Sunday, October 16, 2016

Give the Hackers a Hand

So John Podesta used a public wi-fi system on AMTRAK (see Re: My John.podesta account) to do his business with the world?

I'm starting to suspect it did not really take Russian super-hackers to get the podesta emails that Wikileaks is pushing out. His poor security practices alone can account for that.


  1. TSB: I AM SHOCKED!! But don't worry, CNN has declared that it is ILLEGAL for the commoners to access Wikileaks! Only readers of the Skeptical Bureaucrat will know about this! Stay Calm


  2. CNN Caught Lying For Hillary It's Against The Law To Read WikiLeaks

    This was removed from Zero Hedge shortly after I found it. gwb

  3. Why Skep if I didn't know better, I'd believe you're a little cynical, blase, and a tad jaded. This cannot be the happy go lucky carefree Skep that I know. Having great power and becoming used to it can make you very careless. These people blab about everything, in some ways it's a form of bragging.

  4. TSB:The Brits have evidently cut Assange' wifi access and 'some state actor' has cut RT's bank access because that damn Putin has been trying to influence the Hillary Coronation! This morning Joe and Mika were carefully tiptoeing around some Podesta emails, actually reading 2 of them from Jan 08 as though they didn't understand them... so I guess there is nothing to see there. gwb And on the last play of the game officials 'GIFTED' the game to the Seahawks over Atlanta by ignoring the most obvious pass interference call in the history of sports!


    TSB: Pentagon lies, Houthi's Dies?? gwb We need to send some NFL Officials over there to get to the botttom of this? Did that ship really sink a couple weeks ago manned by US Maritime personnel or was I just on mushrooms?

    TSB: Amy Goodman is going to face charges of 'Rioting' in North Dakota claiming freedom of the press allows reporters to report on protests. So far, Hillary seems to be the only politician who understands that the Press doesn't exist anymore. Trump,Bernie and all the others didn't realize it till it was too late. This should be an interesting case. gwb (Probably call it "Goodman vs German Shepard")

  7. TSB: The deep state has been spotted! gwb

  8. TSB: Amy Goodman has 'muzzled' the police state in N. Dakota! So that makes 2 people willing to shed light on our freedom of the press problem! gwb

    N. Dakota Judge Laughs Riot Charges against Amy Goodman out of Court
    By contributors | Oct. 18, 2016 |

    A state prosecutor had sought to charge Goodman with participating in a “riot” for filming an attack on protesters.

  9. TSB: I just listened to 45 minutes of C-Span callers on whether there is voter fraud going on without hearing one caller resort to any kind of logic. The smartest thing Hillary ever did was to quit campaigning after she successfully rigged the primary in June because ever since this registering illegals thing came up I haven't heard Bernie's name mentioned by anyone. We're doomed!!

    On Saturday, my assistant decided we needed to spend $38 to buy some glasses for a guy who is blind in one eye and living in a tent for two years because he got hit by a car and broke his shoulder, thus loosing his job at the chicken factory lifting 50 lb boxes. There went my $29 for Stein! I'm a sucker for blind guys on bikes. gwb

  10. TSB: Roger Ailes shit-cans The Donald! Says his ADD is impossible to work with. Talk about a low blow. gwb

  11. TSB:The Obama Legacy Project to retake Mosul by Dec. 20th seems to have been blocked by the Abadi plan to drive all the Sunni's out of Mosul. (750,000) gwb (So ISIS will be a Rockin to Raqqa by going south of Tal a Far.)

  12. TSB: I finally had it explained to me why Trump has been unable to nail Hillary on her Soros connections, paid for violence, open borders, heroin, Haiti corruption, Wells Fargo etc. It's the banks! He knows that the Republicans are as heavily in the pockets of the bankers as she is. His future is dead without the banksters who can punish him anyway they want if he goes after them. Unless he gets elected. Explained by Michael Hudson, author of 'Junk Economics' on the Max Keiser Report 982 starting at 17:30.

    Trump has no allies because he doesnt play well with others. gwb

  13. TSB: It's Friday so time for some drama! WikiLeaks Tweets "Heavily Armed Police" Gathering Outside The Ecuadorian Embassy In London

    Assange tweets photo as "heavily armed 'police' appear outside Ecuadorian Embassy in London" gwb

  14. TSB: ISIS outfoxes US Intelligence and attacks KirkuK, says they have half the city and the power plant! Looks like this operation is not going well for the boots that aren't on the ground. gwb

  15. TSB: Juan Cole continues to be on top of what's going on in Iraq: ISIL feint toward Kirkuk defeated, but Kills hundreds in Mosul. gwb

    Also, CNN was targeted yesterday in the cyber action and they barely mentioned it yesterday and have completely forgotten it today. It turns out the warnings about baby monitors, thermostats and auto computer devices were worth listening to. gwb

  16. TSB: Juan Cole is a fun source for news on Chinese efforts to develop wind turbin energy compared to the US Congress where most of the Repubs are scientifically illiterate on the issue. The big danger is that over the next few years the US will surrender this whole industry to the Chi-Coms. gwb

    China’s Wind Co. Profits, share price soar by 60%: 2 Turbines an Hour being Installed
    By Juan Cole | Oct. 23, 2016 |China intends to get between 25% and 33% of its electricity from wind by 2030, i.e. in only 14 years! And by then it intends to be off coal entirely. If Beijing can pull this off, it will literally change the world (for the better).

    The backward and often scientifically illiterate US Congress can barely bring itself to allow a tax write-off for wind turbines each year, disrupting the industry here with uncertainty (even though it gives big tax breaks to oil and gas companies). If they aren’t careful, they’ll give away this whole global industry to China. (Of course this whole Co2 thing is just a Chinese Hoax) Also, I love the Russians offering to come over and provide monitors for our elections! If they just monitored New York it would be fun to see.

  17. Hey look TSB: The new UN "Quito Accord" supported by Hillary Clinton! and Lloyd Blankfein = A chicken in every pot and a migrant family in everybody's backyard! Thanks to Wikileaks!! gwb

  18. TSB: I got my mail in ballot today. I'm voting for Jill. But this 5 minute video is great. It shows former fed governor Larry Lindsey taking on 4 UNSUSPECTING CNBC ANCHORS about their bias towards Hillary and saying: "THE MOST DANGEROUS CANDIDATE IS THE ONE THE PRESS IS NOT FOCUSING ON" gwb

  19. TSB: I thought you said Tim Caine wasn't a heavy hitter! Here is his rally yesterday in West Palm Beach Florida! 26 people showed up and cheered wildly at the big event as Hillary's lead in Florida has grown bigger every day. Looks like a landslide to me. gwb


    TSB: Max Keiser just arrived to cover the US elections and his pal Stacy is going to be looking into whether Hillary is as big of a 'Loon' as Trump since the US press won't ask any questions. They report on the Clinton Foundation activities in Columbia which indicate that in return for $600,000 for 2 speeches Bill arranged for one of his billionaire friends to get the oil industry and a manufacturing business plus a great deal of property formerly owned by Pablo Escobar. His workers live behind barbed wire and don't get paid much and the oil pollution has been incredible. The results of Plan Columbia for all to see thanks to John Podesta!! In the 2nd half of this report is detailed WHY DUTERTE IS DITCHING THE US... CHINESE TOURISTS AND INFRASTRUCTURE!! 7 NEW PROJECTS TO BE ANNOUNCED THIS WEEK!! So much for the Asian Pivot and TPP. gwb

  21. TSB: "Semper Fi" Yeah! But this is not your grandfather's Pentagon! Old Obscene ASHES CARTER CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT! gwb

    "Obscene" Pentagon Folds Under Political Pressure, Stops Seeking Veteran Bonus Repayments

  22. GWB: About Tim Kaine, he is fast becoming the life of the party. He drew crowds of 30 and even 50 in Florida this week. He even plays the harmonica!

  23. TSB: Tim is fantastic! He also sings 'South of the Border' in Spanish while accompanying himself on the Harmonica. I want to see somebody ask him if he thinks Duterte's getting sexually molested by a US priest as a child might be fueling some on his Anti-Colonial rage? Tim must have had the day off today cause I couldn't find him anywhere. gwb

  24. GWB: Tim's only campaign appearance today was cancelled with no explanation. Maybe he's strategizing with Team Hillary.

  25. LOL TSB!! I heard his harmonica was in for a tune-up and he
    was taking windsurfing lessons. gwb Late Headlines say he has volunteered to pilot Pence's 737.

  26. TSB: Tim will be in Tallahassee today I should be able to catch it on youtube and will report back! It's Friday so the crowd might not be quite as big but I'm sure lots of big time state officials will be there and some Mariachi's! gwb
