Sunday, February 28, 2016

Trump, Il Duce, and Bill Clinton

You're the top!
You're the Great Houdini!
You're the top!
You are Mussolini!

The great Twitter troll of the day happened early this morning when Donald Trump retweeted a slogan used by Mussolini:
"@ilduce2016: “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.”

I say "used by" Mussolini because it wasn't original to him, but rather is an old Roman proverb. However, he used it in 1928 as one of many slogans for his Italian Fascist movement.

While I don't agree with everything Mussolini ever said or did, the man blazed a trail that was followed unashamedly by many other 1920s Progressives. Was there a similarity between FDR's economic measures - especially the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) of 1933 - and Italian Fascist economic policy? Mussolini, for one, thought so. The Progressive school of American historians also thought so at the time. Even FDR himself thought so, according to his letters. Case closed.

Lots of political and cultural figures just couldn't get enough of Mussolini back in his day. Winston Churchill and Sigmund Freud were two. He got a
shout-out in a 1934 London production of the Cole Porter musical Anything Goes.

More recently and more interestingly, President Bill Clinton championed "the Third Way" of social democratic politics, a neither-free-market-Capitalism-nor-state-Socialism fusion that originated - by that name - with Mussolini. Let me Google that for you. So did Clinton's buddy Tony Blair and many other figures and institutions on the political left.

Here's where the term and the political strategy originated:
In March 1919, Benito Mussolini reformed a Milan fascio (nationalist group) consisting of 200 men, into the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento (Italian Combat Squad). Mussolini created what we called fascism today, during this time. Fascism supported national unity, regardless of class, in the hopes that Italy would go up to the levels of its Roman past. He appeased the upper class, by promising to protect their existence, and the working class by advocating for the creation of a minimun wage and drastic improvements in transportation (like railroads) and infrastructure. Mussolini’s political ideology stimulated both the revolutionaries and traditionalists, and created what he called the ‘Third Way’. This way was neither socialism/communism, nor laissez-faire capitalism, but a combination of ideas from both of the extremes.

So Trump retweeted a slogan Mussolini used in the 1920s? The joke there is that he didn't recognize the slogan or the "Il Duce" name of the sender. So what?

I am much more concerned that so many contemporary leftist politicians consciously use the term and adopt the policy strategy that Mussolini created.

And what the hell is with that Mussolini chin pose that President Obama always strikes? That is just weird and annoying.


  1. TSB: Great post!! I enjoyed reading a couple short books about Il Duce. It was fascinating how he worked behind then came up with a plan to bring them all greater glory and provide jobs and prosperity for everyone. Very similar to both Trump and Obama.
    The corporate leaders were on their backs, the Pope was going broke, the Mafia
    could supply them with what they needed and the military was in terrible shape and the people needed a leader. He courted the commies when what he really needed was Hitler's support to supply petro, steel and know how for the coming war. A lot of parallel's with the arrogant Obama who found out nobody would work with him and he wasn't much of a General. gwb At least Obama won't end up hanging from a lamp post but I don't see him being much help to Hillary.

  2. TSB: After Trump wins the South who is the Trump Republican who can defeat Gerald Connelly? gwb

  3. I'm afraid I'll be stuck with my Congressman until he retires.

  4. TSB: He has two important a position. I'm betting he retires before the 2017 campaign because of the new regime. The guy has a record and he will be 'dialing for a job' by then. I even think this will be Pork Queen Patty Murray's last term. gwb

    TSB: Lots of facts here that Bernie and Trump surely know all about. I can understand Trump not bringing this stuff up because it would hurt him more than help him but Bernie made a big mistake by not taking on Hillary. This started as GHWB vs Russia brought to you by Exxon.

  6. TSB: Presto Change-O! The Chicoms are going to support us in applying crippling economic and military sanctions on Little Kim!

    In keeping with the previous article where our goal is to first destroy Putin's Russia, then China, things are warming up with the Chi-Coms over N. Korea. What a legacy builder for Obama! How come I have to go to A-times to find out this stuff? gwb

  7. TSB: Well, Cruz plays the Mafia and White Supremacist cards and 'Little Marco' follows suit! Bernie says OMG! about the revelation that Trump refuses to disavow the KKK and Hayden predicts a military coup if Trump is elected. At least for today Hillary is promising to heal the nation and lead us to Goldman Sachs!along with Joe Biden and Barack 'the chin' Obama! Meanwhile our ally Turkey is attacking Kobane on the 1st day of Kerry's ceasefire with tanks, artillery and ISIS moderates. Super Tuesday should be fun! gwb

  8. TSB: When Pepe Escobar began his writing career he decided to leave Brazil and go explore the East. In China (1992) he ran across Atimes, a paper he thought had 'guts' to tell it like it is and he dreamed about someday writing for a paper like that. In 1997 Atimes was reduced to an internet paper by the Asia currency Crisis as Pepe was writing his first book on Asia: 21st: The Asian Century. After that came out Atimes was looking for columnists. Starting in 1999 began 'The Roving Eye' and Pepe's concept of 'A Liquid War' over energy. Now we are seeing the end times of Pepe's liquid war as the American political establishment 'The Captains of Chaos' dissolve at home while their handiwork of decades dissolves worldwide but centered where it started in their 'arc of instability', Iran to North Africa.

    Trump knows well the folly, greed and blindness of the 0.1% and has exploited it brilliantly. Obama and Michelle arrived just in time to put the finishing touches on the project. Poor,rich Hillary might still have a chance with the brain dead zombies that always have but she's no match for Trump, augmented by 'The Berne'.
    "Everyone and Everything in life was mean't to be portrayed in a book!" Plato's books were so harmful they had to be buried for 500 years! The American Plutocracy didn't write books. They thrived in the secret shadows and hired skilled, control freak bureaucrats to do their bidding.

  9. TSB: Public Outcry Forces FEC Democrats to Junk Bid to Regulate Internet, Drudge
    I forgot to mention the press. Il Duce got that early too! Obama and Omama got it too but their latest effort seems to be failing. Everyone but Trump loves dem online polls from Drudge. You be da judge. Hillary's screamin while Chicago and Dallas reports are lookin like Lehman! gwb
    "We Are In A Recession": Dallas Fed Respondents Admit The U.S. Economy Is In Freefall
    Chicago PMI Collapses From 'Mysterious' January Bounce As Employment Crashes To 7 Year Lows and I love this one! Pending Home Sales Plunge Most In 2 Years; Soaring Prices Blamed (so many construction guys applying for disability around here!)

  10. TSB and GWB,
    A little music with the header photo:

  11. This is a masterpiece TSB: What do you think of groups making robocalls supporting you? Hey,we don't respond to robocalls unless they are from Cruz or Rubio. What group are you talking about? Get me a list Jake Tapper. You're supposed to be a journalist. Do your job. Tomorrow is near! gwb

  12. TSB: After we get better acquainted with who the 'white supremacist farmers' are maybe we should run an ad showing Bernie reading this to schoolchildren:

    Keynesian Youth? Boston Fed Unleashes "Wishes & Rainbows" Children's Story Book cause in Hillary's village it takes a huge bill and a Hillary refinancing scheme. (And doesn't it sound to you like everybody dropped Jesus and the Bible off in Charleston?) gwb

  13. Good One James!! I hope Hillary has this at her after party tomorrow night because she sure is feelin the love. And then a Cameo from Barack on the Big Screen..YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!! Gonna be a big nite for the Dems all across the south. The Berne is a gonna need a song called 'Incinerated'. gwb

  14. James;TSB: We all know the TRUMP name stands for QUALITY! That's why one of his ancestors changed it from DRUMPF to TRUMP. In 3 of his never completed projects he simply was payed to promote the projects and had nothing to do with planning or construction of the resort hotel or condo. So don't pay up front for TRUMP! cause you might get DRUMPFED! So far he has collected $7.25 million in individual contributions from starry eyed fans. John Oliver has a hilarious expose on last week tonite. That fantastic Mexican Resort (just a hole in the ground in Baja) is covered in the last 12 minutes or so. gwb
    And he's not actually paying for the campaign. He loaned himself the money so who knows if he'll pay himself back? Let David Duke and the Mexicans pay for it! gwb

  15. James; TSB: Seems like a great time to get into real estate! Isn't this how Fred Trump got rich? We have a shot at one of these when Bernie takes over! gwb

    China's Crowd-Sourced Housing Bubble Goes "Crazy" - $585,000 For A 65 Square Foot 'Apartment'

  16. TSB: Thinking about the media circus of this year's election with the 'No Press/No Compete deal Hillary has and the All Fear/All White/All Christian/Super$$/All Talk Republican scramble..
    My favorite quote of the whole thing is "I LOVE THE UNDEREDUCATED!".

    How could anyone of any age possible be 'educated' when so few people totally control what you can hear? On Sunday MSNBC was covering a Bernie rally in MI. As soon as he turned to 'The Transcripts' the moderator Chuck Todd was told to cut away for a quick break... they didn't even have anything ready to go.. just can't let anyone hear: 'Release The Transcripts!' Just think of how many great voices have been silenced who tell it like it is and could 'educate' a voter. Pepe is my favorite, Snowden is right up there, Juan Cole, Bill Maher, Cync Ugher. And amazing how PC Stephen Colbert has become at CBS. I don't know anyone who watches any of this shit. The most any of them know is Hillary/Trump/Rubio/Cruz or Sanders. They think all of them are scary clowns and it's not nice to discuss it. gwb

  17. James;TSB: Now THAT is a layoff! And all you have to do is post a notice down at the market. I hope there weren't any contractors in there. gwb (Go long padlocks! short coal!) Fortunately the Obama economy is just fine, thanks to Yellin.

    Exclusive: China to lay off five to six million workers, earmarks at least $23 billion

  18. TSB: Boy! The Hillary worshippers are falling back as they see the Huuge turnout... 'If your strategy is to never apologize (for the racist kkk robocalls) you are kind of trapped' when they have completely supported never reveal, always deny, never apologize since Hillary was first elected 1st Lady. Still waiting to hear more about the 'White Supremacist Farmers'. gwb

  19. Music for tonite:

  20. TSB: I think the biggest endorsement of the Prez campaign is the one nobody has mentioned. Tulsi Gabbard endorsing Bernie won't make Bernie a winner in the end but she will do more harm to Hillary between now and the Coronation than anyone else. Hillary will be one wounded puppy by the time people hear enough of this:
    gonna be a great convention!! gwb

  21. That's great James! I missed a lot of those great tunes: My 1960's VW Beattles didn't have the best sound systems. gwb

  22. TSB: Facts that seem related to me:
    Semi-truck production,sales. Down 10% from 1 yr ago.
    Used Semi-truck prices down 20% in one year.
    Market for truck drivers: needs 20,000 more drivers.
    Why? Applicants can't pass the drug test.

    Who is going to control the border as President? Trump
    How do you stop drugs without a border? No way.
    Who is stopping drugs good for the most: US and Mexico
    Who most wants NOT to stop drugs? Big banks, Organized crime, Alcohol industry, Hotels, Entertainment industry, war on drugs industry
    Who is the best friend of all these? Hillary, Homeland Security,CIA, ATF, and the whole Mexican government and judicial system. So: Presto! Trump wins. gwb

  23. TSB: Here is your headscratcher of the week! I've waited a long time for this one but still sticking with 'The Berne': gwb

  24. TSB: Listening to Romney today flipped our neighborhood ISIS watch chairwoman from Hillary to Trump! She heard him and then studied all day long and was all excited before the debate. (I think it was the pacemaker and the Chinese food I dropped off but I'm willing to give the credit to Mitt.) gwb

  25. TSB: Where's John Dean when we really need him? The Conscience of a Conservative. In it, he asserts that post-Goldwater conservatism has been co-opted by people with authoritarian personalities and policies.According to Dean, modern conservatism, specifically in the Christian Right, embraces obedience, inequality, intolerance, and strong intrusive government, in stark contrast to Goldwater's philosophies and policies. He contends that there is a tendency toward ethically questionable political practices when authoritarians are placed in positions of power, and that the current political situation is dangerously unsound because of it.

    He argues that the Republican Party has gravely damaged all three of the branches of the federal government in the service of ideological rigidity and with no attention to the public interest or the general good. Dean concludes that conservatism must regenerate itself to remain true to its core ideals of limited government and the rule of law. (It's interesting to me that the media now wants nothing to do with whatever Dean thinks about the current situation. I would guess it would line up pretty well with John Kasich. Since Trump is smart he will dispense with the Cubans and embrace Kasich as his VP candidate and have Dean add a 4th book to his 'Trilogy'. gwb (The latest of which was 'Broken Government'.)


    TSB: Jim Webb may need a pacemaker. I've seen this syndrome before. gwb

  27. I had no idea John Dean was such a deep thinker! Mainly, I remember him and his attractive wife Mo' from his Watergate testimony. I supposed he was out of politics and long retired.

    Trump is likely to regret it if he takes Jim Webb on board his campaign. Webb never seems content anywhere for long - dropped out of Reagan's administration, dropped out of the Senate, dropped out of the Democratic primary. I've never trusted that guy.

  28. TSB: You can't trust anyone who either needs or just got a pacemaker. But you can always trust your instincts regarding a woman like "Mo"! gwb
