The New York Times today:
Soul-Searching Continues for Possible Joe Biden Run.
He makes it sound like he's siting on a surfboard, rocking back and forth a bit in the tide, emptying his mind, and just waiting for a wave to come and sweep him into the 2016 contest, or not.
"It comes or it doesn't ... It's just not quite there yet and it might not get there in time ... If that's it, that's it. It's not like I can rush it."
The soul-searching could go on for quite some time yet, especially if he keeps getting press attention.
James: This calls for some music! (I'm singin sittin at the dock of the bay in my head but that can't be right.) gwb
ReplyDeleteSurfin' USA? Surf City? Surfin' Bird? My suggestion: Wipeout!
ReplyDeleteTSB: I love those but are you sure you're capturing the anguish? How about Surfer Girl Jill? gwb BTW, Hillary has a new plan to control drug costs! Price controls! $250 a month max because no one should have to choose between paying the rent and taking their meds! This is fantastic! I will be able to drop my therapist and go back on my meds. gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: The Biden anticipation and the Hillary price control plan to help the economy are the most exciting things since 'Deez Nuts' was leading in South Carolina. I'd love to see that kid jump back into the race and be on the Colbert show. gwb
ReplyDeleteIt's such a strange turn of events. Biden was washed up as a Presidential candidate back in the 1980s [!] when he was caught appropriating a British politician's autobiographical stump speech. To see him as a plausible candidate today amazes me.
ReplyDeleteTSB:James; Thanks for that!And you guys win with the cool but aging,tan, upbeat 'Surfer Joe.' I think the main issue is there isn't much gas left in the tank and he's going to be out of a job in a year. Going out as VP is better than going out as the guy who declared and then couldn't figure out what he was running on. gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB: Trump was great on Colbert! Trump and Bernie are the only 2 candidates that meet my litmus tests: 1.Against the war from waaay back. 2.Recognize the 19 trillion debt as a deadly problem. 3. Out to change the 'bought' politician problem. I favor trump on illegal immigration because unless you stop drugs and gangs from Mexico you are loosing way more money than an effective immigration program would cost. Donald's going to win it and Bernie can be atty general. gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB, GWB:
ReplyDelete"It's such a strange turn of events. Biden was washed up as a Presidential candidate back in the 1980s [!] when he was caught appropriating a British politician's autobiographical stump speech. To see him as a plausible candidate today amazes me."
I may have said this before, but that's never stopped me. The Dems have made a political living since the 70's running against the "Man". Now they ARE the "Man", but I don't think they even realize it. Add in that they in my belief are completely captured by their own ideology and you have their dilemma in a nutshell. Because of the latter they can't go back to the middle (re: Hillary's problems), but must go more left (Bernie)! They cannot really connect with the young when your field of candidates is a herd of dinosaurs dumbly shambling about unaware (even dimly) that an asteroid is about to hit. To sum up, as a party the Dem's ideological gas tank has run dry and they are now running on fumes (ie organization, entrenchment in bureaucracy, education, etc) with no real overarching unifying force. This is not to say the Republicans have no problems, they do. But I believe they are much farther along on the path of political evolution (self destruction , rebirth) than the Dems.
This reminds me of the 1905-1925 era of US politics. The Civil War influence that the Republicans had used to dominate the political scene was waning. They had been in power so long they had forgotten their own beliefs and became in essence the "Man" bring about the rise or reemergence of populism leading to Wilson, FDR, and the 20th century democrats. Now the table has turned.
TSB: Yankees icon and Hall of Fame catcher Yogi Berra dies at age 90.
ReplyDeleteInteresting that Yogi is gone on the same day that the best Pope in centuries arrives in the USA. RIP Yogi! gwb
TSB: The inept socialist state that is Oregon is really short of funds for things like roads, potholes,prisons, mental health and public buildings as you can see from this lawsuit. gwb
You really have to be careful before you walk in or out of a Portland bar! Mostly, people have been getting killed,shot or robbed after they walk out being the wrong race.
TSB: James: Who do you thing drops out first?
My money (lol) is on Jeb because he strikes me as someone who has always done what he's told whereas (Sir Edmond) Hillary believes Trump is eminently beatable. gwb
TSB: Two thumbs up for James on the Democrats!
ReplyDeletegwb (Plus, did you notice James that Tiger had another back surgery cause you were right about him too.)
TSB: The Chi-coms are jumping in to help us with our war against ISIS! That Obama is a hell of a negotiator!
ReplyDeleteHopefully the west coast and Alaska will be safe for awhile. And I hope Biden gets some of the credit. gwb
Chinese Military Personnel, "Aerial Assets" Allegedly En Route To Syria 9/24/15
TSB: That'll show Trump for saying the Chinese are smarter than we are!
ReplyDeleteReminds me of when the Marines showed up in Frisco with bayonets and took over from the Padres. I wonder where the Pope comes down on this latest move? gwb
TSB: They are calling it Operation Sand Wedge! (If my translation is right.)
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering who will be the first one to call for sanctions? Carly? gwb
TSB: I can report that the white house press corps is clueless on why Putin and Obama are having an emergency meeting. I'm thinking Obama wants to ask him to hold off on the Chinese forces tell Xi and Pope Francis are wheels up. gwb
ReplyDeleteGWB: Jeb will go first. Hillary is a strange case, it's not just her, but Bill that's really running. It's Bill's power and legacy that Dems both fear and pine for. So far Bill's stayed out of this one except the little golf meeting with Barrack and to let Hillary fly (or reel) on her own. It's his way of keeping his hands clean, but he can't really have it both ways. If Hillary goes down then he loses significant power (and perks) for they are too close together in the general public's mind. If she goes down with Bill out stumping for her, then it's really the end for him. The people that think there is a big ideological civil war going on in the democratic party are wrong, it's an old fashion power struggle. Bernie is just a tool for the Obama (for lack of a better title) to first strip Hillary of her most energetic supporters (the young and gullible) and force her to campaign publicly and make mistakes and also spook the more centerist part of the party. That's where the whisper campaign for Joe comes in, a hope of safe harbor for those people. I think they are all waiting to see what Bill does. He's probably calculating what moves would give him his best future. It's gotten so bad for her that he can't stay in the background and pull strings, but if he comes out publicly he becomes a target and any mistakes can't be covered up or as the odds become slimmer push Hillary over the line. It's as always all about Bill..
ReplyDeleteThe real news to me is the "migration" to Europe. I think we're seeing the end of the EU. TSB embassy security had better be ready for just being swamped with a tidal wave of humans. The whole thing exposes the EU experiment for the failed fantasy of the few in Europe.
Good Post James! Hillary started cackling again during softball interviews so you know she better watch it on those airliner steps. gwb
ReplyDelete(btw) Boehner just resigned.I wonder if that was on orders from the Pope?
TSB: Boehner Folds On Folding, Cancels Resignation Press Conference: I can report that after yesterday's meeting with the Pope Boehner did resign. Then he asked God for forgiveness and has now decided to stay on (Whiskey River was heard wafting thru the transom.)gwb
ReplyDeleteJames: And I think you are right about the "migration to Europe". gwb
ReplyDeleteTSB, James: I like Pepe's take on the week and how it fits in with Trump on stupidity:
ReplyDeleteQuick recap. Putin started it all by refusing “Assad must go” as a prerequisite for peace negotiations. Then he turbo-charged the military build up in Latakia; proverbially, once again, neither the Pentagon nor the White House ever saw it coming. And this: We sympathize with our European neighbors with regard to the problem that they have been facing, and I believe that they will solve it [on their own].” Watch for Hillary to get blasted big on Libya (R2P) Monday when Putin takes the mike at the UN. I hear she will be doing a transgender thing with Biden next week.n I hope Caitlin Jenner shows for that one and announces she's for Trump. gwb
TSB,James: Hillary has no comment about last Sat. fundraiser hosted by Geraldine Ferraro's son, convicted in 88 for selling cocaine.
I noticed the same day that VW thing came out that VW advertising ceased instantly. That Brandenberg aeropuerto may never open due to unbelievable design stupidity. The stuff they put on the roof is 3x the design limit.
TSB: Do we give the Germans contracts to work on US facilities over there?
They did all their diessel tinkering at California facilities. Should have done it in Mexico and nobody ever would have found out. gwb
ReplyDeleteRandom thoughts; I wonder if the Grand Poobahs of Brussels had ever considered that the Acronym EU would inevitably be pronounced Eeeew!
Germany has finally discovered Leibensraum, and it's in.........Germany.
Syria has officially declared 9/22/15 "The Wonderful World of Borscht" day and the 23rd "International Cossack Appreciation Day".
TSB: Very interesting post by Juan Cole today about Isreal,Bibi and Putin. I agree with all of it except where he says the Republicans are unlikely to win the election. I wonder if he thinks Biden is going to catch a wave? gwb
James: that's a good observation about Germany finding leibenstraum. I saw a report that they are placing refugees in declining mill towns and former East German villages. Leibenstraum is always somewhere east, I guess. Also, that's good news about Cossack Appreciation Day. Tolstoy was a Cossack in his youth; one of his earliest stories (The Hill) was about fighting Muslim rebels in Chechnya.
ReplyDeleteGWB: Cole is a bold man to predict a 2016 winner at this point. Truly, anything can happen this time. The VW news makes me, a Passat owner (gas engine), sad. Also, it makes me wonder if I could pick up a diesel cheap right now.
TSB: I didn't know VW was 51% owned by one family. Two of France's big car makers are really sad because over 60% of their cars are diessel and they are already looking at big layoffs. How bout a Renault for 60% off?
ReplyDeleteAs for it being too early to pick a winner I would disagree. Besides Trump and Bernie I don't see any other declared candidate who stands a chance. As for 'undeclareds', there aren't any Republicans and Biden just makes Hillary's chances worse. (Passat's are great though!) I think it's a well timed revolution against the Beltway and the big Corps. gwb