Friday, December 23, 2016

Most Eyebrow-Raising Headline of the Week

"Mail worker busted for stealing Christmas gift cards to buy sex toys" - New York Post


  1. TSB: I really liked that post on the balustrades or bollards! Also, somebody must have stolen all of my gift cards too! I am in favor of grabbing some great Brit talent like Ruth Reed. Looks like they will be downsizing over there.

    My favorite grab would be Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert who are currently ensconced on a beach in Pensacola Florida. They currently face total censorship in the UK. Nigel Farage might be good.

    And I like this guy who has a plan to get the President off to a good start. gwb

  2. TSB: Trump says he won by a landslide, but the real landslide was 1936 when Roosevelt won 523 to 8 over Alf Landon. The single biggest contributor to his popularity was having confiscated all the gold from the American people in 1933/34.

    He might become extremely popular similar to that by adopting an 'America First Plan' in healthcare: You can't sell it (drugs etc) to us (USG)for any higher price than you sell it to anyone else. Confiscating gold and silver could become very popular too. gwb

  3. GWB: I believe drug sales have a pricing scheme under international law whereby vital medications - like AZT in Africa - are priced based on the country's average income. That's not perfect, but maybe worth considering.

  4. TSB: Here's my nomination for this week: DEBBIE REYNOLDS
    12/28/2016 1:36 PM PST
    Because, as I was taught in school: Stress causes everything! and as everybody knows Monday is the #1 day for heart attack deaths and Christmas is a prime stressor, even in New Zealand.

    First Zsa Zsa, then Carrie, Now Debbie. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm munching on a delicious dried fruit basket and trying to relax. gwb
