Friday, January 8, 2016

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

"Google Fixes Bug In Online Tool After It Started Translating 'Russian Federation' To 'Mordor'" - Consumerist

HT to The Snake's Mommy


  1. TSB: The big news tonite is that the Trump campaign headquarters in Littleton, MA was spray painted with graffiti in 3 places at 5:15 this morning. The mayor said a major investigation is underway and he was shocked anyone would tag such a beautiful building. The comments were of course blocked out to keep my tender eyes from seeing them but the Mayor suspects it was teenagers from the vocabulary used.

    In other news, a lot of my relatives are wondering if I know any of the numbers for the $10.3 billion Powerball lottery. I don't but I hope a New Jersey muslim refugee wins it and Baltimore rioters burn down a minit mart in protest. Hillary clarified how she was victimized by the State Department when she was sent classified information that was labeled "NOT CLASSIFIED ANY MORE!LOL!" Legal scholars agree it's going to be tough to get a conviction before she becomes the next President and pardons herself. gwb

  2. TSB: James; Tonite is the State of the Union Address. The President Obama needs to legislate more prosperity because we cannot live on no $700 a month Social Security and food stamps! And I hope he has a wonderful legacy! gwb

  3. GWB: I would rather gnaw my own ears off than listen to that speech.

  4. TSB: Oh Oh! US NAVY ships snooping around in Iranian waters when their engines quit surrender to the Ayatollah's Red Guards. The big question of course is what would Ronald Reagan do? (Or in this case, General McArthur.)

    As we all know from history he would make the deal of the century and have them released after the election in exchange for US weaponry. James thinks we should send in McHale's Navy and I hear Sean Penn is 'Penning' up a seaquel to 'Guests of the Ayatollah'. I say let's trade John McCain for the navy sailors and get this over with fast! gwb

  5. James! That's pretty good! I turned the tv off for the 1st 20 minutes while I tried to figure out the instructions for a packet of instant mashed potatoes. (I knew I wouldn't miss anything and instant mashed potatoes are complicated.)

    Then I listened to the historic speech of our first African American President with my back turned to the tv in protest. Speaking of 'knawing your ears off', remember when Obama confronted Hillary on the Senate floor and told her: "Don't talk about my big ears!!" ? I was thrilled when he beat her so I wouldn't have to listen to that woman for the next 4 years and then he puts her in charge of foreign policy!

    I loved the look on Biden's face though when Obama said he was going to put him in charge of curing cancer by the end of the year. Save your ears for Hillary's tears!! gwb

  6. TSB: Hillary's biggest opponent in her presidential run is her own emails about Libya. gwb

  7. TSB: With all the crap these Republican candidates have in mind for ISIS members and muslims there is only one thing for these people to do to avoid certain destruction: Open a Payday Loan Business! gwb (Texas would be a hilarious place to start as demonstrated by John Oliver.)

  8. TSB: Wolf Blitzer at 7:30 am says: REZIAN, AMERICAN JOURNALIST RELEASED BY IRAN. We have journalists?? gwb
