Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Etait le Troisième de Juin (un Autre Jour Delta Poussiéreux Endormi)

I have no reason for posting this French cover of Ode to Billie Joe except that it is, after all, the third of June. I woke up this morning with that song - the English version - in my head, and haven't gotten it out yet.

Plus, I'm amused by the 1970s set design of this French version. The lyrics are about the same, except the narrator is male, the poor farm family grows grapes instead of cotton, and I guess they pass around croissants and snails at lunch instead of biscuits and black-eyed peas.



  1. Aaaaaaaaah! This shall not go unchallenged sir!

  2. James: I remember that one, with Arnold the pig, right? On the surface it was a corny show but, underneath, maybe as dark as Choctaw Ridge. You never know.

  3. Mon Dieu,
    More darkness:

  4. Darker and darker. That guy actually died right after performing that song. Like a falsetto John Henry, he put down his hammer and he died.
