Friday, September 2, 2016

Friday Night Document Dump (Hillary's FBI Interview)

Annnd it's a big one, Hillary Clinton's FBI interview records tipped out of the FBI records vault today.

Clinton could not give an example of how classification of a document was determined ... Clinton stated that she did not pay attention to the ‘level’ of classified information.” 

And did she and her staff really lose as many as 13 personal electronic devices, including a laptop and thumb drive that were used to back up her emails and were lost in the mail?? The U.S. Postal Service type of mail. Who mails a laptop?

It will take a big chuck out of the three-day weekend to read through these.


  1. TSB: Class Action Lawsuit Against DNC by Bernie Sanders' Supporters Moves Forward! Wouldn't that be cool if the DNC had to cough up that $30 I donated to Bernie? gwb

  2. PS: And don't forget, the guy who served the subpoena died 2 weeks later under mysterious circumstances. I'm sure it was just his time to go, being 44 and all. gwb

  3. TSB: Happy Labor Day Weekend! (Let's sneak into Georgetown and start an occupation!)
    Juan Cole has a great comment on the death of Karimov being portrayed as a counter-terrorist by CNN: "Karimov was only one dog-eaten uncle short of running a North Korea. His seedy police state deployed systematic torture. His repressive policies in the Ferghana Valley radicalized a generation of Uzbeks. Those forced out went on to destabilize Afghanistan, northern Pakistan and Syria. Karimov wasn’t a partner in counter-terrorism; he was a one-man terrorist-creation machine." gwb

  4. TSB: I love these 'conspiracy theories' of the week! I mean, we lead the world in drone technology and who in the world would want to destroy an Isreali satellite or mess with Elon Musk? Of course, I will wait for the results of the official investigation.
    gwb And, speaking of the de Rothchild's did you know CNN's own Anderson Cooper is also a member of the same family? He doesn't like to have it brought up however as Jimmy Dore points out.

  5. My apologies to AC.. He's a Vanderbilt. I get all my Nobles mixed up...It's my parent's fault! gwb

  6. TSB: Syria: Can Russia & US Broker a new Cease-Fire?
    By Juan Cole | Sep. 4, 2016 Stars and Stripes reports that US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov may be very near a new US-Russian deal on Syria.

    So it sounds like the CIA is giving up on it's proxy-war plans in Syria in favor of a cease fire. Interesting that it took 7 weeks to come to a common sense, if temporary solution while millions are starving and the US public is totally in the dark about it. Good analysis. gwb

  7. TSB: What a weekend!! Time for an 'UNENDORSEMENT'?? gwb

    Bernie Stabs Hillary in the Back, Demands Third Party Nominees be Able to Debate

    PS: I paid for the knife! gwb

  8. TSB:Damned Sputnik! That whole thing was misleading. Bernie's still defending the Clintons and the DNC.

  9. TSB: Hillary is back on the campaign trail with lots of cash to bash the Trumpster!, and reporters on her new plane! (How was your weekend? "Fine..cough cough excuse me.")

    and Obama is back from Asia where he found out nobody likes us ("sons of bitches") much. But the big thing is we don't want the internet to become the 'Wild Wild West' (That we created) so we're going to turn it over to some international commission and set some rules because we are totally vulnerable. Just ask British Airways! No agreement on Syria with Putin but lots of glaring as we move closer to doing it his way. Looks like everything is "Peachy". gwb

  10. TSB: I can see why Chelsea wouldn't have wanted this email to get out.

    "We Wired It" - New Emails Suggest Clinton Rigged Benghazi Hearing
    And since when is it illegal to bribe Robert Menendez? Wasn't his friend in Florida the biggest Medicare fraud case of all time?? gwb

  11. TSB: While the US has been immersed in the Syrian civil war the Chi-Coms have developed super-computers with 5x the speed of our best ones and have launched the 'Quantum Satellite' to demonstrate long range communication which is totally un-hackable due to 'photon technology'. This leap forward means they can hack any other 'digital' computer system on earth in a matter of weeks. Their new internet will be totally independent of the current web. We can thank Snowden for all this leapfrogging.

    Also this past week the Chinese past a new law allowing Chinese Special Forces to deploy abroad, starting in Syria where 3,000 Siberian Tigers will be landing to assist the 4000 Russkies already there. The Chinese aircraft carrier is reportedly already docked in Syria and there will be choppers to follow. I learned all this from the latest Max Keiser Report #KR963 But don't worry, Hillary says 'Putin Has To Pay'!! gwb

  12. TSB: The way things are going they are going to need 40yders instead of the 20yders (the picture) to handle the volume.

  13. TSB: Funniest thing I heard last night was that the "NBC Town Hall" should have been 3 hrs long. I only lasted 10 minutes. gwb

  14. TSB: There sure is a lot of $$$ being deployed in this election and thanks to DC Leaks we see that the BLM movement has received $33 million and we know who from and what for: And, as much money as $650,000 is, it is mere drop in the bucket. The Washington Times reports that between OSF and the Center for American Progress, BLM has been the beneficiary of $33,000,000. Through grants to a variety of subversive organizations under the BLM umbrella, OSF and the Center for American Progress are funding a false narrative about racial disparity and police violence with the end-goal of “reforming” local police by federalizing them. By using the looting and rioting as “opportunities for major justice reforms,” Soros and his ilk have fanned the flames of an invented fire for their own purposes.

    As bad as all of that would be on its own, even that $33,000,000 is — yet and still — just a drop in the bucket. The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy have recently formed the Black-Led Movement Fund with a six-year commitment to a pooled donor campaign to the tune of $100,000,000. Race-hustling, it would appear, is a booming industry. After all, you can’t make omelets without breaking a few eggs and you can’t reconstruct a society until you first tear it down. And there is no tool better at tearing down a society that the proven method of divide-and-conquer. $133,000,000 will pay for a lot of #BLM #FTP t-shirts. It's too bad Trump never reads anything or listens to anybody. Also, if people only knew more about how the the banksters are out to take everything they have it would be a killer for Hillary. gwb Wells Fargo Fires 5,300 For Engaging In Massive Fraud, Creating Over 2 Million Fake Accounts:

  15. TSB: Speaking of offensive swim-wear, did you know that men only got the right to go 'topless' on the beach in 1937? Up til then they were essentially wearing bikinis according to 'messynessychic' and women were still getting hauled off to jail for wearing anything less than a 'burkinni'! In more liberal France 'Burkini's were all the rage! gwb

  16. TSB: Friday stock tip of the week: Sell Obama YESTERDAY! And next week's big story will be about the Saudi Prince who financed 1/3 of Hillary's campaign because he shares her values! gwb

    The "Undisclosed PRN Staff Member" that admitted to having the "oh shit" moment and wiping Hillary's email server despite knowing about a subpeona from Congress turns out to be Paul Combetta and he, like Pagliano, was also granted immunity by the DOJ.

    Obama Faces Humiliation After House Unanimously Passes Bill Allowing Sept 11 Lawsuits Against Saudi Arabia

  17. TSB: Descendants Of Slaves Owned By Georgetown University Want $1 Billion

    As part of our note, we suggested that Georgetown should post their "bid" of "preference in admissions" to the official Reparations website so that an official market could be established (see "There Is Now A Marketplace For White People To Make Reparations Payments"). Now, less than a week later, we have an official "offer" from the descendants of the slaves formerly owned by Georgetown who want "preference in admission" plus a mere $1 billion. That sounds fair! gwb

  18. TSB: Just listened to Kerry announcement of the new deal with Lavrov. Then went to Juan Cole who explained that this is a big deal because 1.US has decided to ditch the Nusra Front and 2. Is now forcing the Air Force to set up a Joint Command with the Russians to coordinate separate areas to bomb in if the various rebel groups don't support it. This is further explained by an RT reporter in Moscow which is great because the US press only has 'Barbara Starr'. So Juan's big question is why it took so long for the State Dept to get a handle on John Brennan at the CIA who has been running this fiasco behind the scenes? gwb

  19. TSB: My response to 15th Anniversary of 9/11? The oil companies still run the country and the Dakota/Sioux Indians are screwed again. gwb Thanks to Jimmy Dore. Go long pepper spray.

  20. TSB: Apparently Hillary's health is just fine, because if you can't trust the Clinton media machine who can you trust?

    But what I'm wondering is how is she a realistic candidate for President after what happened to Libya? 1. She talked Obama into taking out Ghadaffi as a humanitarian intervention in 2011. Once he was gone there was no Libyan government and all the rebels started fighting each other with enough arms to last for years. 2. The Russians started supporting General Haftar in the East with arms while many arms were sold to Syrian rebels through Turkey and a huge human traffic operation developed in Northern Libya. (Today 1 man controls 80% of the human exodus from Africa thru Libya.) 3. The US completely abandoned Libya once it stopped being an asset for Obama's re-election run. Now it has a UN appointed government and an alternate government with no money, no border and no functioning institutions. Europe has an unending flow of African refugees. And none of this ever gets mentioned in the Presidential campaign! gwb

  21. TSB: I guess I was wrong about Hillary being perfectly healthy with:
    (Democrats Whispering Clinton Might Step Aside From Race)

    It's a good thing she picked a running mate who will be ready to be President on day one and has no association with the Clinton Foundation or the email scandals. He probably knows more about foreign policy than Donald Trump and would get along great with 'BS' Joe Biden. He could pick Jill Stein for a running mate to add a little height and passion to the ticket. gwb

  22. GWB: While I can't believe that HRC will ever step down, if she did, I doubt Kaine would be her replacement. He's not really a top-tier guy. They'd have to beat Biden with a stick to keep him away.

  23. TSB, GWB,
    Stepping down aside. I think the most immediate danger for the Dems and HRC is the debate. Can she do it? I look for the Dems to do all they can to either cancel, postpone, or change the format of the debate.
    As far as stepping down, I think there are too many people with too much invested for that to happen. Heck (a little tongue in cheek) I don't think it would happen if she died. They would pull an El Cid, strap her on the modern day Babieca and lead her out for the last charge.

  24. James: With the first debate about two weeks away, we'll soon see if HRC wants to postpone. The most interesting election year ever just gets more engrossing all the time.

  25. HILARIOUS!!! The video Hillary Clinton Does Not Want You To See. Must Watch! Hillary Clinton tried to ban this video! But Hillary Can't Hide THIS Anymore! http:///'t-Want-You-To-Know
