Saturday, February 6, 2016

Why There Are Almost No Girls Named Hillary

Doesn't anyone name their baby girls "Hillary" anymore? The evidence is inconclusive for several reasons, such as that popular names for children run in generational cycles, however, it does appear that First Lady Hillary Clinton put off many parents from naming their girls Hillary. Look at the steep drop off that coincides with the start of the Bill Clinton administration. It also looks like there was a bad Hillary aftertaste that has remained to the present day.

The generational cycles in children's names are quite pronounced, by the way. A college professor friend tells me she is always amused by the historical echoes she sees in the names of new Freshmen. Twenty years after the Woodstock generation, classes were full of students with names like Sunshine and Freedom. Then, there were waves of Yuppies' kids with corporate-friendly names. And there are always names of twenty year-gone movie stars, and so on.

I don't think all that many parents are inspired enough by politicians to name their kids after them. But, looking at that chart, I can believe that HRC spoiled the name for many parents who would otherwise have gone with Hillary. Truly, HRC has a likability problem, which is something that came up the last time she ran in a New Hampshire primary.

Thank you WaPo Wonkblog for today's story on how the Clintons ruined the name ‘Hillary’ for new parents.


  1. TSB: Speaking of Hillary, there are probably a lot of smirking rich guys in Ukraine this weekend since the US taxpayer backed Ukraine bonds crashed when the finance minister resigned. Seems he was the only one not in on the joke that the oligarchs were planning on diviing up the money. gwb

  2. TSB: That EKG looks terminal! gwb

  3. TSB: Last nite's ABC entertainment special was truly great because it was put on and attended by the fat cat crowd that knows they run the country. (They even had to exclude the students of the school it took place at because so many wanted to attend.) Part of this extravaganza was Bernie and the SNL skit with his hilarious alter-ego Seinfeld guy.

    After all these years of planning Hillary has crowded out every other democrat the bankers own. Wouldn't it be great if Trump made a deal with Bernie to join forces and start the revolution together? They are the only two who could 'work with everybody'! gwb

  4. TSB: Those Hillary photo ops just aren't going over like they used to. Poor baby! gwb (US media aren't even covering them.)

  5. Re Trump and Bernie joining forces, Trump has said they both have the same position on foreign trade deals. They also have the same position on immigrants, legal and illegal. Why shouldn't they tag team Hillary?

  6. TSB: According to a $2.99 book I'm reading on "The Bern Experience" what really got Bernie was when, shortly after he arrived at the U of Chicago he saw the 2nd Nixon/Kennedy debate and realized they were both against the Cuban Revolution. Later history shows both sides were making plans to take out Castro all along because rich people were loosing their business interests.

    In real terms, the average income for men has gone up 9% since 1950. CEO's, Super Bowl tickets, gasoline, food, houses more like 200 to 500 times what they were then. And the national debt?? It all coincides with Hillary's income. Hillary is bringing down the whole establishment because of her 'control freak personality' and inability to cover her tracks. It was Clinton who required transcripts of her speeches. She required a stenographer at every speech and OWNS all the transcripts! gwb

  7. TSB: Preview on a Sanders Presidency directly from @Marcomobile. gwb

  8. TSB: I'm going to scrape together $27 for Bernie before it becomes a 'below average' contribution! I love the story about how he won the Burlington mayor's race from the local auto dealer, met his current wife at the victory party and went from 'Rags to $33,000 a year riches overnight. (She won a job the same night!) Supporters scraped together $$ for a leather briefcase and America's radical mayor was on his way! gwb

  9. TSB: James; It's Official! You heard it here first!! gwb

    Fox News accidentally reports Donald Trump as the winner in New Hampshire

    Read more:

    I hope this doesn't influence any evening voters...These media guys are such pathetic cheerleaders! I can hardly wait to see the latest Hillary model they will unveil tomorrow.

  10. TSB: Here is $9billion in blackmail the US taxpayers can thank Obama for. Obama going back on a pledge? Is that a first? gwb

    Israel denied extra US defense fund for Iran deal
    DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Feb 8, 2016, 10:19 AM (IDT)
    US President Barack Obama has retracted on his pledge of an extra defense package to compensate Israel for the damage that was caused its security by the nuclear deal concluded with Iran last year. This flat refusal, reported here

  11. OH SHIT TSB!! The line to vote goes clear out to the freeway and that's jammed up too!! If I'm Atty General I'm saying the polls will stay open til midnight for public safety!! The Revolution Has Begun! ... I'm gonna need $30! gwb

  12. TSB: Time to dust off the Bidenmobile! Hillary folds before the first ballots are counted!!gwb


    TSB: Our military leaders are dropping like flies! This Air Force General was probably watching the New Hampshire primaries last from the Trump Hotel. Add a little medication, questions you can't answer and the spector of Bernie or Trump in the WH and you are liable to fold like Hillary. gwb

  14. TSB: Hillary tied Bernie in NH? Well,now we know white votes don't matter.

    Wait til people wake up to what really matters but is never mentioned...the stock market going down. There will be a massive voter jump to somewhere but it won't be to the politicians who are busy already machine gunning each other. gwb I love the look on the guy's face behind her.

  15. TSB: Hillary going to the old Nixon "Limited Hang Out" on her transcripts of speeches made to Wall Street. That should bump her national 'trust factor' up a couple points for the weekend. gwb

  16. TSB: Watching the Dem 'debate' I noticed Bernie got cut off several times trying to respond to Hillary about her banker donors but they let Hillary constantly cut off Bernie's applause outbursts.

    Dem Debate Moderator Donor to Clinton Foundation...
    and sponsored by Boeing and Archer Daniels Midland! gwb

  17. GWB: You're right, HRC is repeating Nixon's 'modified limited hangout' strategy. It's anybody's guess whether she can make it work better than he did.

    The NH electoral votes were indeed split, despite Bernie's lopsided win. The DNC invented "Super Delegates" to prevent another McGovern runaway nomination. Same thing with Super Tuesday. Hillary's campaign might be saved by a bloc of southern states, none of which she will carry in the general election.
