Friday, July 22, 2016

Le Gîte Maux?

Will there be a Guantanamo-a-la-Franaise? Could be, if MP George Fenech gets his way. It would not be the first time France had a prison island, after all.
But as France struggles to adapt to the increased threat from jihadists, the French MP who led a parliamentary inquiry into the November terror attacks in Paris believes Ile de Ré should also welcome the country’s most dangerous jihadists.

George Fenech, MP for centre-right Les Republicains party, believes a Guantanamo à la Francaise could be set up on the island to house all those jihadists who are expected to return from fighting in Iraq and Syria.

"A French Guantanamo would be the simplest solution," said Fenech. "An institution dedicated to radicalised individuals would be a solution," he told right-wing magazine Valeurs Actuelles.

And Fenech believes the ideal place for an offshore prison would be Ile-de-Ré, where there is already a jail that needs renovating in the town of Saint-Martin de Ré.

Fenech says the prison could be adapted to house the “tidal wave” of radicalized fighters returning from the Middle East although the local tourist board and residents might have something to say about his plan.

The MP says he is concerned by the government’s lack of preparation for the impending return of hundreds of French jihadists if and when Isis are toppled.

-- Snip --

Fenech’s idea is not the only radical suggestion put forward by MPs since the deadly rampage in Nice.

Right wing MP Alain Marsaud wants a law passed to allow the French to carry arms in certain conditions and also suggests the creation of armed civilian defence patrols.

Other MPs have talked of arming police with rocket launchers in certain sensitive spots so rampaging lorries can be stopped, while some have talked about bringing back the death penalty.

I like the Gîte Maux idea far better than the one about rocket launchers.


  1. TSB: I think this looks like a great place for 'crooked Hillary', Debbie and Obama! Poor Old Bernie finally gives a damn about the stupid emails, thanks to Julian Assange and Wikileaks, and is proven right that the campaign was rigged! I'm sure Secy Clinton will be fully accountable to her God, Country and the American People as she always has been... and step down! (tehegwb)

  2. TSB: Check out those 'dead eyes' on Angela Merkel. Word is she is preparing to declare Russia an 'Enemy State'. gwb

  3. TSB: China Bans Websites From Original Reporting: 7/24/16

    Once again the USA leads the world in state controlled media at
    which point the only allowed form of "news" will be whatever the
    politburo greenlights... very much in the same way that the DNC would preapprove articles by Washington Post or segments by MSNBC or CNN. gwb

  4. Well it is the french:
