Thursday, January 26, 2023

Congratulations Wordsmiths, State Gets an A+ For Plain Writing

Sadly, compliance with that Act has not been uniformly great. For 2022 the average federal agency scored a mere C, which may not come as a surprise to you if you are familiar with any federal agencies. But I am pleased to report the State Department got an A+. See the Federal Report Card for 2022 here

So, what accounts for this competent drafting? Did State start passing out the Elements of Style, which once upon a time was a routine handout for new college students? That would be good. 

Better yet, it could stock all offices and annexes with collections of Hemingway novels! Now there was some good plain writing. 

"You must face the white bull that is a screen with no text on it" were his exact words of advice to writers, I think I recall from one or another of his stories. 
All you have to do is write one real bullet point. Make your action memo a clean, well-lighted place. Write the truest Ambassador Briefing Checklist you know. 

That's some good stuff, even if we no longer drink grappa all day long and write with pencils in little French notebooks. 


  1. That they have to have a law for plain writing speaks volumes!

  2. That Plain Writing Act got lost in the noise, apparently, since I'd never come across it before. It reminds me of my favorite Presidential Administration, that of 'Silence Cal' Coolidge. He said as little as possible, but when he did it was plain.

  3. My favorite was Millard Fillmore who led the last honest political party ( The No Nothings)!

  4. It's the Know Nothing's, but what do I know!

  5. I love the names of those old parties, like the Know Nothings and especially the American Whig Party. The AWP really represented my interests better than any other party, but they went underground around 1856. I'd get involved in politics if they ever surfaced.

  6. I love the totally free-wheeling style of those old political parties. We need to bring that back and have 4, 6, 10, or 12 parties. That might get people voting again.

    IIRC they have a Braveheart Party in UK election where the candidates dress up like Mel Gibson, painted faces and all. That's the sprit!

  7. That WAS a pretty beautiful Chi-Com balloon, I admit. But just possibly one of those could be used to carry air-launched cruise missiles pretty sheathily, so I have to harden my heart and hope that we continue to blow them up. Only next time, do it a whole lot sooner.

  8. Hah, I bet the administration shoots the next down while it's being manufactured in China.

  9. If I'm silent for awhile ( you should be so lucky) it's because of some family issues.

  10. James - I'm very sorry to hear of that, and I hope you and your family will handle any troubles in good order. One step at a time, and ask for help when you need it. Best wishes to you.
