Saturday, May 21, 2016

Promises, Promises

This is a great compilation of President Obama's increasingly hollow promises (boasts? threats? pleas?) to close GITMO.

Of course, he can close it any time he likes. The only thing he can't do is bring the detainees to the United States, not so long as U.S. law prohibits that. But then, if he closed it, he'd have to dispose of the remaining detainees somehow or somewhere else, and that is a practical problem he is unable to solve.

Congress is highly unlikely to let him off the hook, given the large bipartisan consensus against bringing the detainees here. And that is not even considering the toxic relationship between Obama and Congress in this, his Lame Duck year.

What to do? I say, why not release and kill?


  1. TSB: How bout send them home on EgyptAir? gwb

  2. TSB: I would also send Wolf Blitzer and a complete camera crew plus Fox 'expert on everything' reporter Geraldo Rivera, (posing as a Sky Marshall). gwb

  3. TSB: This is the second time this weekend Bernie has had Cenk Ugher introduce him at his LA area rallies. Cenk does a great job of getting the huge crowds riled up for the more laid back Bernie!Bernie!Bernie! gwb
