Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Dalai Lama Tactical Tip Tuesday

Focus. That's the word I most associate with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Focus on the main thing, on whatever is the main thing at that moment. Doing so requires calm. No frantic scrambling, no panic, no confusion. Calm. 

"I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe."

That's the mental discipline you must bring to defensive gun use. Center yourself, breathe, be unhurried, and with all deliberation do the most important thing you need to do at that moment - i.e., put the front sight on the target.

Do not rush. It is paradoxical that slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.


  1. TSB: The establishment of both parties is out to throw both Bernie and Trump under the bus! And the Democrats insist on doing it anonymously! gwb

    Democratic insiders to Bernie: Win California or get out
    'If Bernie Sanders stays in the race after losing California, he will be remembered not as a successful champion of progressive ideals but instead as just another narcissistic politician,' said one insider.


  2. TSB: Bernie looses by a landslide in California! Congratulates Hillary, Says "I spoke with President Obama and I appreciate his concerns; but the struggle continues and I look forward to him getting onboard with our progressive issues.
    So it's on to Washington and Philadelphia!"

    Now the establishment will really start hammering him for not dropping out! But the revolution has begun and it has a leader. gwb (paraphrasing TYT who all admit they got it wrong. gwb who was asleep

  3. Hillary Clinton Talks About Inequality In Jacket That Cost More Than A New Car
    TSB: As someone who wants to give the appearance of knowing the hardships of common people, Hillary loves to bring up the topic of income inequality. In April, while giving a victory speech for her win in the New York primary, Hillary brought up that very subject — and then attempted to boast about her support among average Americans.

    “I know how important it is that we get the campaign’s resources from people just like you, who go in and chip in $5, $25. I am grateful to every one of you. ”
    And she said every word of it while wearing a Giorgio Armani tweed jacket that cost a hefty $12,495. gwb

  4. TSB: Neocon Hillary Clinton Launches "Republicans Against Trump"
    The ads promise potential supporters a “free ‘Republicans Against Trump’ sticker” if you pledge to oppose Trump in the fall. The small print, if a visitor scrolls to the bottom of the page, reads: “Paid for by Hillary for America.”

    JUN 9, 2016 8:25 AM (The "establisment" has no intention of allowing Trump to win in November and the money to keep that from happening!) gwb
