Sunday, June 21, 2015

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

"Paintings by Hitler sold at German auction for $450,000" - Agence France Press (Berlin)

"The buyer wished to remain anonymous"



  1. TSB: I've looked at Hitler' art collection. I thought
    some of it was pretty good. I thought George Bush's stuff
    was better though and would go up to $20 for one of those
    because they were leaked by a hacker! gwb

  2. Thanks for the free pass on Captcha or
    maybe it's the new prescription. gwb

  3. James: Thanks! I needed that! gwb


    Next time you take a cruise you can wear your old Army uniform. If
    questioned just say you are deployed by NATO in case embassy personal
    on board need protection or evacuation like on of the Norovirus things.
    Free drinks will ensue. gwb

  4. TSB: I wonder if Rick Perry has heard about that Guano thing? His vision for making America great again could be broadened to include all the bat caves in Texas and New Mexico. With all the new latinos arriving daily he could turn the SW into a gold mine! INDOOR JOBS AVAILABLE: WORK INSIDE IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT !! FREE HEALTH CARE! gwb After they are all cleaned out they could turn them into golf courses and hold the US OPEN there. gwb

  5. Former Obama Jobs Tzar Immelt Threatens To Offshore GE Jobs If Ex-Im Bank Bill Expires
    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/23/2015 - 20:30

    TSB: I see where you are going with this Ex/Im bank thing. Those GE workers must feel great wondering if they will be moving to China next to train their replacements? gwb PS: I am back on FB! They have this new thing called IM translation. Now I can even trade jokes with my brudder in law! And with this new flash player 18 I can read the Captcha's . I'm going to try to get my money back on those new glasses!

  6. TSB: Business leaders from Europe the BRICS,Turkey, Greece Saudi Arabia just signed a TRILLION dollars of deals at SPEITH. Putin is now buddies with the new Saudi King's trade minister and they are working on a nuclear power deal called
    'ATOMS FOR BILLIONAIRES, NO DOLLAR THANK YOU!) gwb Meanwhile the NATO dogs were barking next door.

  7. TSB: I am going to try to wait 4 days before commenting on this tweet: @afsatweets

  8. GWB: Just four days? You're lucky. Think how long Amb. Smith had to wait!

  9. TSB: You have to walk before you can run! gwb I waited 150 days for confirmation of my first Fed contracting job. It was like being a drug dealer who can't pay his supplier.... Any Day Now!!, No New Information.
