Saturday, November 27, 2021

Harry Dunn Case: Next Hearing December 1, and the Damages $ May Be Severely Disappointing

As we last heard, a settlement of some kind was agreed to between the main parties, but the closure of the legal case has been delayed by a lien brought by the Dunn family's first set of U.S. lawyers, who would like to be compensated for their work on the case before the family gets anything. 

Exactly how much money are we talking about, you may wonder? According to unreliable and unsourced UK Twitter gossip - but which nonetheless comes from a qualified UK lawyer - the judge hearing the case in the Eastern District U.S. Federal Court, Alexandria, said during the last hearing that he will strictly apply UK law to set the amount of the monetary settlement. That is very, very, bad news for the plaintiffs, since UK law on damages in such cases is as clear as it is parsimonious. 

Under that law, the Fatal Injuries Act of 1976, families of fatal accident victims get only "reasonable funeral expenses" and a small cash payment, usually capped at £2,500. Damages for bereavement are capped at £15,000 pounds - and may be out of bounds anyway since Harry Dunn was not a minor, meaning that his parents are not permitted to make a claim - and there is no such thing as punitive damages. 

Also according to that unreliable and unsourced - but nevertheless generally accurate - UK Twitter gossip, the Dunn family is trying to pry potential lifetime earnings for their deceased son out of the U.S. driver's insurance company. That does not appear to be an option under UK law, however, it's probably the only remaining possible source for the multi-million-dollar payday that the family's horrendously bad advisor has been promising them for over two years now. 

Bear in mind that the deceased was 19, unemployed, and not in school. What kind of lifetime earnings might he have had? A UK resident has an average annual income of barely £30,000 pounds and a UK male has a life expectancy of about 82 years. You do the math. In the best case scenario, that would still fall short of the family's McDonalds-coffee-spill-lawsuit dreams. 

After all that activity in a U.S. court, will it come down to the same paltry settlement that the family could have gotten by suing in a UK court two years ago, minus whatever cut their two sets of lawyers will get? That could be the case.
If it is, the bright spot might be the long-overdue disenchantment of the Dunn family with that pied piper they have followed every day and every step of the way to this point. 


  1. TSB: Wednesday SCOTUS takes up the question of Roe vs Wade. The problem is that tat abortion is not a right mentioned in the US Constitution so the regulation of it should be reserved to the states. A lot of things have changed since I was born and adopted. For one: the title: Abortionist has been outlawed. They should bring it back. gwb

  2. TSB:I listened to the questions SCOTUS jUSTICES asked on abortion today and it was clear that most of them do not want to be blamed for making a "political" decision. The "DEMONSTRATORS" outside appeared to be 100% white women!

    There is no way SCOTUS is going to touch this one.gwb

  3. TSB; Big news from pfizer today: Dec 2,2021 Smoking gun Pfizer document exposes FDA criminal cover-up of VACCINE DEATHS Due to a FOIA request Pfizer was forced by a judge to release a "summary" of adverse events on Feb. 22,2021.
    Among other things it shows 22,000 spontaneous abortions after just 1 dose Pfizer vaccine and an extreme increase in suicidal and psychotic behavior in both men and women mostly in the 30-50 yr age range. WHO is reporting similar increases in the most vaccinated nations. A number of diseases have never been seen in children: Gillan Barre, Syndrome, MI, strokes, mental retardation. gwb

  4. TSB: I'm glad I saw this interview today with Dr. Steve KIrsch, PhD, MD because he blew my smallpox vaccine scheme out of the water. Evidently, There is no more deadly vaccination than the snallpox vaccine.

    He and his family wer triple vaccinated prior to March 2021 and then he started hearing about bad outcomesfrom other doctors. He quit his high tech analyst job and started investigating. All of his former friends from the 3 letter agencies were banned from talking to him. gwb WH keeps he lis!

  5. TSB:There is a new candidate for Governor in Arizona: Kari Lake. The election is August 22,2022 and after just 3 weeks she already has enough verified signatures to make the ballot; faster than anyone in Arizona history. She is endorsed by Donald Trump and so far has had NO CORPORATE FUNDING OR OUT OF STATE FUNDING. She is for freedom of speech, freedom from mandates and working with the legislature, especially in EDUCATION! Her campaign is run by volunteers from all walks of life and every town in the state. gwb starts at min:2:40
    Lake for

  6. TSB: Bitcoin went from $59 million to $35million overnite which is 17% in just a matter of a few hours. This has wiped out a lot of "speculators" but the bigger problem is what triggered the crash. It was most likely the Friday announcenent by Evergrande that it is no longer able to make it's bond payments. Most large money center banks are invested in those bonds as are most pension funds and large corporations, probably alos the Federal Reserve. gwb
    Looks like the "FAST MONEY' crowd has been lying to the public again.
