Friday, July 17, 2020

Joe Biden Gets Endorsed, But He Gives Bad Advice

Joe Biden's electoral chances got a little bit better today when he scored a big endorsement, this one from Angela Davis, who is no longer a fugitive from justice.

To be fair, it was a half-hearted endorsement at best:
So I think that we’re going to have to translate some of the passion that has characterized these demonstrations into work within the electoral arena, recognizing that the electoral arena is not the best place for the expression of radical politics. But if we want to continue this work, we certainly need a person in office who will be more amenable to our mass pressure. And to me, that is the only thing that someone like a Joe Biden represents. But we have to persuade people to go out and vote to guarantee that the current occupant of the White House is forever ousted.

But Joe will take it, I'm sure.

Anyway, he and Ms. Davis have at least one thing in common. They are both big fans of the sawed-off double-barrel shotgun. That's Ms. Davis' younger brother in the above photo, and he's got a shotgun which she purchased taped to the neck of Judge Harold J. Haley as he takes the judge hostage in the Marin County, California, Courthouse in August 1970.

Judge Haley was murdered shortly after the photo was taken. Ms. Davis went on trial for murder, kidnapping, and conspiracy for her role in helping plan the hostage-taking and purchasing the guns used in it, but she was acquitted in 1972 and went on to have a fulfilling career in politics and academia.

Joe's interest in double-barrel shotguns is well known, since he enthused about that to CBS News back in 2013. Joe recommends the double-barrel because you don't need to aim it, unlike the AR15 rifle, or anyhow so he said.

Personally, I prefer the handgun. But, whatever firearm you favor, please do aim it carefully, unlike what Joe advises. And also, please don't buy it for associates who will use it to commit murder. Not everyone who conspires to commit murder will be acquitted like Angela Davis.


  1. TSB: Great post! I'm inclined to think that the virus is bound to put Biden in office but the Florida Maquis says important developments this past week almost guarantees a Trump landslide. 1. The SCOTUS ruled that 1 million Florida convicted felons can not vote because voting is a priviledge granted by the states, not a right of citizenship. 2. Constitutionally, states are not required to send electors to the electoral college. The way each state chooses those electors is also subject to change. And 3. Trump received the endorsement of the national police officers association. With the full support of Governor DeSantis (R) (Defund the Police) will not fly in Florida and Antifa is not going to be welcome in a lot of other important states where "Shotgun Joe" currently seems to have a big lead. We'll just have to see how much of a boost that Angela Davis endorsement boosts Joe's polling. gwb

  2. The 2020 race is wide open now, and I bet Trump eventually focuses on a platform of "Jobs, not Mobs." Joe Biden, OTOH, I have no idea. That probably depends [Depends, snicker snicker] on his VP.

  3. TSB: The 1st 3 months fundraising results are in for Biden's SuperPac formed by
    Bernie's former campaign chairman. From April to June 30th they raised $0.00 It looks like Joe didn't get Bernie's 2016 email list. Word has it that Bernie was a little upset at the whole idea. lol That could be one of the less super super-packs of all time. gwb I think the guy's name is Jeff Weaver.

  4. TSB: Congratulations Americans! Your face masks are now being produced by Uger slave labor in Chinese concentration camps! In Virginia lots of jobs are available at $7.15 an hour and Gov. Northam has just delayed a moderate increase in that til next year. (because Virginia has Unlimited Corporate Donations).
    In Oklahoma, people last night were camping out at the Unemployment Offices hoping to be able to apply for unemployment and cars are there in long lines.You can't do it by mail or phone anymore-swamped!
    AOC announced that she has NEVER spoken to Joe Biden! (NYT) It really sounds like the Democrats aren't the least bit interested in winning this election or stopping the "Pandemic" where we are still #1! (141,118 deaths). The big question is who will throw out the 1st pitch at the World Series. gwb

  5. We know that Dr. Fauci will throw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals' season opener. Beyond that, I'm mystified.

  6. TSB: I missed all the fun last nite at the Courthouse (nightly burning) in Portland, but Mayor and Police Commissioner Ted Wheeler was there to hold a listening session with the not very peaceful protestors. After that he was teargassed by Trump's "Stormtroopers". I'm guessing he will give this up after the two month mark which is getting close. gwb

    Portland Mayor Tear Gassed By Federal Agents During Wednesday Protest

  7. I visited Portland just once, several years ago, and really enjoyed the slightly weird but orderly vibe of the downtown. No sense of menace then, even in the wee hours, unlike in most cities. The bus-trolly stops had plasma screens displaying info and nobody stole or vandalized them. Unimaginable in the usual city! It was hippy-ish but also seemed to have law'n'order.

    Looking at the mob scenes there today, I have to wonder if the city will come back. The city's tax base, etc., must be very fragile due to the practically jobless nature of its population of 20-year-old retirees. Can vegan take-out places support much in the way of infrastructure rebuilding?

  8. You are right about the tax base, throw in Seattle, Austin, and a few others. I will stray from my rightyness a little to say we're getting a skewed look at what's going on. If Portland is like Austin then the Mayor is in by the votes of a very narrow group. In Austin it's the radical left(alot of students) and the entertainment big boys (who stay in the background that hold political sway. I suspect something similar in Portland.

  9. TSB: I finally got to the big event of the day.
    (first I had to watch aoc's statement about yoyo
    calling her a fxxking bxtxh which was well executed.) Anthony Fauci threw out the first pitch for the Yankees vs Nationals It wasn't the worst one I've ever seen. At least he didn't hurt himself. Evidently he thought the idea was to try to hit a runner going up the first base line after a bunt but it does show that playing baseball while wearing masks probably won't work. gwb

  10. TSB: They are closing the spy centers in Chengdu and Houston and cancelling the Republican Convention. This seems highly unusual! No wonder Fauci was in such a hurry to get off the field. They even called a truce tonite in Portland and didn't try to burn down the courthouse. The Mayor stayed home and they had some gospel singers.gwb

  11. TSB: You have visited Portland a lot more recently than I have. But you just point out how fast things can change. gwb

  12. Sennacherib: I find the self-destruction of all these small quirky cities really a pity. I might have moved to one, once upon a time, but now I'll have to wait and see how things develop. The meltdown of civilization is highly incompatible with my idea of The Golden Years.

    GWB: Good to hear Portland will take a break from rioting tonight. Maybe the Mayor put out the word that real PO-lice are coming. I can't see the Feds putting up with nightly arsons for much longer.

  13. TSB: I hit the beach for a couple hours this afternoon. I estimated there were about 125 parents and kids having a great time. I didn't see a single kid over 5 or 6 years old. Everyone was real friendly and the water was pretty warm. 2 large family groups having a picnic. They are burning down Seattle today: The Seattle police chief is sending out letters telling residents: "We cannot enforce the law. You are on your own." Quite a few Seattle Police injured with mortat fire and incendiaries. Trump has promised to send more battle hardened troops. Also they entered and burned the Juvenile Detention Center which was going to be closed anyway... and spray painted employees cars. Meanwhile in the grocery store three blocks from here a woman was threatening to attack anyone wearing a mask because it's a sign of Satan. A lot of people my age stampeded til she was attended to. gwb Have a great rest of the weekend!

  14. GWB: It's a crazy summer! You could sell tickets.

  15. TSB: It could be a BIBLICAL summer pretty soon. A dam on the Yangtze River is about to collapse. I think it's the 3 Gorges Dam but they are having record flooding. According to FM satellite images indicate collapse is almost inevitable. His You Tube video was immediately blocked after he uploaded it.
    I was trying to think of anyone I know that would have any interest in this story but I couldn't think of anyone but you. Probably 80% of the things we rely on every day are manufactured in this area and would be destroyed not to mention 100's of millions of people. That is an "Instant Worldwide Depression" gwb (Trump friendly news is not allowed these days.)

  16. I hope the Chinese who live downriver from the 3 Gorges dam are bracing for impact. A collapse of that dam would be perhaps the only thing that could upstage all the other crazy events of this year.

  17. TSB: Former GOP Presidential Candidate, Trump Fed Pick Herman Cain Dies After Battle With Coronavirus age 74 A lot of 74 yo's biting the dust after attending Trump events. I've been avoiding pizza and jury duty like the plague! Bet you $5 they put him on Remdisovir. gwb

  18. TSB: Not The Onion: Michigan Inn Forced To Remove Norwegian Flag Because It 'Resembles' Confederate Banner “It bugs me as far as the stupidity of people,” the inn owner remarked. “They look nothing alike.”
    It was just too damn hot out today to go to the beach so I stayed home and slept all afternoon. I hate to miss that check from the organizers and the free beer but 102 is just too much. gwb

  19. TSB: I've Got It!! If you have been vaccinated for polio or had oral polio (OPV) as a child taking the newer (OPV tablets) before going into any group or restaurant like setting will boost your immunity to the Cov-2 virus within 2 hrs and last at least 30 days. Each tablet costs 15-20 cents and has been used around the world for many years. This is from today's Useful Idiots show:
    Dr. Robert Gallo on Vaccines, Plus the Democrats' Campaign Strategy | Useful Idiots Dr Gallo discovered the HIV virus and is currently getting funding for this BUT unable in the US! Starts around 52:30 min This is what I am going to use in the future to protect myself 1 month at a time. It is totally safe and effective. gwb Your doctor will gladly prescribe it for you and your family.

  20. GWB: I'm not surprised by that mix-up over the Confederate flag (its actually the battle flag of just one Confederate army, but that's the flag that's popular). Now that they've banned from military bases I regret no longer being on active duty, otherwise I would display a stars and bars flag with rainbows instead of stars, and say it's to remember our gay Confederate troops. What base commander would dare tell me to remove that?

    Good news about the polio vaccine. Does that work with smallpox vaccine too? I got that a couple times over the years, so maybe I don't need to worry about COVID-19.

  21. I hear Biden's so close to picking a VP candidate he can smell her.

  22. TSB: Overall, an analysis by the Clarion Project found that some $10 billion had flowed from foreign entities into US universities between 2012 and 2019.
    Suprising that Betsy DeVoss' Education Department is finally going after the unlimited foreign $$$ being gifted to US Universities. You can by a lot of academic experts with that kind of loot and do a lot of spying.
    Lawmakers Demand Universities Produce All Foreign Donation Records
    Everything is for sale when it comes to revered US institutions including the Pentagon as the bread lines grow longer and Congress takes a break from their hectic schedule. gwb

  23. TSB: Trump Calls Beirut Explosion "A Terrible Attack - A Bomb Of Some Kind" After Briefed By Generals... well, Trump certainly has " the greatest generals" and it wouldn't take a lot to set off 2750 tons of ammonium nitrate that sat for 6 yrs unguarded in a downtown warehouse. Trump sure knows how to grab a news cycle. Tomorrow we should know who did it! gwb

  24. GWB: Lebanese officials are saying the ANFO was seized from a cargo ship years ago and simply left in a warehouse. Highly unsafe. OTOH, Hezbollah has a history of stashing away large amounts of ANFO - in Germany, in one case. Whatever the source, it was an incredibly reckless thing to store that stuff in that place and manner.

  25. Saw your tweet TSB on "warrior culture", yeah there's a whole group of people who live in fantasy land. We were Cav.

  26. Those people in Portland are play revolutionaries.

  27. TSB: I must have missed some details on that Ted Wheeler story. Turns out he was urging the rioters to quit attacking police because it would help Trump. So they were back at it last night from midnight to 2:30 am with lasers bricks, frozen water bottles and nails to damage police tires. In other tragic news my $20 coffee maker died after 7 years of daily use. The price went up to $24.95 so I bought the 5 cup size for 19.95. on sale. Looks like it better be a Trump landslide or it will be a war against all of us white racists. gwb
