Thursday, June 2, 2022

White House Press Secretary Can't Help CBS News


C'mon, man! I wish the White House press office would stop the malarkey. 

The new Assistant to the President and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told CBS News' Ed OKeefe that she just plain didn't know what he meant when he asked her about President Biden's fanciful claim that he had been appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965. 

She "did not hear that part of the speech ... I need to read it myself, and just go back and see what you're talking about exactly. I can't speak to it right now." 

That anecdote of Biden's was the very first thing he said in his remarks to the graduating class at Annapolis, as you can read for yourself in the transcript put out by Jean-Pierre's very own press office on May 29th. 

I only hope that, somewhere, Marie Harf is warming up to take over the press office. Biden needs some competent help there as he heads into the mid-term elections.


  1. The Sennacherib wonders "How could Biden be possibly helped"?

  2. Good question. Probably it would help if they kept him in his basement and away from the news media, the same way he campaigned. Minimize his opportunities to speak.

    It came out a couple days ago that he has 70 people working on his media accounts, so you'd think that they could run things while Biden takes a lot of naps.

  3. The Sennacherib doesn't believe you can change the laws of physics ( apparently Libs think they can) or save Joe Biden, only time will tell.

  4. Only time, I agree. We're in uncharted territory here, with a POTUS who evidently needs an intervention.

  5. The Sennacherib has become concerned as to your fate! Perhaps burning alive a Chaldean would help, it always seems to put spring into The Sennacherib's step

  6. Burn a Chaldean? Without them what would Detroit do for Quickie-Marts? I have a soft spot for Chaldeans.

    It's a tricky business to burn anyone these days, what with all the phone cameras.

  7. The Sennacherib agrees, but still feels that Chaldeans with their strange stilted way of talking and elaborate clothing are rather silly people at best!

  8. That description might apply more to the Chaldeans in Windsor, across the river from Detroit. They've got that stilted Canadian way of pronouncing oout, hoose, and aboout.

    Windsor is best thought of as 'Detroit after the maid has been in.'
