Saturday, October 24, 2015

From the Golden Age of Homeland Security - Teen Angst Songs

Here's a 1962 Atomic Age teen love song, preserved by the Cold War pop culture folks at CONELRAD.

A little background on this Atomic Platter:
Pop culture historians and music scholars have long noted that the so-called teenage "death" songs of the late fifties and early sixties (1959's "Teen Angel," 1960's "Tell Laura I Love Her" 1962's "Patches," etc.) were, in effect, allegorical Bomb songs. These dire, yet catchy songs about train accidents, car wrecks and double suicides channeled the atomic angst of America's youth into mainstream hit singles.

The unforgettable 1962 release "Fallout Shelter" took a more direct approach in conveying the fears of teenagers everywhere over nuclear annihilation. Its melodramatic storyline of a boy who wants to share his family's shelter with his girlfriend and his father's intervention is a perfect blending of elements from the overt and the allegorical/subtle Bomb song.


  1. Music!?!?! Atomic bombs!?!?!

  2. That's got a nice sound. He makes it sound like fun to road-trip your way out of the Apocalypse!

  3. TSB&James: Speaking of apocalyptic the US is equiping the Saudi's with 11.5 billion worth of naval equipment to continue trying to bring peace and freedom to the people of Yemen. Forget about those old rules about naval blockades and bombing civilians. (Bernie will have a fit about this and Clinton will be undecided.) gwb

  4. TSB: Bush Lapdog Blair can’t Even Apologize Correctly for Destabilizing the Middle East By Juan Cole | Oct. 26, 2015 (til I read this I thought Tony was actually apologizing.)

    It would be great to see Peter Sellers playing Tony Blair as the essential pal to the bumbling GWB as they destroy the world with Tony amassing a fortune while Bush destroys a family dynasty and gets blamed for the downfall of an empire. gwb

  5. TSB: It's not easy keeping up with all the places Putin is being asked to help us bring peace and stability to the middle east and now SE asia: (WSJ)
    Afghanistan, battered by worsening security, is reaching out to an old ally and patron—Russia—just as the Kremlin is seeking to reassert its position as a heavyweight on the world stage.

    President Ashraf Ghani has asked Moscow for artillery, small arms and Mi-35 helicopter gunships for his country’s struggling military, Afghan and Russian officials say, after the U.S. and its allies pulled most of their troops from Afghanistan and reduced financial aid.

    This will be great for this week's debate. The other candidates won't know what to make of it but the Donald can say those are all the idiots who got us into this mess. (just kidding, it will never come up because cnbc spins every word they read.) I have 7 pesos on Donald winning the debate! gwb

  6. GWB: Afghanistan using Russian Hind gunships on insurgents would be ironic indeed.

  7. TSB: The WHO, not the music group, has announced that 34,000 people a year are dying world wide from eating hot dogs and bacon! Not only that, but a lot of vegetarian hot dogs have human DNA in them. They say if you eat 1 hot dog a day it is worse for you than smoking. We need to warn Hillary to stay away from Iowa!! gwb Unfortunately I just loaded my freezer with 1/2 price hot dogs and bacon.

  8. I can believe it about hotdogs, all too easily.

  9. TSB: Things are heating up on the road to WWIII with: Washington's Syria "Strategy" In Complete Disarray As "Ally" Turkey Bombs US-Armed Rebels...

    and: Furious China Summons U.S. Ambassador, Slams Obama Decision To "Threaten Peace" With Warship Challenge ... and

    China Unleashes The Jingoist Rhetoric: "If U.S. Ships Stop, We Should Lock Them By Fire-Control Radar": We should first track the US warships. If they, instead of passing by, stop for further actions, it is necessary for us to launch electronic interventions, and even send out warships, lock them by fire-control radar and fly over the US vessels.

    Meanwhile, Europe is, shall we say, divided on the refugee issue: Europe's On A Road To A Very Bleak Nowhere
    10/27/2015 - 14:28
    It will become clearer, fast, what an awful mess Brussels and Berlin have created here, because with winter approaching more refugees will fall victim to the conditions under which they’re forced to live once they’ve entered Europe. Which, in their own eyes, will still be preferable to the conditions in their homelands. And then what will we do, when dozens start dying from cold and diseases? Send in more police and military? This is a road to a very bleak nowhere. And on top of that we have a heightened terror alert for halloween! If we can just make it to the weekend! gwb

  10. GWB:
    From the way Merkel and some in the EU have set this up these people will have to be let in. The only other thing you can do considering the numbers is to shoot them and that's exactly where all this is headed. Merkel and these other EU creatures have and will have more blood on their hands.

  11. TSB: House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz began the impeachment process against IRS Commissioner John Koskinen on Tuesday, accusing him of misleading the public and destroying documents that were sought under a congressional subpoena. and on a lighter note... Keith Alexander just secured $32.5 million for his cybersecurity firm Iron Net!

    At the rate Keith is going he will be rich enough to challenge Trump or Hillary in 2020! Also, in the new budget agreement the Dems and Republicans will transfer a bunch of $$$ from the SS trust fund to the SS Disability trust fund so they can keep paying me to expand the disability rolls! Both funds are broke but who cares as long as we can print it! I'm sending $5 to Trump because he says non-essential fed workers will be the first to go. gwb

  12. TSB;JAMES! Meet me tonite at twitter gap! gwb

  13. TSB: Did you catch this one in the WAPO? gwb (This should cut down on all those veteran suicides.)
