Sunday, September 18, 2022

POTUS In London: You Die, We Fly

He and his retinue, almost alone among heads of state attending the funeral, will not queue up to ride in electric buses for the ceremony. No, POTUS will have his customary G-ride which will be surrounded by seemingly dozens of the most heavily armored support vehicles on earth, and none of them green. 

On a totally unrelated matter, isn't that British term "queue" rather poetic? The first letter says it all, and is followed by four more letters that wait silently in line.  


  1. At least Biden remembered how to do the personal sign of the cross, the media made sure we knew.

  2. The Sennacherib is very worried about the economy. But President Biden is not.

  3. I'm worried too, especially when I look at my disappearing 401-K. But wait, Biden's spokespersons all say the economy is doing great!

    That's confusing, since I rely on the USG for truth. But, I'm going to have to go with my own eyes and ears on this one and agree with you that Biden is totally missing the boat on this very worrisome economy.
