Friday, July 31, 2015
Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week
"Athletes at Rio Olympics to compete in 'basically raw sewage'" - UK Guardian
Extreme water pollution is common in Brazil, where the majority of sewage is not treated. Raw waste runs through open-air ditches to streams and rivers that feed the Olympic water sites ... Doctors urge foreigners heading to Rio, whether athletes or tourists, to be vaccinated against hepatitis A. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also recommends travelers to Brazil get vaccinated for typhoid.
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TSB: Don't forget lead poisoning! What? No vaccine for that? gwb Is this known as a high risk diplo post?
WE GOT HIM TSB!! The man who stole my $40 bitcoin fortune could get a $4000 fine or 5 years in jail. gwb (I've noticed the NSA has a hard time tracking down major crime figures.)
Former head of collapsed Bitcoin exchange is arrested over disappearance of hundreds of millions of dollars of virtual currency
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I'm glad justice caught up with the Bitcoin guy. Let him deal with a virtual Japanese judge! They probably have those now.
On Brazil, Rio is very high crime, and of course has environmental pollution. Brasilia is better. Most Americans associate foreign countries with going on vacation, so they would be amazed if any of the more vacation-y countries were considered high threat places for diplomats to live.
TSB: The Cyber Wars Begin: Obama Says US "Must Retaliate" Against China For Historic Data Breach! (NYT) gwb (I think he means this is even worse than ISIS. Let's train some Chinese separatists!!)
We have Uigher terrorist detainees at Gitmo ... Something could probably be worked out.
TSB: Re: State Dept probe reportedly finds that agency improperly overpaid Clinton aide Huma Abedin: $8000?? Hell, she probably had 3 different jobs besides being Hillary's 24/7 consigliari.
Look at that poor woman! She looks like she's been dodging vases and telephones. This is as bad as the IRS trying to charge James for his golf winnings. gwb
Poor Huma *does* look very tired. It can't help that she's married to the man Trump called the biggest deviate in the land (or anyway, right up there in the top 10).
GWB: I only play for the love the game, and that's a good , I say GOOD deal with Iran.
TSB: This is Bernie's weekend in the socialist stronghold of Seattle,WA. The weather will be great. The bands will be playing and I'm looking for Bernie to break out some moves and sing the XL pipeline Blues! Next week Hillary will be announcing that she would never debate with a SOCIALIST and calling on Bernie to withdraw from the race. The Seattle City Council will be there and there will be a 'Women for Bernie golf tournament' on Sunday. gwb
Bernie has taken a stronger position against open borders than even Trump has, plus he is 100 percent against gun control. He may be a Socialist, but he has crossover appeal.
TSB: 'Big Crossover' appeal!' Have you seen that big new 9 seat Lexus crossover? It is huge! They sneer at me as they whiz by. gwb
Bernie went to Liberty University in Virginia today - I don't know what he was driving - so he may be seeking crossover votes.
TSB: I got fitted for bifocals today. When I get those I will be able to see those questionable
NFL calls better than my wife! Of course, she told me to do it a year ago. gwb
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