Friday, September 1, 2017

Friday Night Document Dump: More of Hillary's Email

Pursuant to FOIA litigation, the Department of State tonight released another batch of Hillary Rodham Clinton's emails that were sent by her while she was SecState. Read them here.

What with it being the Friday before a three-day weekend, we'll all have plenty of time to browse them.


  1. Have a good weekend Skep, you too GWB.

  2. Thanks! I hope your long weekend will be as good as mine is shaping up to be.

  3. Thanks guys!! Happy Labor Day to you! I had to work but it was with my favorite all time assistant and only 2 people out of 5 showed up so we most most of the day chewing the fat on the shaded veranda wishing we could have a beer and a vodka collins. Cheers! gwb

  4. TSB: This former (defected) soviet KGB propagandist seems to have everything right about our current situation.

    According to the theory we are now so confused and, disconnected and distrustful that all it will take is a crisis to dissolve the current government and turn it over to someone with a new idea to implement with absolute power. One example is Beaumont, Texas where there is no water, thousands of homes still flooded. The Mayor says they are "working on the problem" and thinks she has a short term "fix" but gives no details.
    Just that it will be weeks if not more before water is running again and people can get back in their homes. So, If you have gone 8 days with no water and your neighborhood is still flooded what did you learn from that?? gwb

  5. TSB: Angry Hillary Blames Everything from Bernie Sanders To "There's Something About Mary" For 2016 Loss-With just one week to go until the big release it's starting to look like this book might really sell.. as a comedy! There's Something About Mary

    Her best line I thing is "I FELT LIKE I WAS IN A STRAIGHT JACKET" She looked just like that when they were stuffing her into that car in NYC. gwb

  6. TSB: Congress finally got something done!! Averted a government shutdown and raised the debt ceiling. Ryan spent the whole month disparaging Trump over that violent staged event in Virginia and other things.. what does he expect Trump to do? Looks like: "If you like your Obamacare you can keep your Obamacare" gwb

    Republicans Furious As Trump Sides With Democrats On Debt Limit Extension!

  7. TSB! IT'S A WIN WIN !! gwb Conservatives are unhappy that the White House and congressional leaders have agreed to raise the debt ceiling without spending cuts.
    However, Orrin Hatch - Republican Senator for Utah and Chair of Senate Finance Committee - says he wants to abolish debt ceiling votes.

    Translated: Trump suggests that there should be no constraint at all, not even the fiscally conservative pretense of the debt ceiling law, over how much debt the government can pile on the backs of future generations of Americans. If Obama can add $10 trillion, we are sure Trump can do "better."

  8. TSB: We called our old friend Dayami in Tampa Bay last nite before the 8.1 earthquake in Mexico. She says the grocery stores were completely emptied before she even had a chance to get there. There is no gasoline anywhere around and none forthcoming. They are just hoping the Florida west coast doesn't get hit. I don't think we are getting the whole story from the MSM as usual. Plus the next hurricane (Juan?) is heading right for Mexico's E.coast. gwb

  9. TSB: This is a good article: After The Storms Are Over: America Can't Afford To Rebuild
    Per capita consumer debt hit $5000 in 1999, it's now over $12,000. Who is going to continue paying a mortgage on a destroyed home when the rebuilding costs are say 50% higher than what they bought it for? The banks will take huge losses and there will be a mass exodus from the affected areas. The "service economy" including the "health care industry" won't have anyone left to service. gwb
    Tampa Bay- 140mph winds tonite. Better head for the baseball stadium?

  10. TSB: Today I googled, binged and checked MSM sites for any news about the aftermath of HARVEY in Houston. Zero stories since September 4th. You Tube as well. Somebody is surely calling the shots on this one and I think it might be the banks, chemical companies and energy industry. Even "The Young Turks" either have no clue or are being very careful. Anyway, I'm retired at the end of October' because Bitcoin hit $5000... looking for $7000 by the end of January.gwb

  11. GWB: Harvey became a total non-story the second Hurricane Irma arrived. There just doesn't seem to be any news media interest in Texas anymore. Miami Beach is much more their kind of place. Long Island and the New Jersey shore, where NYC-based media have weekend homes, are even more their kind of place, as witness the months and months of Super Storm Sandy coverage.
