Saturday, April 2, 2016

Wisdom In Your Earpiece

This video is entertaining and instructive.

Yesterday, there was some scuffling on the sidewalk between Turkish security guys and protestors when President Erdoğan addressed the nuclear security summit hosted by the Brookings Institution in Washington. Erdoğan's bodyguards roughed up some protestors, ripped up their signs, and tried to remove a US-based Turkish journalist. All of that was reported by the press.

Well, today, it turns out that Cenk Sidar, the president of the risk advisory firm Sidar Global, recorded on his phone a curbside counseling session between U.S. and Turkish security personnel which apparently occurred right after the scuffle. He posted it on Twitter, naturally.

The central figure in the video is a U.S. security guy - everyone assumes he's a Secret Service agent, which he may well be, but he could also be from another Federal agency or the Washington DC police department - who is rebuking a young hotheaded Turkish agent:
"This is America. They are contained. Act like an adult and stay on this side of the road. End of story ... By going over there and flipping them the bird you are causing more problems, for me and for your protectee."

All good advice. It looks like an older Turkish agent was acting as intermediary, and/or interpreter, between his younger cohort and our exasperated U.S. official. If the young guy takes this counseling session to heart, he'll be a better man for it. At least, he'll confine the heavy-handed tactics to protestors back home from now on.


  1. Skep,
    Good advice for any number of people, including quite a few "Americans". As noted, the key words "you are causing more problems, for me!"

  2. That agent is quite the gun totin' philosopher. I'm waiting for somebody to identify him. He has a book in him, I'm sure.

  3. TSB: This is (unfortunately) also America: "When the world around the IMF goes downhill, we thrive. We become extremely active because we lend money, we earn interest and charges and all the rest of it, and the institution does well. When the world goes well and we’ve had years of growth, as was the case back in 2006 and 2007, the IMF doesn’t do so well both financially and otherwise."
    - Chrstine Lagarde April 2012 interview Wharton school at UPenn

    Those damn wikileaks people broadcast this to the whole world this week which isn't good news to US bankers reputation in places like Greece and Ukraine where IMF 'negotiations' are going badly. I think this is what 'The Berne' refers to as a rigged economy, but on a world wide scale. A lot of student loan holders are getting their wages garnished and bank accounts seized in the same way. gwb (and then there is our 'Nato Partner Erdogan who grew up to be King!)

  4. TSB: Well, That didn't last long! Watch out. The Russians are coming! gwb

  5. TSB: I know I sound like a broken record but it doesn't get any better than this! The mysteriously dead DC Madam's attorney says if the Supreme Court doesn't agree to hear his case by Wednesday he's going to release all her sealed records!

    Ted Cruz Cheating Scandal Explodes! Presidential Hopeful Named In Murdered D.C. Madam’s Black Book, Investigators Charge
    New bombshell is set to rock the Wisconsin primary.

    Posted on Apr 4, 2016 @ 10:57AM

  6. TSB: As soon as Bernie starts to wrap up his WI victory speech with
    "And don't tell Hillary, but I think she's getting a little nervous about New York MSNBC goes to a break, FOX is saying Sanders is an annoyance, and CNN goes to a break! 69% of WI Dems think Hillary is reliable and trustworthy! THANKS FOR C-SPAN! gwb


    TSB: Pepe weighs in on the latest US peace efforts in Syria and says Trump is letting the cat out of the bag about NATO'S failed strategy. gwb

    Meanwhile, the 'Panama Papers' reveal that Hillary supported the corruption while Bernie fought against it.

  8. TSB: This guy's got momentum! Ted Cruz visit to Bronx high school canceled after students threaten a walkout: ‘His views are against ours’

    There are more than 1.4 million people in the Bronx — but Ted Cruz couldn’t even muster 100 at a campaign event in Parkchester with state Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr., a conservative Christian minister.

    Cruz visited the Sabrosura Chinese-Dominican restaurant, where Diaz said the presidential candidate could “listen to the social, economic and spiritual needs of our community” while dining with other clergymen on the eatery’s famed fried rice and plantains.

    Aside from about 70 ministers affiliated with Diaz, only a dozen voters turned up —

    I think he needs to get the name of Hillary's plastic surgeon. After his work she's got the nomination practically sewn up!
    (no pun intended!) gwb

  9. TSB: You Tube is again blocking Bernie's HUUGE rally in Philadelphia as are the MSM networks. I finally found it at 10:00 pm Eastern. In this rally Bernie says: 'HILLARY CLINTON IS NOT FIT TO BE PRESIDENT!' Too bad nobody will get to see it until the middle of the nite when it will be on C-Span. gwb

  10. TSB: 'Conservatives' like to criticize Hillary for her failed 'RESET' with Putin. But, as she says, 'she learns from experience' and what she learned led to the '2nd Reset' this past March when the Podesta brothers registered themselves as lobbyists for Putin's biggest bank. Who could have thought that they would be connected to the biggest international financial scandal of the year? Four assistant STATE Sec's also involved!! GET YOUR SHOVELS BEFORE THEY ARE SOLD OUT! gwb

  11. TSB: It's starting to look like Putin has the 'financial goods' on the US elites. And if he does (You saw what happened to the head of Iceland) what is the worst thing he could do to them?? I'm thinking make BERNIE the next President of the USA!! So, again I find myself 'rootin for Putin'!!
