled egg mix is ... sodium benzoate, which is also added to fireworks to produce a whistling sound"


  1. Well now, that explains the rather odd noise I've heard on occasion while using the restroom. And yes UK Daily Mail, I wasn't just whistling Dixie.

  2. Scholars rank Kerry dead last in terms of effectiveness.

    James: Here is the guy who's been whistling Dixie! gwb

  3. Kerry stays in constant motion, so academic judgments like that might not catch up with him for his last two years in office.

  4. Kerry: Moving, moving, in search of rehabilitation, chased by his legacy.

  5. TSB: Ok, It's a coup! gwb

  6. Yemen? I don't know what to call it. The government collapsed a while ago but there is no rush to replace it. The factions can't agree on a transitional government. Can't say I blame them for not stepping up. Would you want to run that place?

  7. Not coup in the old formal sense. More proxy control by Iran. Next up, the UAE, watch for Iranian influence to gain traction there.

  8. you would be in good company calling it a coup.

    "Over the weekend, the United Nations secretary general called for Mr. Hadi’s return to office, and the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council, led by Saudi Arabia, called the Houthis’ declaration of a government plan a coup."

  9. Bad reporting like that drives me nuts. Sodium benzoate is one of the most common preservatives around - it's in nearly everything in a package. Making it sound like McD's is doing something special is misleading or negligent.

  10. Rachis,

    Thanks very much for your comment. So I'm clear to have a sausage McMuffin? Good deal.
