Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Blown Away by an Unusual Destiny in the Blue Sea of October

There is just something particularly funny when police mistake coconuts for bombs. Something almost Benny Hill funny. Or in this case, more like an Italian adventure-comedy-drama from the '70s. Those are so goofy - I love them.

Yesterday it was the airport police in Rome who explosively rendered safe a ‘suspicious’ bag which turns out to be filled with COCONUTS. I explored this theme back in 2011 when it was a Sheriff's Deputy in Maryland who decided that a coconut lying in front of a courthouse needed a bomb squad response (Migratory Coconut + Homeland Security = Bomb Scare). I guess coconuts must have a way of setting off police vibes.

The story from Rome isn't clear, but I suspect the airport police, once they had x-rayed the suspicious suitcase, used a small 'disrupter' charge to blow the bag open. Hence, the lack of damage to the airport. But still, that was some fun on a boring Monday, no?


  1. TSB:Looks like somebody is preparing to invade Venezuela. gwb COALITION INVASION ARMADA AMASSING OFF GRENADA(!) 20 HEAVILY ARMED WARSHIPS ON STANDBY(!) https://youtu.be/cxfW4y1hiW4

  2. TSB: The Chief of Interpol has gone missing! This sounds like a first to me and I would have President Trump put together a team of our top intelligence people to track down the perpetrators. This is too big a job for the French Police! gwb https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-05/france-launches-investigation-disappearance-interpol-chief

  3. Re: The above photo.
    Thus was a million jokes born.

  4. TSB: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4754973/us-tells-saudi-ambassador-provide-information-jamal-khashoggi-whereabouts Heather Nauert will be the next US Ambassador to the UN. We could run a beauty contest with all the "hot bods" that have been promoted by Trump to positions way beyond their talents and abilities because he addicted. gwb

  5. James - there is just something about coconuts that leads to jokes. Maybe it started with the Monty Python "you've got two halves of coconut and you've bangin' them together bit?

    GWB - Oh, they aren't all hotties, let me tell you. She might be an exception, but then there were other equally hot ones during previous administrations, such as Marie Harf, my favorite!

  6. TSB,
    When it comes to coconuts it all depends on whether it is a European swallow or African swallow. History hinges upon these things.
