Sunday, September 13, 2020

Harry Dunn Case Update: A Civil Suit is Filed, A Bad Guy Talks a Lot, UK Government Contradicts Itself, and Virtual Nonsense Abounds

The UK authorities held a meeting with the Dunn family last week, billed as an update on what they've been doing in the months since they charged the American driver with reckless driving but were denied her extradition back to the UK by the U.S. Secretary of State. As usual, no one was satisfied with anything and we are no closer to a resolution then before. In fact, the events of last week most likely will ensure a couple more years of futile activity. The BBC reports:
Harry Dunn's family say they have been told prosecutors do not believe the woman accused of killing the teenager in a crash had diplomatic immunity.
Commenting after the meeting, Greg McGill, the CPS [Commonwealth Prosecution Service] director of legal services, said "Today we have met with the family of Harry Dunn to update them on the various steps the CPS has taken over the last 10 months to secure justice in this tragic case.
"The challenges and complexity of this case are well known, but the CPS and other partners have been working tirelessly to do all they can so that Anne Sacoolas faces the charge we have brought - causing death by dangerous driving.
"We know this is a very difficult process for the family, which is why we wanted to assure them personally that we continue to seek justice for them and for the public."
Now, since the UK Foreign Minister has repeatedly told the public and the Parliament that the accused did indeed have diplomatic immunity, a position which is apparently unchanged, the UK government is now taking two different positions on that critical matter. So far, it seems happy to live with that dissonance. 

In a side note, the family disclosed the record of an internal email from the Prime Minister's office in which some perceptive person exclaimed "this guy is bad!" in reference to the family's spokesman / grifter / Svengali / ringmaster and all-round hustler.

I like the exclamation point. Not merely "bad" but "bad!" So we know that No. 10 employs at least one staffer of discernment. 

Of course, the bad guy in question, instead of owning the bad guy label, immediately hid behind the parents, just as he did a few months back when the Northants Police called him out for misrepresenting something they told him about international notices.
“So to see that I am being referred to as a ‘bad guy’ is clearly a problem, but I do whatever the parents ask me to do, so any attack on me is an attack on these parents."
Actually, it's an attack on just him, and one that's thoroughly justified. 

Ahead of the meeting with CPS, the family announced that it has filed a civil suit for damages (here) in United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia. That will ensure time-consuming back-and-forth actions on jurisdiction, etc., before the suit can be tried, if it ever is, as well as provide a good reason to further delay cooperation with any UK court action. 

The summary of the law suit, which you can read at the above link, contains the absolutely scurrilous allegation that the American driver did not call for assistance after the accident, but rather "left Dunn to suffer" and ultimately to die. In fact, as the driver's attorneys announced in a statement released to the public this busy week, she did in fact call the RAF Croughton police, who responded right away and assisted Dunn; a passing motorist she flagged down had already called for local emergency services. If anyone left Dunn to suffer and ultimately to die, it was the ambulance service, which took 43 minutes to arrive at the scene due to a dispatching mistake, and took two hours to get him to a hospital. The American driver stayed at the scene until police told her to go home. 

The last word for this week goes to the family spokesman, always as voluble as he is ignorant of international law. A few months back he was surprised to learn that international law is not made by the United Nations. Now, he's telling the news media "Harry Dunn's alleged killer could be tried on British soil by holding virtual proceedings in the British embassy in the US, according to his family’s lawyer." 

Only if you get your information about diplomatic immunity from movies like Lethal Weapon II is a foreign embassy the 'sovereign soil' of its country. In the real world, a foreign embassy is only a diplomatic premise which the host country recognizes as having certain privileges under international law, including legal inviolability. 'Sovereign soil' is a movie and TV trope. 

Anyway, regarding that proposal of a virtual trial as a way to work around the refusal of the USG to extradite its diplomatically immune persons abroad and subject them to real trials, it's a non-starter. The same international convention that makes them immune to the criminal jurisdiction of a host country also makes them immune to having to give testimony in the court of a host country. The SecState would have to waive immunity in order to allow a trial in which the accused could give testimony, and he appears to have made his refusal to waive immunity absolutely clear. 

Next up is a protest march on the U.S. Embassy in London on Tuesday, the first anniversary of the departure from the UK of the USG family member who was subsequently charged in the case. I do not anticipate any news being released then, since all the parties involved seem to have fired all their ammo last week.


Update as of Monday, September 14. The rally-protest at the U.S. Embassy which had been planned for tomorrow is now cancelled. The family cited COVID-19 concerns as the reason.   


  1. Great reporting TSB! as usual.

  2. TSB: WA State since FEB has released 10000 peiaoners due to Covid-19. 288 of those were re-incarcerated due to parole violations. A pretty high rate. They plan to release 30% of all prisoners in the next year due to budget cuts. Seems like a bad time to "defund the police since I could get you heroin, meth
    or cocaine, psychedelics or any weed you like by tomorrow morning. 38 % of the
    long termers are for violent weapon enhance crimes. Sounds like a recipe for trouble. gwb

  3. Wholesale release of prisoners is a terrible practice. I only wish Congress would pass a bill to make government officials liable for harm caused by their actions. Ted Cruz is promoting one to make them liable for their INaction in ensuring public order, which would also be great.

    'Ordered liberty' is the goal under an English common law tradition. If that's too much order for the bunch that are running WA, or Portland, or Minneapolis, or dozens of other places, then they risk creating chaos. And chaos is just what it takes to provoke a popular backlash against liberty itself.

  4. TSB:If you turn on the tv this weekend the only news will be:Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dies At 87
    Wasn't Cruz the guy who couldn't decide if he wanted to be President or on the Supreme he ran for Senator to kill some time while he made up his mind? Now's his chance!! gwb

  5. Well now that Ginsberg is dead, we're having an election, and Trump's involved. The political food fight of the ages is upon us. If anyone thinks the Democrats will have a sudden impulse to take the "high road" in what they say or do, they'll need to check the color of the sky where they live.

  6. GWB: Well, the election was implicitly pretty much about who would fill the next SCOTUS vacancy, so now that is made explicit. On Senator Cruz, he always seemed to me to be temperamentally better suited to SCOTUS than the Senate, but I don't think he'll vacate his seat to take an appointment now.

    Sennacherib: This food fight will beat the one on Animal House. The high road? No one on Capitol Hill could find the high road with a GPS and a compass. I think they drove past the onramp to the high road sometime around 1954.

  7. TSB: Hillary was on with Rachel Madcow last night gushing over what a warm,kind loving person
    RGB was and a fierce fighter for women's rights even before they had the right to vote. And in 2016 Clinton, Obama Biden were all for getting a nominee passed before Trump took over. Now Biden wants to flip on that notion but it didn't sound like he had it in him last night with that 2 min 30 second statement. Harris has said she is for expanding the court, but then she had to walk that back. Now she will have to argue against a very experienced woman Catholic nominee who is anti-abortion and I assume doesn't have a creepy past. I don't think this is the campaign she was preparing for. Of course she still has that charisma that brought her zero electoral votes in CA. gwb I'm wondering, what do they do if Joe has a complete meltdown and decides to drop out? They might end up with a candidate who wants to debate on Joe Rogan?

  8. TSB: Cenk of TYT is so outraged that Trump might get a conservative judge thru the Senate that he came up with 5 things the Dems need to do to stop it. 1.Impeach him again because that takes precedence over SCOTUS hearings. (and then impeach him again if #1 doesn't work)
    2. Delay, delay, delay. 3.Threaten to put Hillary on the court and expand the court. I'll skip to #5. Refuse to raise the debt ceiling! That would shut down the government and make republicans heads explode he says.
    I thought that "peaceful rally" today went really well today, promising to name a well qualified woman as soon as Sunday or Monday. Lots of chants like "Where's Hunter"? TYT never mentions any pluses for Biden. I think they are getting desperate for cash. gwb

  9. TSB: Trump 'Approved' Assange Pardon In Exchange For Source Of DNC Leaks: Court Testimony...with trump saying recently he would be looking into the Assange case seriously this is big news because if Assange gets pardoned after a kangaroo trial in London it will be very bad for the ones who want him "neutralized" at all costs. gwb


    GWB: That Assange pardon report is nonsense. It consists of Assange's lawyer testifying that wacko ex-Congressman Dana Rohrabacher made such an offer in 2017. Rohrabacher was taking out of his ass, since he had no authority at all to do any such thing. Moreover, Assange has not been charged in any DNC hack; he's charged with publishing diplomatic cables stolen by ex-Private Bradley Manning.

  11. TSB: Portland Neighbors Frustrated After Police Take 90 Minutes Responding To Hostage Situation Involving 12-Year-Old
    It's official now. BLM, Portland Mayor and Governor Kate have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The police are DEFUNDED. All these years of religious leaders, social engineers in city government, gang warfare, segregation, education "reform".
    Turns out when you loose 58 police officers in 1 month it means you are a little short handed. I forgot all the $$$ they waisted on a 911 system that doesn't work. So they have no money and a lot of exhausted police after almost 4 months of nightly abuse from the same non-prosecutable people. 1 guy hallucinating did a lot of damage. Imagine when they let 30% of the prisoners out of jail. gwb

  12. TSB: Ted Cruz says RBG was the most amazing judge and litigator he ever knew. I hear that she established the legal principal that the South African Constitution is superior to the American Constitution because it is more "fair". So killing children, stealing people's property and money, destroying property doesn't seem as good as our constitution. But it does seem to be like what is going on in the Dem cities, DC, and NYC, Puerto Rico as well as the medical system. This sounds like a plan to dismantle the government and take it over by force, starting with the election, the supreme court and violence.gwb

  13. RBG did, indeed, recommended the SA constitution as a model for new countries over that of the USA at some conference of other once. I'll have to Google it for details, but I well remember that she said that.

    I've never read that constitution, but judging by conditions in SA, I would not want to live under it.


  14. This is a full in-context excerpt from the interview RBG gave to Egyptian news media in 2012 in which she discouraged Egyptians from writing a constitution based on the U.S. example.

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Jan. 30, 2012: "You should certainly be aided by all the constitution writing that has gone on since the end of World War II. I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012. I might look at the constitution of South Africa — that was a deliberate attempt to have a fundamental instrument of government that embraced basic human rights, had an independent judiciary. It really is, I think, a great piece of work that was done. Much more recently than the U.S. Constitution, Canada has the Charter of Rights and Freedoms — dates from 1982. You would almost certainly look at the European Convention on Human Rights. So, yes, why not take advantage of what there is elsewhere in the world?"

    Basically, she likes 'positive rights' (posts of things the government is supposed to do for you) over 'negative rights' (ones that limit what government may do to you).

    Personally, I'm with those who fear government and want it limited.

  15. Thanks TSB! It's nice to have that to share with people. gwb

  16. Well they're all coming out of the woodwork and it's quite a group!

  17. TSB: In order to stay awake during the debate last nite I alternated between a really bad football game and the debate. The really bad football game defitely won (21-20). I didn't see where Trump ever layed a glove on Biden and I was especially impressed that Fox News never did either.
    The moderator took up way too much of the 2 hrs with relentless "follow up"
    questions with 30 second responses neither candidate ever had a chance to make their case. Just repeat talking points that have been stated over and over by the MSM. A nice friendly argument between two corporate Republicans. Total waste of time. I say "REPUBLICAN" because no one was even allowed to see that big elephant in the room. The corrupt business deals made by Joe for the past 10 year and the total lack of any policy for the next 4 years. gwb

  18. TSB: 10 years ago, April 7-10 2010 H met in the "Great Hall of China with their top financial executives. He was introduced by the head of Thornton Partners. This is in Section 4: How China Captured Joe Biden. "Bloomberg"
    Fast-forwarding to 2010 (the report has all the interim details), we read that between April 7-9, 2010, "HUNTER was introduced by LIN to China’s most powerful government controlled financial institutions." Here the report notes that "while the English news item is no longer accessible on Thornton’s website, but the Chinese version remains."

    Only that's no longer the case, because since the publication of this report, it appears that someone had a keen interest in quickly removing that particular URL as can be seen here. However, courtesy of the wayback machine, we can see what the Thornton consulting website, which was summarily taken down in the past 3-4 weeks, had to say as of this Sept 26 (after which the website just disappears) snapshot: (So, the cover up is important because it would be the end of the D Party if revealed. Hunter's share of that 10 yr old deal would be about $50 million. gwb

  19. GWB: I'd say he laid a glove on Biden with that question about "who built the cages?" That was a good jab.

    Whichever way the election goes, the news about that China ("Chy-naa") moneytrain is going to keep coming out, and if Joe is in the White House when it does, it's going to get very ugly.
