Monday, January 22, 2018

Well, That Was Very Brief

The Government Shutdown of 2018 barely had time to register with the public before the Senate Democrats voted to end it, with all but 16 - counting the two independents who normally caucus with them - of their 49 members voting to end cloture at 12:30 PM today.

Why such a very quick reversal? Here's a clue: a Harvard-Harris poll conducted just before the Friday night government shutdown found that 65% of voters would support a DACA deal that secures the Southern border, ends chain migration, and eliminates the visa lottery. That level of support was consistent across nearly every demographic group, including 68% of those who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Whats more, fully 81% of voters want to reduce legal immigration by at least half of its current number.

I'm guessing the Democratic caucus took one look at its internal polling on DACA and gave up that fight as quickly as they possibly could, getting nothing in return from the Republic leadership except the promise of a future Senate vote on some still-to-be-identified bill, something which neither the House nor the White House have so much as promised to consider.



  2. TSB: I think this might pre-empt the next government shutdown. gwb CIA Boss Gives Latest Indication Trump May Consider Preemptive Strike on North Korea
    The spy agency is briefing the president about military options on North Korea, which *outside* analysts warn could escalate to nuclear war. 2/23/18
    So, that might start with "turning out the lights in N. Korea and all radio and telephone communication. Not sure what you do after that but once you fry all their electronics maybe some Olympic medals??

  3. TSB: FBI Deputy Director McCabe Has Stepped Down Effective today!

    Might be the next guy FBI finds in a hotel room having beaten himself to death? gwb

  4. TSB:"State of the Union" tonite. I can hardly wait. Dying to see the look on DiFi's face when she hears the word memo.gwb

  5. GWB,
    "Might be the next guy FBI finds in a hotel room having beaten himself to death? gwb"
    That reminds me of the old days in Texas where they'd find a guy who "committed suicide" by shooting himself 3 times in the back of the head with a single shot bolt action rifle.

  6. TSB: Some FBI guy just released Anthony Weiner's contact list taken directly from his laptop. 639 names addresses, emails, phone numbers, including my old childhood pal KITTY KELLEY from Spokane! gwb

    Somebody Leaked Every Phone Number and Address on Anthony Weiner’s Laptop: 639 Politicians And Media
    Squwaker ^ | 02/06/18 | Alisha Sherron

  7. TSB:Somebody seems to have thrown a monkey wrench into the budget agreement!
    I'm sitting here watching Rand Paul talking about the idea of actually paying for the new trillion $ in spending. I think he has screwed up the scripted shows on Fox, CNN, MSNBC and they are now saying the bill might not pass given the 1036 point decline in the stock market today. YEAH FOR RAND!! geb

  8. TSB: Flu Is Causing 1 in 10 American Deaths and Climbing
    Along with the pneumonia it spawns, this year’s epidemic may be killing 4,000 people every week...So why isn't it ravaging all other countries? Because the haven't been getting flu vaccines every year for the past 10 years which weakens their immune system, haven't been eating food made by US corporations which is basically designed to have little or no nutrition and cause the average American to eat 135 lbs of sugar a year. Also they tend not to have western trained doctors who have been brainwashed into believing all this stuff. These experts get paid to be puzzled, sort of like Nancy Pelosi. gwb

  9. TSB:BALTIMORE BANS BULLETPROOF GLASS! (Shopowners have been installing this stuff to protect their life and property, but that has triggered the liberals who run the city because it is uppity and demeaning. So now it's a criminal offense!) gwb

  10. TSB: I learned 1 interesting fact from the big hearing today. The US killed over 200 Russian soldiers in Syria on Feb 6th or thereabout. The laugher was Joe Manchin asking the CIA guys why we don't ask the Latin American countries for compensation for the damage they do by allowing drugs to come from there to the US... he specified Columbia. Columbia can't even pay their soldiers and police and all of their main highways and bridges are now controlled by the people who quit their "Peace Process". Everyone added that there has been NO progress in cybercrime (because we are so far behind China Russia, Iran, Ukraine etc No progress on drug addiction, not even a strategy.
    Of course with all our internet using cables we will remain vulnerable (not mentioned that a number of our cables have already been cut)Anyway we killed 200 Russians so I guess we are winning? gwb

  11. GWB: I see news reports on that Syrian incident have been saying anywhere between "a few" and a few hundred Russians were killed. Maybe some were. Russia doesn't seem too upset, though.

  12. TSB: In the latest humiliation for the scandal-plagued FBI - one which this time had deadly results - the FBI agent in charge of the Florida shooting probe admitted that the Bureau had investigated a school shooting threat made on YouTube last year but could not identify person behind it even though Nikolas Cruz used his real name to sign the threat. Perhaps it was too busy unmasking member of the Trump administration?
    And so, nearly half a year later and long after one of America's most deadly school shootings, the FBI said on Thursday that it was finally investigating whether or not a disturbing YouTube comment reported to them in September was posted by the suspect in Wednesday's deadly Florida school shooting rampage. (I wonder what the box score is re: deadly school shootings prevented by reporting and not prevented by reporting. Probably not a super high priority at Swamp Headquarters. gwb)

  13. TSB
    Putin's got a big problem here. He's got an election a month (he'll win) and wouldn't want any bad business happening. What could he possibly gained with this even say it had been a big victory. I think it reflects that he has some characters in Syria who don't really understand who they should answer to ultimately. There will be hell to pay internally. Personally I think it was the work of the Iranians (with some stupid Russian contractors) trying to finesse Putin into giving them full backi8ng vs the US,
    This more up your alley, I went to the medicos the other day and it seems the immortality gig ain't gonna happen, they were quite insistent about it. No alarm in good health.
