Friday, April 24, 2015

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

"China Says Please Stop Hiring Funeral Strippers" - The Wall Street Journal China

"According to a statement from the Ministry of Culture on Thursday, the government plans to work closely with the police to eliminate such performances, which are held with the goal of drawing more mourners."


  1. Now that's a funeral. I like the High School Marching band and the drum corp on wagons.

  2. Such a strange cultural practice. When I see things like that it makes me suspect those foreigners just might be putting us on. Maybe trying to get a reality TV show.

  3. " makes me suspect those foreigners just might be putting us on"
    You never know with those inscrutable little yellow beggars.

  4. I mean, some Western funeral customs such as Irish wakes can get celebratory, and maybe a tad inappropriate. But strippers? I wonder if that custom will now spread from China to Las Vegas?

  5. Speaking of the Irish and funerals, make sure you read all of it.

  6. Wow. I did not know about those Irish rituals. You don't want to be the last one buried in a cemetery, do you? "May you be in Heaven half an hour before the Devil knows you're dead."

  7. Skep, you be careful, I hear that the radical christian group... the Episcopalians are on a rampage in Baltimore.

  8. James: That's good advise. I keep a very large distance away from Baltimore even during normal times. Where my Glock is not welcome, I'm not welcome, is how I figure.
