Friday, August 28, 2015

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

Tankers call them "crunchies" for a reason

"Man dies after run over by tank at Jelly Belly chairman's California property" - Reuters, San Francisco

A San Francisco Bay-area man died after being run over by a World War Two-era tank during a family reunion over the weekend at a property owned by the chairman of Jelly Belly Candy Co ... 54-year-old Kevin Wright was riding on the front of the 1944 model M5 tank on Saturday afternoon when he lost his balance and fell in front of the vehicle as it traveled down a hill ... about 50 people, including children, were in attendance.

(Hat Tip to the Snake's Mommy for this one)


  1. TSB: Obama's legacy rolls on! gwb
    Chicago weekend shooting toll: 3 dead, 30 wounded

    Ukraine Reignites - 1 Killed, 50 Injured After Grenade Attack On Parliament

  2. TSB: James;
    In Dramatic Escalation, China Sends Five Navy Ships Off Alaska Coast For First Time Ever

    According to old Chinese maps the aleutians belong to China. They therefore need to establish bases to ensure peace and prosperity. gwb
    (Pentagon spokesman says: "It's different.")

  3. Back off, ChiComs, we bought Alaska from the Russians fair and square.

  4. TSB: Exposed! Libya Security Briefs, Algeria Hostage Info & More — Hacker Threatens To Sell Hillary Clinton’s ENTIRE UNRELEASED Private Emails For $500K
    Posted on Sep 3, 2015 @ 4:07AM
    GO Baby!! I am dyin to see Hillary shrug again!

  5. I can't believe a hacker really has Hillary's e-mails. If he did, surely he could sell them back to the Clinton Foundation for a lot more than $500K.

  6. For Hillary:

  7. I'm sure you are right TSB. Hillary is going to grant Andrea Mitchell a sit down in a couple hours to counter the idea stated yesterday by Trump that she is the worst Sec State ever. gwb

  8. James: you're right, she's NOT all there, seemingly. HRC's recent pressers give me the impression she's in decline. She looks tired, cranky, and baffled.

  9. Don't know if I said it here, but two years ago I was saying that Hillary had that hard to define aura of someone whose time has passed.

  10. James: I got that same sense when she rolled out her campaign by citing John Lennon lyrics. She's forever stuck in the 60s, before most of today's electorate was born. Even Marco Rubio was born in 1971, BTW.

  11. Well I was handsome in the 60's, my mother told me so.

  12. TSB: I don't think Hillary 'gets it' that impersonating Jesus is not going to turn this thing around. gwb

  13. TSB: Hillary has a secret loyalty pledge to get into her campaign events.

    Hillary Clinton Makes Voters Sign Loyalty Pledge Before Entering Event
    by Alex Griswold | 10:35 am, September 7th, 2015

    Jesus had the same thing. My sources say lots of people never made it to the golden gates for breaking it. gwb

  14. TSB: I know I'm a racist pig but this is just to funny not to notice. gwb

    Humpday Humor: Fox News Anchor Sues For "Emotional Damage" Over Toy She 'Thinks' Looks Like Her

  15. TSB: I've been reading "Double Cross" by Ben McIntyre for the past 2 weeks. (about how 5 most unusual people completely fooled Nazi intelligence thru all of WWII and kept Normandy from being a disaster.) Which reminds me, what's the chatter on 9/11 this year? If anything happens Trump might win the big debate next week. gwb

  16. TSB: What a great performance by Joe Biden and Colbert last nite! This time though Biden's
    cryin,Hillary's lyin and Trump is flyin !! gwb

  17. This time though Biden's
    cryin,Hillary's lyin and Trump is flyin !! gwb
    Heh, pretty good gwb.

  18. TSB: re: Abandoning the Christian refugees. Shakespeare observed that the “evil that men do lives after them,” but he had no experience of the United States. (and that includes ALL the presidential candidates and tv people.)

  19. TSB: Looks to me like the US has been training these Egyptian forces. gwb
    4 hours ago
    Egypt security forces accidentally killed at least 12 Mexican and Egyptians (tourists) in the western desert area after mistaking them for terrorists.

  20. TSB: Update on Mexican tourists gunned down while barbecuing at Egyptian oasis. Only 2 killed! (according to govt officials) gwb

  21. TSB: My bad. Probably was 12 killed. Survivors will probably get a full refund and free hotel til they are able to return home. gwb

  22. James: Did you see that Trump gig in Dallas? It was on all the networks. I'm thinking Kasich will be the first candidate to
    endorse Trump and Rick Perry the 1st to get a job with Fox News. gwb

  23. TSB: Happy 75th anniversary to The Battle of Britain and to Quentin Reynolds who wrote about it without using a cell phone! gwb

  24. Thank you! "Never have so many owed so much to so few." The older I get, the more certain I become that we will never know a generation the equal of my father's.
